I have no idea how you escaped that one unscathed
I wonder what's happening in the Xenoblade X stream thre
I don't really understand why people feel the need to consume all the streams and all the the import footage before they can get their hands on the game.
Spoilers just make me want to click on it...
Great stuff? Bring Ninja Scroll to Toonami?![]()
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRO.......I wonder what's happening in the Xenoblade X stream thre
Games were a mistake
Also I only got to sleep at like 5 last night, coupled with the upcoming concert and some asssignments I need to finish I'm jittery as fuck.
I sometimes forget tea actually has caffeine until I drink a quart of it.
*censorship argument*
NOOOOOOPE. Gaf goes into an all-out war when censorship involving games from Japan are involved.
Coffee is a mans best friend
learn to love the black coffee, chicks dig a guy who likes black coffeeOther dudes also dig a guy who likes black coffee
Speaking of chicks & coffee, meeting that girl in a few hours at a coffee shop. Today has been either "Ah, that's right, it's today, no biggie" and "OH GOD IT'S TODAY I SO HOPE I DON'T SCREW UP THIS SUPER RARE CHANCE"
Just be myself, she should like you for who you are & now what you've done, etc.
Coffee is a mans best friend
learn to love the black coffee, chicks dig a guy who likes black coffeeOther dudes also dig a guy who likes black coffee
so i'm the only one bothered by diable jambe out of nowhere?
I was actually just thinking yesterday "alright, what games/animes/etc. am I gonna have to stop playing/watching" since I figured if I want to take this seriously, I would probably have to stop playing stuff like SK or DoA (I stay faaaar away from Idea Factory or other games like Dungeon Travelers 2 where it's much more in-your-face) or watching shows like Kill la Kill. I guess as I continue to know how to separate reality from fiction, not be obsessed (i.e I don't buy figures & other merchandise), and it's not flat-out smut/pr0n, I should be fine. Guess it's just this thought that I had of "women only want you to look at them & no other female".Just show her the SK2 announcement instead. If she says she has it on preorder then you know you are good to go.
It was born from his burning passion to save Robin!so i'm the only one bothered by diable jambe out of nowhere?
It's not out of nowhere, his teacher had a similar move and wanze also used fire moves in his most recent fight, so he figured something out.
so i'm the only one bothered by diable jambe out of nowhere?
Reminder that Sanji fought a guy who could create fire via friction.
Luffy's not the only one who is observant in battle. >.>
And even if he hadn't just seen the move, no we didn't need a scene of all the straw hats training or discovering new moves for these fights. The whole series characters have experimented with new moves or pulled out new move ideas based upon things they had seen from others. We're nearly 300 episodes into a series where characters pull out new techniques or items frequently with no/little explanation being upset about this one randomly at this point is just silly.
Y'all complain when a show like Inuyasha explains every little detail three times in a row and then complain when another show allows you to draw obvious conclusions for what is happening.
The only BS about powerups in this particular arc of One Piece is that it all takes place over two days, most of it over a matter of hours after Ice Pops was shot!
If that has you confused, Oni, then there'sanother powerup coming soon that makes even less sense than Diable Jambe.
Fuck Sword Art Online. Get Log Horizon, damn it.
I've seen this arc before. (not really a spoiler but will spoiler tag anyway)I feel that the handling of the majority of the powerups throughout this arc has been kind of sketchy; Enies Lobby is good, but it's got more than enough problems to prevent me from calling it my favorite in the series like a lot of people do. Definitely the best one in the anime, though, since Toei ruined the War arc.
I actually feel the same, more or less. Luffy's Third Gear and Diable Jambe fall into the sketchy category, and Zoro's powerup is a complete asspull regardless of the excuses made for it.
that's kinda still out of nowhere if he's never used it before; like, at least Luffy referenced observing the shave technique
fell asleep after SAO2 yesturday but my favorite part of the show and the night was
"I'm Kirito and I'm a breh, breh"
"And I also saw your gurl's virtual bod, breh."
Great stuff SAB, DBZ and SAO's drawings are the best.
Kirito really should have gotten his head blown off several times that episode.
That DBZ/SAO II one is fan-fucking-tastic, SAB.
Yeah, after being reminded what the post-credit scene was for KlK, that is just unacceptable considering it's rather important. It's not just some silly "filler" scene, it was pretty much setting up part of the 2nd half of the series.
Can't wait for next week for people to be all confused and "WHAT THE HELL, when did this happen?!" thanks to the omission.
Also, at least in SAO S1, that scene would've made scene considering once everyone was trapped, they were changed to what they looked like in real life. Here, it's clearly not Sinon, so why the hell does she care.
Great stuff? Bring Ninja Scroll to Toonami?
"No Not Kagome " really did stick out for a lot us, didn't it?
so i'm the only one bothered by diable jambe out of nowhere?
so i'm the only one bothered by diable jambe out of nowhere?
"And I also saw your gurl's virtual bod, breh."
LMAOIt bothers me too. For a show that has slow enough pacing as is you would think they would actually take the time showing us them creating or perfecting these moves. It's one of the things that I like about Naruto and Bleach. There's a sense of progression and accomplishment.
You're not.
It bothers me too. For a show that has slow enough pacing as is you would think they would actually take the time showing us them creating or perfecting these moves. It's one of the things that I like about Naruto and Bleach. There's a sense of progression and accomplishment.
I don't get why it burns so bad that it beats Iron Body, however. Friction Flames hotter than hard core martial arts body training! Why not just light him of fire with a match, if it were that easy...
Actually, the only power up I have a problem with in Enies Lobby is Nami's Perfect Clima Tact. Nami brandishes the Clima Tact at one point in Water 7, and it's the old version of it. The issue is that she later reveals on Rocketman that Usopp upgraded her Clima Tact before he left the crew, which means her weapon should have already been the Perfect Clima Tact back in Water 7.Everything else has seemed vaguely plausible that it was just a move they hadn't used yet or figured out at some point in the time between islands. Second Gear kind of has this issue as well, but that felt like less of an instant-win move than it did with Sanji (and you can also argue Luffy didn't actually have time to use it then and never needed to before that). And there's also the part where we've never seen the large gap in abilities be bridged almost immediately the way we have with fighting CP9, but hey. Sure, it's still preferable to training or whatever, but are we really going to act like the fact that it's never referenced is some quality writing here?
We really going to call remembering something that happened over a year ago that never gets referenced an obvious conclusion? One Piece has some nice subtleties throughout, but I'd hardly call this one of them, especially when it's pretty obvious about other stuff; it just feels like they forgot to bring it up at all.
"And I also saw your gurl's virtual bod, breh."