Hey, I'm new to this.... Game (?) and have a question:
You get stuff like toilet paper, soap, tissues etc.
Is that stuff just for collection purpose? Because I see no way to use it.
Thanks!Sometimes you can give it to a Mii to give another Mii when trying to confess their love, but not often. Best bet is to just sell it all at the pawn shop, that way you have enough cash to buy out the new items at the shops every day.
Scrolling through last page, I still don't get this game. Is it primarily a mii dating Sim where you are the puppet master? Is this game worthy of full priced? I'm so confused.
I'm trying to upload screenshots on my Twitter but damn the interface is sooooo slow. Must be because I have tons of screenshots from both this game and Animal Crossing but it's getting really tedious.
Plus you can't upload several pics at once. Ugh.
From my Miiverse:
Admiral Ackbar and Nikki's first child lol - oh gawd what has science done????
I named him 'Itwasatrap' and the way they say it is hilarious.
If you just want to upload the pics as opposed to tweet them, I'd recommend abload instead. Works well in the 3DS browser and you can upload multiple pics.
Hey all, my wife is loving this. She's curious about the 100 resident limit. How or what let's her go above the 24 windows in her building? If she fills it up, does something happen automatically or?
Edit: Okay, she just found out it goes to 48 when you have 20 Miis apparently. She has 18 right now so it hasn't happened yet for her.
Today is French national day and there is balloons which looks like the French flag everywhere, awesome!
Had my first married couple split earlier today.
Guessing their relationship resets to a state where they aren't friends (and would need to be built back up)?
Anyone had a Mii that went to StreetPass Relay Island and sent a letter back then go on to other islands and send letters from those? Hoping my Mii isn't just going to be stuck there.
I guess it's random when you start a new game.How did you get the robot?
I saw block faces in a video, dunno if there is more.I also have the robot btw. Are there other shop owners (that aren't islanders)? :O
I also have the robot btw. Are there other shop owners (that aren't islanders)? :O
Do you have the EU version?
I'm in NA and I have the wooden block heads.
Yeah it would be an interesting read because some of the localisation choices just don't seem to make sense.
Is it true the US version doesn't have the daily Word Chain event at the fountain?
The only events at the fountain are morning market, rap battle, and daily donations.
The Japanese observation tower is located on the roof of the mansion. In the western localisation they moved it to an entirely different structure, the observation tower.Wow so it's true!?
Plus the Japanese version doesn't have the Observation Tower nor Rap Battles.
This is all pretty odd.....
Here's a #TomodachiLife ring tone that might get slightly annoying if you get a lot of messages http://ow.ly/z7nla #sorrynotsorry
Worse, there are categories for "Ex-Sweetheart" and "Ex-Spouse" and one or both of them might actively avoid the other. I'm not sure what it takes to get them on good terms with each other or get a chance for them to become sweethearts again.
Man i'm really thinking of getting this game for me and also a copy for my best friend.
Is there a place where i can check qr codes of miis for this game or is google the best place?
Also, i really need a miku qr code for this xP.
btw, do you need internet to try the qr codes or offline is good?
What is The block size for this? Might pick t up digitally.
There are a lot of QR codes in this thread (I think someone even posted a Miku with a headset) and you do not need to be online to use a QR code.
I got a code too (UK) - so it must be EU/AU promo time.I just got an email from Nintendo Australia saying I've been selected to play the demo. Didn't the US get this email promotion ages ago?
"Dear Nintendo fan,
You've been selected to receive a free download code! Sample the beginning of Tomodachi Life on Nintendo 3DS and 2DS with this free download code* for the Tomodachi Life: Welcome Version!
Your download code: D0N7T3LLN306AFYou aren't getting my code.
Your Nintendo team"
So if your in Australia check your email inbox!
Oh hey, when did the seasonal clothes get all their colors?
Splurge time.
Amazing NPD numbers. Looks like we don't have to worry about getting a sequel localized.
Wow, that's amazing! Can't wait to see future Tomodachi sequels!
And, with same-sex couples!