Tomb Raider Remastered just quietly censored one in-game detail after most recent patch


Thank God - 12 year olds will not have their morals corrupted by a grainy pinup whilst shooting people and animals in the face.

Looking forward to the next game where the intro is raiding a tomb and the rest of the game is Lara learning about other cultures, showing them respect by promoting inclusion and diversity in a safe space and personally apologising to and compensating any living descendants of aztecs she can find.
I'm not saying I agree with the change or anything like that regardless of the reason. I just meant that if it's between the company removing the images purely to meet some arbitrary rating requirements vs them moral policing then I think the former is far less egregious.


Gold Member

Uh Huh Yes GIF
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Uh Huh Yes GIF
"We didn't REALLY mean to conveniently remove two sexy posters from the wall. It was totally a texture update gone wrong. Us correcting this had nothing to do with the backlash we received from the community and people who bought the game wanting refunds. Because we would never pull a bait-and-switch by censoring something in a game after you bought it. Honest"!
It's the developers and publishers that deserve all the blame when it comes to this pansy ass pathetic display of pandering to the woke idiots in the media.

This should cause an outrage whenever they start cenoring a game thats been remastered,especially AFTER we've already bought the fucking game! This is absurd. We bought the game WANTING to relive the experience and not to have ANYTH8NG REMOVED or watered down!

Fuck Eidos, fuck the devs who did this and fuck the games media. Go live in North Korea you scumbag comment twats


We know it was probably Crystal Dynamics who pushed for this as other easter egg content added by Aspyr was also removed later on, so it's nice to see Aspyr put it back after they probably showed Crystal Dynamics all the hate.


Shouldn't the thread title be updated to reflect that this will be fixed in the next update?
That’s not the point. Someone at Aspyr did it deliberately since if there is no reaction you win, if there is a pushback you go back to how things were at the beginning. There is no downside, only upside. Which is why companies will continue to try this sort of shady tactics.


With what's been posted about their vision for future lara projects. Raiding tombs being colonial in nature etc. They absolutely did this on purpose and caved to the pressure. Woke mind virus in full effect.

Trying to save face by saying it was an accident. They don't want to give any acknowledgement of the power of the backlash they received.

Much like SBI wanted their activity hidden from public eyes. When it came to light that gave power to their political enemies and so would admitting the truth about why this stuidio removed and was forced to reinstate the posters in game.



I mean it might sound absolutely stupid, but this alone is enough for me not to buy this game. Not because I need ps1 era Lara posters, but because I can’t STAND this shit happening in my hobby. And as one individual, I can only voice my annoyance with my wallet.

Give me back games made by sweaty nerds who loved video games.

I mean it's not like this isn't already a pack of old games that you can play in numerous ways and forms, including with a facelift, already.

It doesn't take much drama to take the wind out of 20-30 bucks here. Half the reason you do it at all is good will for the developer.

Some of these old games that got put on Switch I'm literally better off running the PS1 ISO in an emulator on Switch than using the new one ESPECIALLY MGS1 lol


I don't care much for this censorship (even if it is entirely pointless, might as well make Lara invisible in that case).

What I would have loved though is for the game to be entirely playable in the modern visuals setting, which is not the case (at least last time I played) as there are too many places that are completely dark.
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"Who cares it's not that big of a deal" 😂

Joke's on those clowns now.
To be fair, it's still not a big deal. Like, I for one, didn't think it was a big deal that the content was ever present, nor did I think it was a big deal for it to be removed, and I don't think it's a big deal that it's been put back.

All around, innocuous trivial easter-egg-like content is just as trivial and innocuous as it ever was. The needle remains unmoved.

But good news for those that care, so, I'm glad you alls got it reinstated.


This is the trojan horse of digital content. We bought it, we liked it, they got their money so now its time to remove shit because fuck you thats why. In a year the same thing will happen with Stellar Blade but more extreme. They will change Eve for discord moderator that can do acrobatics with sweet closeups at his hairy ass (update comes with ray tracing and higher hair density for PS5 Pro).
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Look, it’s ridiculously simple.
The question isn’t, “why do people care that stuff was removed?”. It just isn’t, and it’s been answered multiple times anyway.
The question is: “why was that stuff removed?”
This is the question that needs answering. “Because” isn’t a valid answer. “They made, they own it, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it” isn’t a valid answer, either. You need reasons to do things that require time, effort, and dedication. Unless, of course, you’re crazy. An artist defiling their own work, if they’re not crazy, do it to send a message.

So: were the posters damaging anyone?
Did their presence make the game crash-prone, or bug it in any other significant way?
Did their presence violate some rule or copyright, making the game and its makers subject to legal repercussions?
If these are the reasons for their removal, or if there’s other any valid and compelling reason, why not state it officially to the public who payed for the product? Because if you don’t, then you have something to hide, and/or you do not care about your customers. Not a good look.

Given all of the above, it’s only obvious to think that the reasons for removing something so small and inconsequential had to be personal.
And what reasons might those be?
Looking at recent history, answering this is pretty close to adding two and two together.

The irony is, if the posters were removed by the will of self-proclaimed right-wing religious prudes, or if this happened in the age of Joe Lieberman and Night Trap, or if this was a Nintendo exclusive, all the “why do you care?” people in here would be unanimously condemning this.
Yep pretty much this. If it were a religious message put into the game, or some sort of anti abortion message put into the game the “why do you care it’s not hurting you people” would be non stop calling for the death of the devs online. The fact is the removal was a political message, it was motivated by political correctness. It was a petty jab from a studio likely forced by higher ups to put out a mostly faithful tomb raider collection they really wanted to deface with their woke BS. Which is why it matters and shouldn’t be tolerated.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Has the spanish inquisition taken over the videogame world? Nowadays everything seems to be about censorship this or censorship that, shit sucks.

Wish we could have just media of any kind, and whoever doesn't like could just fuck off and let others enjoy their stuff.


This is why complaining and sounding off to developers is worth it.

Complaining works, never back down.

Frankly embarrassing how quickly people rolled over and accepted this shite.

Should serve as a reminder that your money matters. People too easily accept the notion that they have no power. If enough people shake that mindset and stop paying, while being vocal about WHY they're not paying, these companies will cave. Look at what happened to Battlefield when it not only ignored its fans but also told them, "tough shit". They fucked around and found out. Companies love making themselves look like the good guys. Whatever seems to be what that looks like at the time. But they only want that because they think it will make them more money. If they start losing money, they abandon the supposed "moral high ground" real quick.
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Remind me of world of Warcraft and they replaced portraits of characters with fruits lol. I mean game was the same but just the fact that it bothered some one so much that they had devs snipe it out was funny.

The big picture though is that, unless you have a physical copy, your game can be edited at anytime and u can't change it back if you don't like it.
remember when you could just go into the settings and turn blood on and off. Can we not just get a WOKE toggle option setting nowdays?
You know damn well why you got 100+ reactions to this, right? "Woke toggle" that's the fucking solution, right there. But, you know what? They won't do it, because the narrative is seemingly greater, than sometimes, even success.


Gold Member
You know damn well why you got 100+ reactions to this, right? "Woke toggle" that's the fucking solution, right there. But, you know what? They won't do it, because the narrative is seemingly greater, than sometimes, even success.
It’s not about them getting what they want, it’s mostly about their perceived enemies not getting what they want and not being able to do a thing about it.

That’s why a toggle is the last thing they’ll concede. It would be giving “us” a choice, which is the biggest no-no for them.

This is very different from what Nintendo did with the blood in Mortal Kombat and the like. There was a lot of money and their public image at stake. Once the ESRB had their back covered, Nintendo quickly reverted their stance on violence and blood, and look what’s on the eShop today - stuff that even Sony wouldn’t allow on their platform.
But here, it’s not about money. A Tomb Raider remaster collection is a product that is already expected to appeal to a bunch of people in their late 30s at the youngest. A niche of adults. Which sane person would censor this for any reason, and after release too?


I'm so sick and tired of those people who keep acting like there above it all and that we're wasting our time when it clear as day works.
Or even better: "Just move on." "You're not forced to play or buy it." "If you don't like it, then refund. Simple." How low can your emotional intelligence be to utter the most obvious and trivial thing and ignore the whole context. Like, yes, no shit Sherlock, I'm not forced to live inside four walls either and I can live in a bag besides gargabe fires but I simply don't want to because... I like the former. What I can or can't isn't the point, it's about having a product you care about and otherwise enjoy being patched into a state that irritates and frustrates you.

It would be way easier, of course, If I'd be totally indifferent but then I'd not be posting about that game or topic.

So these people always reach the wrong audience.
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