Neo Member
In criticism, you can't say you don't like something, you must say what exactly you don't agree with and why you feel that way.
To be fair, you were sort of an unfair target. It's an attitude I see all over NeoGAF, the idea that you can only discuss a game a certain way and other ways "aren't valid" or "NeoGAF is just so darn negative why can't they remember that games are fun!!! (PS fun means only one thing if you disagree with me I'll push you into a scrub brush)" and I was just getting incredibly sick of it. You weren't being nearly as bad as most people and I'm sorry for picking on you.
To be fair to the other side, Skilletor HAS given the reasons why he's so down on the game. He's given them a number of times. That time he said a throwaway comment that I agree was a bit unnecessary, but it's not like he's never given a measured critique. He doesn't have to write a huge one in every post, just like posters who are enjoying the game a whole lot don't have to back up every single thing they say so long as they aren't just trolling (which I think Skilletor isn't).
Finally, I don't agree with your point that there is some objective measure of quality here that means some criticisms are out of bounds. If some people thought the game was really bad and they didn't enjoy it much at all, I don't think pointing to sales figures or the general reception is a fair response. In a lot of cases people who are being "over the top" in their negativity are just bitterly disappointed that a series they liked a lot became something they felt threw away their favorite aspects of Tomb Raider in favor of things they really disliked. Saying "well, it was successful in doing what they wanted it to do!" works if you're a stockholder but I don't think it should be the boundary marker of how bad you are allowed to call the game.