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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


Crap. I think my save file just corrupted. I'm playing on 360.

I saved my game when I reached the Base Approach and now when I load my file, it automatically loads with me falling down through all the structures.

Anyone else have this issue or know if I can save my file or something before I have to restart the game?


Ok, so played another solid chunk today. Really enjoying it. Some of the scale and art in these monetary areas is gorgeous, as is the use of wind. It's weird, because as much as I find the tombs far far too few and far between, there is a crap load to collect throughout the game. Maybe too much, though I do enjoy collecting and upgrading all my stuff. The upgrades do feel largely unnecessary though, as the game thus far has been far too easy on Medium.

Obviously there are many similarities to Uncharted, however there are differences too. To me Tomb Raider is a bit more open in certain areas, and perhaps a bit more comprehensive when it comes to things to do in any given area. Having said that, the actual linear bits are far behind Uncharted. They just don't seem as polished or well thought out. There's a slight janky rushed'ness to some of the on the rails linear bits, that by contrast often seem more fluid and expertly visualised in the Uncharted franchise.

Overall Uncharted does characters, polish, linear segments, set piece scripted segments, narrative deployment, visuals, elements of combat and animations better, sometimes much better. But Tomb Raider does gameplay variety, less linear segments, scale and overall length slightly better. At both of the games peaks, Tomb Raider can't touch Uncharted, but as an entire package, in many ways Tomb Raider is very much as enjoyable, just not as profound or quite as well polished. Uncharted's best moments really do leave a lasting impression, whereas Tomb Raider's sort of temporarily linger. I'd say Tomb Raider was the jack of all trades, master of none, whereas Uncharted is more focused in what it tries to achieve, and does specific things better than any other franchise.


Wow, polarizing thoughts on GAF. One second it's good/play it recommendations and then it's really shit. Honestly, enjoying the game but I agree, TR ain't edging out Uncharted anytime soon.


I have all the collectibles except some of the challenges and well... I'm kind of thinking fuck them at the moment. I'll probably chip away at them here and there, but some of them have been eluding me.


I think the real problem is in an ideal world we wouldn't even be comparing this to Uncharted because they'd be rather uncomparable. Tomb Raider continuing to be a platformer/adventure focused series and Uncharted about action and setpieces. Sure there was always someone comparing the two series, but their gameplay focuses were so different that you'd just ignore those people.


I think the real problem is in an ideal world we wouldn't even be comparing this to Uncharted because they'd be rather uncomparable. Tomb Raider continuing to be a platformer/adventure focused series and Uncharted about action and setpieces. Sure there was always someone comparing the two series, but their gameplay focuses were so different that you'd just ignore those people.

I think the issue was that most people ignored Tomb Raider in general. The reboot looks to have fixed that pretty well, and really modernized a lot of stuff - namely the combat, as well as the art and tone of the series.

I think it's clearly a labor of love, and you can tell because of all the attention to detail they put into this game. They were clearly excited about it and wanted to try something different. I'd rather the developers do what they want, instead of being chained to making the same kind of game for decades.

I'm sure they'll try hard to top themselves in the inevitable sequel, and I look forward to that. I'd rather they just work on something new. All the old Tomb Raider games still exist for people who want to play them. They even did an HD re-release of some of them didn't they?


Finished it last night on normal with 100% completion. Loved every minute of it, especially having gone in with pretty moderate expectations.

Will definitely be in my top ten for the year unless there is an unexpected onslaught in the back half of the year or something.

I also didn't feel like there was too much combat. Maybe that was because I did a lot of exploring in each level. Definitely not as shooting heavy as Uncharted and definitely nowhere near a CoD.

The traversal/platforming was great and felt like it required more skill than Uncharted or Assassin's Creed (neither of which require much).

I really liked the atmosphere, level design, RPG elements and the combat.

I also didn't find the difference between what you are doing and the way the character acts in cutscenes to be as jarring as Far Cry 3 or Uncharted.

Can't wait for a sequel.


Just beat it at 76%.
The fight with Mathias was pretty lame
, but on the whole I love the hell out of it. Can't wait for more.


I think the issue was that most people ignored Tomb Raider in general. The reboot looks to have fixed that pretty well, and really modernized a lot of stuff - namely the combat, as well as the art and tone of the series.

I think it's clearly a labor of love, and you can tell because of all the attention to detail they put into this game. They were clearly excited about it and wanted to try something different. I'd rather the developers do what they want, instead of being chained to making the same kind of game for decades.

I still feel they could have achieved most of what they did in this reboot (new start for Lara, better presentation, one location, better combat, gear-gating) to get people excited again without losing what made the series so unique and special (challenging platforming and puzzles). Modernizing elements of the series doesn't mean it has to completely change its focus I don't think. Nor does it mean they have to simplify the platforming and puzzles so much.
Uncharted's best moments really do leave a lasting impression, whereas Tomb Raider's sort of temporarily linger

It often feels like they're temporarily lingering even while they're happening. Every setpiece just seems to go on a BIT too long and too far. It almost makes Uncharted feel conservative and controlled by comparison. Never thought I'd say something like that.

Might have something to do with the tone coloring my perception of the action. It's awfully grimdark and it gets a bit exhausting watching Lara destroy and get destroyed... the color, joking around and feeling of pulpy derring-do just isn't there to offset the carnage. And I really have no interest in revisiting Lara or anybody else in this game. Looking forward to playing the sequel for the action, but not for the characters or fiction.

Very good game though. I wish it was harder, but I love how agile you are in combat, and this game does fun things using verticality. I love not being glued to the ground in UC and this, leaping around, sticking and moving, mixing up melee and shootbang. Although I missed not being able to hang and shoot.

K' Dash

credits are rolling, finished at 91%, loved every minute of it, I'd play it again if there was a new game +, since there isn't, I'm moving to Binary Domain, then Dead Space 3 DLC.


God I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to play much.

This game is so good. I love looking at every nook and cranny in these levels. I'm about 25% through right now.

Also someone at Crystal Dynamics must read my GAF posts:

When I first played the game I thought it would have been cool to do the reveal this way:
Nathan and Eddie get caught in a trap, one of those ones where you hang upside down with your foot caught and they start coming after you while you are hanging upside down and you have to quickly shoot yourself and eddie down or you're ass is toast

What I just played is almost exactly like that. It's freaky.


credits are rolling, finished at 91%, loved every minute of it, I'd play it again if there was a new game +, since there isn't, I'm moving to Binary Domain, then Dead Space 3 DLC.

Yeah got the DS DLC myself. Wondering does anyone know if there will be any new story DLC for Tomb Raider? Would love to jump back in the world. I'd even take a zombie island DLC ala Red Dead


I think the issue was that most people ignored Tomb Raider in general. The reboot looks to have fixed that pretty well, and really modernized a lot of stuff - namely the combat, as well as the art and tone of the series.

I think it's clearly a labor of love, and you can tell because of all the attention to detail they put into this game. They were clearly excited about it and wanted to try something different. I'd rather the developers do what they want, instead of being chained to making the same kind of game for decades.

I'm sure they'll try hard to top themselves in the inevitable sequel, and I look forward to that. I'd rather they just work on something new. All the old Tomb Raider games still exist for people who want to play them. They even did an HD re-release of some of them didn't they?

The problem is that they were so in love with their work that they couldn't trust the player to experience it without heavily guiding them, taking away all skill requirements for traversal, and neutering and optionalizing puzzles. They didn't really make something new, they just added a bunch of extraneous elements from other popular games, reduced the quality of traversal and puzzles, and shifted the gameplay focus in favor of combat (improved for the franchise, but still not great) to the point of exhaustion. It's not like they had to use the IP if they wanted to make something not like the IP.


Have I not been catching up on the latest comparisons? Opinions (and comparisons to Uncharted) vary but instead of hate, I'd say some feel basically meth about it.

I loved it. I just hope the sequel finds a way to weave more raiding of kick-ass tombs. In regards to capturing the mystique of underground caverns, Uncharted wins this round.
How about instead of throwing about vague terms like "hate," you address the specific criticisms that people have generously expounded up in great detail?
Sure, I'll clarify. I was responding mainly to this statement, which is vague in itself and did not include justification for the criticisms:
Like tomb raider it was a movie from a long dead franchise that didn't need to be brought back, but a creatively bankrupt industry was looking for a few more sympathy dollars. And because the main star needed work.
To that non-fleshed-out statement I responded with my own simple statement. The point of it was that, on balance, the game does enough things well that it does not deserve the level of negativity (i.e. hate) that some are leveling at it (for example, the poster I quoted above). For a decent summary of what the game does well, please see this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=49761819&postcount=8556 or this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=49724658&postcount=8471

Is that a decent enough elaboration? In all seriousness, though, what I should have done was quote the comment that primarily fueled the response.
Actually had a blast with the MP this afternoon, a lot of fun when you're playing with people who know what they're doing (meanwhile, I certainly didn't).


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Started this yesterday. It's been a long time since this happened, but I couldn't put the game down. It flows really well from the start, and before I knew it, it was 2 AM. Played one long session until
I escaped from the room with the giant bell, after avoiding the giant guardian thing.
I want to double back and explore previous areas for goodies, but I can't bring myself to it because I'm swept up in the campaign. It feels like Uncharted with more room for exploring and going off the main path. Can't wait to dive into this again.


An blind dancing ho
Not bad. From what I've played of TR so far, thankfully didn't have to pay for it, my view is this - they had a good idea and pretty much decided to do everything possible to destroy it through the process of the game's development.

In which Lara screams a lot

The concept is a fairly decent one, if you only look at it on the surface - a giant island, metroidvania-esque (although this element is almost comically exaggerated by the game's defenders, so far as I can tell so far), maybe some disparate survival elements and some BASIC platforming mechanics that wouldn't necessarily be a bad foundation for a game which didn't have platforming designed by (or at least inspired by) someone who is a nearly blind 80 year old grandfather whose hands are contorted into a shape like a truck ran over them and whose entire idea of games is 'i think that is something on the screen; I like when things are on the screen' and whose sole idea about life is 'i think the whole point of sex and human interaction in general is to be a serial killer'.

But I'll try to break it down

Proof of a nearly blind 80-year old grandfather with crippled hands who is also a serial killer being the inspiration for the game's design

● Why do we have the ability to change platforming jumps mid-air? There's essentially no real way to fail at platforming unless you actively try to kill yourself just to remember what games used to be like, back before they sucked:


Pic is only slightly exaggerated for effect. I guess this is one of those bulletpoints so they can say "see, control" even though the actual effect through level design is that it means less than jack and only microscopically more than shit? Seriously, this game has some of the most ill conceived and bullshit "platforming" segments I've encountered this gen. You have a foundation that could work for platforming with depth... but hey, why don't we just toss that all out the window? At least Uncharted knew what it was so you didn't feel like it should be something more, because it was just all suck. TR makes you feel like it could be more and then diarrhea's in your face for thinking it.

● Why is the whole island littered with bullshit? Because an 80 year-year old grandfather who is also blind would need the potential of just randomly stumbling into shit every other second, so they can pretend they're making "progress" toward a goal of some sort. Of course the fact that the goal is so pathetic that it makes DK64 look competent by comparison is beside the point; the old blind man just wants to hear the the satisfying "i found something" sound. Although, to Tomb Raider's credit, it was sort of nice they implemented the ability to look around at some of your items and find out a bit more about it. +.03 for that effort.

● Why is there a WIN button? (survival instincts) Because an 80 year old nearly blind grandfather needs to be sure he can see GIANT GLOWING MARKERS over anything of import. It's not even remotely subtle, it's like a fucking satellite guided ULTRA beam, of the sort government militaries might be capable of summoning with a 500 million dollar budget. I'm sure Lara Croft can manage, she is rich after all.

● Combat is definitely improved from past TR games; of course every self-respecting Tomb Raider fan knows that is because nobody wanted fucking gobs of nonsense combat in their TR games. But by necessity, because after the first 2 or 3 hours you'll be running into somebody every 3 seconds, and that's really the meat of the game... it is better. But of course it's completely unbalanced in every way and like any good nearly blind 80 year old grandfathers require by necessity, QTEs are liberally peppered everywhere in these encounters so that even he has the potential to win by luck. And naturally because it's also just stupidly unbalanced, you really don't need to do anything but shoot people with arrows all day, unless you waste time with a shotgun. I guess the reason they might exist besides that is the multiplayer, but of course that's just a bullshit mode not worth even a second of anyone's time. Yes, yes, I know [i]you[/i] - whoever it is that will respond to this and predictably claim I'm stating my opinions as fact, even though it's self-evident it's all opinions - liked the multiplayer, but imo (look I'm writing it out!) that just means you like garbage multiplayer modes. Hey, everyone has one of those. Some reason I stick around to play Kingdom Hearts games, and those games fucking blow more than fucking...I dunno, some volcano that blows a lot.

● This game has to be the most pointlessly sadistic game ever. Lara Croft just dies endlessly in the most brutal ways imaginable if you let her, or you fail some QTE. Of course you're far more likely to randomly fail a QTE than anything else in this game on Hard difficulty, because I'd say the game is easy as pie but that's probably an insult to pie. Lara Croft is sad and completely horrified every time she has to overcome some new hurdle (EX: "oh god I have to climb THERE!? I was afraid you'd say that..." Even though she had already run out of a burning building, been nearly eaten by wolves, made hugely exaggerated leaps with considerable height), and then literally within 10 seconds she is fucking Gabe Walker in Cliffhanger or Rocky Balboa. There is incongruity between narrative and gameplay and then there is THIS. Game has no idea what it wants to be at any point.

● The visuals are fairly nice on a top of the line rig, which I do own. But the important element is the atmosphere, does it pull it off? It pulls off [u]A[/u] atmosphere that is nice on its own terms. Of course for me it pales in comparison to the ultra isolationist feel of the best TR segments of the best TR games (of which this one isn't even on any best-of TR list, since it's not a Tomb Raider game), which actually made you feel at times like you were exploring ancient tombs weathered by centuries of disuse, but I will at least give it credit where it's owed. I guess even a nearly blind 80 year old grandfather prefers pretty looking blurry screens to just shit blurred out on a screen. +3

● The story... LOL. I mean I'll not post more on this until I beat it, but seriously... LOL.

● Can this game glitch out more often (PC)? I've had Lara Croft get stuck between rocks to force a reset; Lara Croft's face turned black; Lara Croft's arrow got like stuck floating in front of her; one time a dead bunnies carcass stuck to my leg for like 30 seconds. Let's see, one time instead of grabbing onto a pole she just decided to randomly hit it and not grab on... one time she died because the QTE didn't work no matter how hard I tried to ram the button, etc etc. The list goes on. As with my experience with Uncharted 2 and [url=http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x55/Amir0x/UnchartedGlitch02.jpg]how buggy[/url] [url=http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x55/Amir0x/UnchartedGlitch01.jpg]that was[/url], your personal experience may vary. Since none of my bugs were really game breaking, I'll just slightly deduct points. As this relates to a nearly blind 80 year old grandfather, I'm unsure, but my current working theory is that the designers just felt how would he notice? Dude's nearly blind!

● Set pieces. Here they are, the much vaunted (lol) core of the Uncharted copycatting, and it's probably more shameless than even the worst detractors would expect. Most of them are tension-less minute or two long segments of dumb nonsense which are sometimes almost literally ripped straight out of an Uncharted game or some other game which copied Uncharted. Oh look she's climbing up an airplane fuselage, oh look it creaks and falls down slightly with no danger to Lara Croft's personage whatsoever. What a shock! Oh look, a building is on fire, now you have to run out of it before it falls on you - of course, you'd basically have to be petrified by some enemy in FFVI to actually fail this part... or, conveniently, be a nearly blind 80 year old grandfather. Hey, some bridge or boardwalk is collapsing. Hey, blah blah blah. You could probably predict what else I would say just based on how much time you've wasted with modern AAA videogames. Shamefully, I've wasted more than I care to admit. Segments are neither enjoyable or particularly well designed spectacle... just dumb. They are always devoid of challenge, with an extremely obvious exit out of the fake danger, and act basically as a cutscene where you can occasionally press forward or maybe stab an enemy quickly. Or maybe QTEs!

[b]The End[/b]

The list can go on forever, but I'll just limit it here until I finish the game. I give the game [b]a 3/10, maybe a 4[/b] because I fucking adored the way Camille Luddington or whatever her name says that bit of dialogue on the green fan: "Could have been used by a villager or a noble, maybe." Her voice acting was shit basically, but she had some adorable way of saying some words.[/QUOTE]

Nice to finally read your thoughts on the game.

many here in this thread had a similar feel about the game([URL="http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=49328547&postcount=6703"]I gave it 5/10 [/URL]),it's just weird to see professional games reviewers not seeing all the big issues(and there are many) with the game here.
Nice to finally read your thoughts on the game.

many here in this thread had a similar feel about the game(I gave it 5/10 ),it's just weird to see professional games reviewers not seeing all the big issues(and there are many) with the game here.
I disagree with what you say re the professional game reviews. most reviews do notice the problems that are being mentioned here, but those problems do not impact their enjoyment of the game to the extent it seems to have impacted you and some others here. Personally I really enjoyed the game from start to finish, even though I did notice some of the issues being pointed out, it's simply that those issues did not detract enough to make the game, on balance, a bad game.

if anything, this game has me looking forward to the inevitable sequel. And it is clear that the game creators put a lot of effort into this game. This was not a situation in which they were simply trying to get a product out the door.
Amirox brought something interesting with the no fail cinematic moments. The problem with then is a lack of agency. In and of themselves, they're pretty fantastical but the sheen disappears when you realize it might as well be a cutscene. How about making those everything-crumbles ledge navigating segments an actual challenge. Some ledges collapsing as soon as any weight is applied or something like a fatigue system where Lara could scale cliff faces with just her axe (maybe some climbing boots too) but overexerting herself could lead to her falling. So there's an incentive for finding an optimal existing path (that isn't immediately known, maybe randomize it) at the same time you could go commando and pray to God you find a spot to rest. I'd appreciate that and it'd be Lara's self motivation would be warranted.

Doing the shit that Lara should be fucking terrifying and it's a shame that it isn't communicate that in a substantial way.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.

lol, I agree
Damn that reminds me I still want my Jackie Chans Armour Of God game


Lots of nice comments in here.

I'll add mine :

whether good or not, I'm stuck into the game like a penis into a new pussy.
Can't tell if it's a one-off thing and I'll say bad things afterwards, but damn...I can't stop playing...Woke-up with swollen eyes and I dared not check the time when I went to bed.

Game will be finished tonight after two sittings.
Usually it's one sitting for a game I fell in love with, so I'll give credit to the devs for putting out a relatively lengthy SP.


Started this yesterday. It's been a long time since this happened, but I couldn't put the game down. It flows really well from the start, and before I knew it, it was 2 AM. Played one long session until
I escaped from the room with the giant bell, after avoiding the giant guardian thing.
I want to double back and explore previous areas for goodies, but I can't bring myself to it because I'm swept up in the campaign. It feels like Uncharted with more room for exploring and going off the main path. Can't wait to dive into this again.

just play through the game and explore the island afterwards.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
These bricks I have lying over here make terrible wheels. Therefore, I don't see their point.
Rented this game from redbox on sunday and have been really really enjoying it. I really havent gotten into a game in the past year, couldnt even tell you the last game i played to completion.

I can see the uncharted comparisons, but the way I described the game to my buddy is its more like the Batman Arkham Asylum, where you have these little mini open worlds you can run around and explore. I think im nearly through the game, just reached a beach not too long ago.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Haven't even touched multiplayer yet. Would you say it's fun enough to just dabble into or is it too restricted for people not interested in the level grind?

It's fun to dabble in. I've played a game or two every night for the past few days and it's just mindless fun. It's pretty simplistic insofar as the lack of extensive loadouts and attachments, the aiming is a little fidgety, and matches are only 4v4, but it has a janky charm.
Wow, polarizing thoughts on GAF. One second it's good/play it recommendations and then it's really shit. Honestly, enjoying the game but I agree, TR ain't edging out Uncharted anytime soon.

Eh, it's pretty much just the same small group of people being extra vocal about not liking it with Amir0x leading the charge. Most love the game.
And in a lot of ways Tomb Raider >>> Uncharted.
Haven't even touched multiplayer yet. Would you say it's fun enough to just dabble into or is it too restricted for people not interested in the level grind?

Yeah, it's definitely fun just to dabble in. If you've ever played a third person shooter game you'd get into it fast. It's very simple.

But it can get very frustrating with some players who are great with the bow. Lots of 1 kill hits with bow and shotguns. Can't see myself playing it in the long run though, it needs alot of work... balancing, tweaks, smoother animations... trying to shoot at someone who rolls is impossible. They really should've had a beta.
Just finished it and I am impressed. This was a fun game and I would love to see it more. I didn't think the story was up to snuff and Lara was interesting enough for me to care.


Yeah from what I read here it's about 75% that dont mind the hands looking like a 80 years old and 15% that hate the game with 1% that hates the hands... :p

Seriously,it's too bad that besides Sam and Roth that are kinda cool,all the rest of the supporting cast are pretty weak...if they add a cast like Uncharted for example or a chemistry like Skies of Arcadia let's say,the game would be a masterpiece :p ;)...seriously,I love it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I love the game, but don't make me slap you now.

Lots of people think Tomb Raider bests Uncharted in lots of areas. Better exploration/traversal, weapon upgrading, even the moment-to-moment gunplay.

I personally say Uncharted 2 > Tomb Raider = Uncharted 3 > Uncharted 1.


what the hell Lara? she couldn't kiss
on the mouth right before
his self scarify

I really don't like the mele-kill animation. the bad guy stands up for Lara to kill him, wtf?

Overall a pretty enjoyable game but isn't better than Uncharted 2 or 3.
Lots of people think Tomb Raider bests Uncharted in lots of areas. Better exploration/traversal, weapon upgrading, even the moment-to-moment gunplay.

I personally say Uncharted 2 > Tomb Raider = Uncharted 3 > Uncharted 1.

Eh, it's pretty much just the same small group of people being extra vocal about not liking it with Amir0x leading the charge. Most love the game.
And in a lot of ways Tomb Raider >>> Uncharted.

Exploration definitely and ummmmm yeah thats it.

Which is okay TR is its own thing as is Uncharted I just hope the gap widens between them with the next game.


I thought the gunplay in Tomb Raider was much better than Uncharted too. I was never annoyed with the firefights in TR either, even in the later stages of the game.
Exploration definitely and ummmmm yeah thats it.

Which is okay TR is its own thing as is Uncharted I just hope the gap widens between them with the next game.

Tomb Raider has better combat, much better atmosphere, better controls (dat automatic cover system!), better platforming (allowing Lara to move direction when jumping is fantastic as is her sense of weight), better level design, better sound design, pacing right up there with Uncharted 2 and is much better at letting you explore with more open areas. It feels more 'gamey' if that makes any sense. And to be perfectly honest....the graphics at certain points impress me just as much as Uncharted 3 did. The art style goes a long way in Tomb Raider and is GOD TIER! And all of that is coming from a massive Uncharted fan.
Yeah if you're getting shot at just jump and roll around a lot. It's impossible to get hit that way lol.

Lord, I was playing in some game with randoms who were around 30-40 in rank... all they did was jump, shoot, jump, shoot... the only kills I got in that game were from traps and grenades I think, maybe one or two kills with the rifle. I'm kinda crap at aiming but I've won alot of FFA games but that match just showed how easy it was not to get killed by just jumping around... so I've started doing it whenever I'm close to dying and I survive most of the time.
Tomb Raider has better combat, much better atmosphere, better controls (dat automatic cover system!), better platforming (allowing Lara to move direction when jumping is fantastic as is her sense of weight), better level design, better sound design, pacing right up there with Uncharted 2 and is much better at letting you explore with more open areas. It feels more 'gamey' if that makes any sense. And to be perfectly honest....the graphics at certain points impress me just as much as Uncharted 3 did. The art style goes a long way in Tomb Raider and is GOD TIER! And all of that is coming from a massive Uncharted fan.

I 100% agree on the platforming aspects and overall level design. There are two areas in TR that are remarkable in that regard but the pacing for me is really bad when looking at the game as a whole. I love the beginning areas and especially Mountain Village but Shantytown and Fortress are so bad that it almost soured me so I took a long break from the game. Thankfully the game picks back up with the best area in the game - The Beach. Overall its too up and down for me to say the pacing is better. Combat is really fun but not as satisfying as UC is for me but thats because I love the challenge that UC gives. Graphics are to inconsistent for every windy temple you have other areas that just don't hold up as well. I will say though that the graphical highs are very high. Obviously just my op.

I will say this. When ND show the next Uncharted game and CD show the next TR I will be excited about both for completely different reasons.


Tomb Raider has better combat, much better atmosphere, better controls (dat automatic cover system!), better platforming (allowing Lara to move direction when jumping is fantastic as is her sense of weight), better level design, better sound design, pacing right up there with Uncharted 2 and is much better at letting you explore with more open areas. It feels more 'gamey' if that makes any sense. And to be perfectly honest....the graphics at certain points impress me just as much as Uncharted 3 did. The art style goes a long way in Tomb Raider and is GOD TIER! And all of that is coming from a massive Uncharted fan.

I love it when Lara changes her pose when enemies are around and the use of cover, as if she's actually trying to be careful.

Was wondering since I'm at 80% mark with the game... If I fast travel back to the earlier areas, will they respawn some mooks for some real combat?


I think the games are different enough that it's hard to compare both uncharted and tomb raider at least IMO.

I've put around 10 hours into Tomb Raider and I am enjoying it, I think it has alot going for it.


Come on Tricky, saying TR has better platforming than Uncharted is like saying getting Herpes is better than terminal cancer. Yeah what a victory.
I love it when Lara changes her pose when enemies are around and the use of cover, as if she's actually trying to be careful.

Was wondering since I'm at 80% mark with the game... If I fast travel back to the earlier areas, will they respawn some mooks for some real combat?

Yeah it does and its the best part of the game.
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