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Toonami |Apr15| Watching Toonami protects your brain from sorcery

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Such a damn shame.
Konami at this point is just better off selling all their IPs and moving away from games altogether. Besides Metal Gear Solid 5 there's nothing left fans want from them and its not like they're making anything anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
The fact that people actually still plan on buying MGSV despite claiming they're going to boycott Konami is boggling to me. "I'm not gonna buy anymore Konami games after I buy the Konami games I want to buy" isn't taking a stand or having a fucking position.
The fact that people actually still plan on buying MGSV despite claiming they're going to boycott Konami is boggling to me. "I'm not gonna buy anymore Konami games after I buy the Konami games I want to buy" isn't taking a stand or having a fucking position.

The fact that people are boycotting MGS5 in general is weird to me. Konami just published the game. It was still developed by Kojima and KojiPro regardless of how hard Konami has been trying to scrub their names off all their games.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 100(!)

Yes indeed, we have reached the halfway point in the entire series and that magical syndication number. So how does Sailor Moon celebrate reaching this vaunted milestone? By giving us the worst episode of the Sailor Moon S. The fundamental problem is they continue to have no idea what to do with Minako so in hr latest gimmick repackaging she now a love lorne ex-volleyball player who basically turns into Meg from Family Guy, and I mean right down to the more cringe-worthy moments. Like her acting downright bizarre because she can't get a date somehow. Another fundamental flaw of this premise is trying to convince me that Minako would ever, ever have a problem getting a date. They are trying to integrate some of her manga backstory here wherein she has given up dating and sports and a bunch of other stuff for the cause but there is no reason for it here. One of the few highlights is Minako having an earnest conversation with Hakura but really this who idea was done better in Season One with Ami and her romantic prospect for that season. Strongest recommendation to avoid.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 101

Right, so after a bit of a stumble the series is back with one of its better entries thus far. Lest you thought that the focus episodes were done, as it turns out it is time for Usagi to be the focal point of proceedings as it turns out it is her birthday. The basic setup is well worn, the cold shouldering as a front for a surprise party and Usagi getting mad at Mamoru for an allegedly forgotten birthday. I would just presume Mamoru was getting slapped for the shirt he was wearing. Seeing Usagi and Mamoru interact in the anime as a couple is rarer then you would thing it would be so this is a bit of a treat. Also, this is the kind of thing that makes them more like an actual couple, it isn't just the romance people. Speaking of couples, Hakura and Michiru also nab a good deal of the spotlight and display some of their own nuance and Hakura flirts with Usagi and Michiru gets a bit of the green eye. She also shows off her trolling side by mentioning that it would be a shame for Usagi to have her pure heart stolen.

Anyway, I believe this is an end of mini-arc and it shows but upping the stakes by having Sailor Moon herself be the target and unable to transform. It also makes the monster of the week much more imposing because well this one is more of a threat because of the shift in dynamics. This time around our heroine is now powerless and has a pure heart of unusual designation and her only protection is Tuxedo Mask. Yea, that is going about as well as you think it would. This is also putting Uranus and Neptune into conflict as they are fighting between their feelings and their mission. Their duty states they must stand by and let the pure heart be ripped from the body of a friend and she is to be sacrificed in order to save the world, but they are not liking it, the hardest thing to do for a hero it to sit and watch. This is also a two parter by the way so resolution is coming next week. Highest recommendation to watch.


Gives all the fucks
also, if you guys haven't, Final Fantasy Record Keeper is pretty fun on ios

And by pretty fun I mean it's terrible but it's a good thing to have when you're waiting for your video games to load up or your waiting for your food or some shit
Plan on trying it once I get my little sister's LG android phone since she wants a new one & her current one is barely a year old.

After being completely untouched since I bought it for 9.99 on sale I finally started playing Project X Zone last week. What I decided to do though is somewhat unique and fitting for a game this notoriously monotonous; I'm only playing one map every day. Been at it for about a week (I gave myself two days to do the prologue missions) and it's a great way to play this. I've spent most of my free gaming time with Xenoblade but this is really working out for me, though I know the slog picks up as you get the whole crew together.

Going to do Devil Survivor Overclocked like this next.
You actually are playing it the same way I did. I told myself I would only play one chapter at a time/a day in order to prevent burn out. I think some games aren't designed to play in long sessions, rather in short bursts.

& this is coming from someone who rather liked the game & is excited for the sequel, though fully understands the flaws/complaints against it.


The fact that people actually still plan on buying MGSV despite claiming they're going to boycott Konami is boggling to me. "I'm not gonna buy anymore Konami games after I buy the Konami games I want to buy" isn't taking a stand or having a fucking position.

For me, I am buying MGSV because it is likely the last one in the series (damn shame too), but I don't need to bother boycotting it since after MGS is gone there really is no reason to support Konami based on their out put.

Metal Gear Rising? They have run Castlevania into the ground and they never bother to translate the Yakuza games most of the time.


Do people not realize that Konami isn't making any games after MGS5?

When a company that has made games for 30 years decides it doesn't make financial sense for them to make games anymore, it probably has more to do with the current market than it does with them spiting fans.


Do people not realize that Konami isn't making any games after MGS5?

When a company that has made games for 30 years decides it doesn't make financial sense for them to make games anymore, it probably has more to do with the current market than it does with them spiting fans.
They're going to abandon PES?


Do people not realize that Konami isn't making any games after MGS5?

When a company that has made games for 30 years decides it doesn't make financial sense for them to make games anymore, it probably has more to do with the current market than it does with them spiting fans.

They are going to at least try to make another MGS game only because it is the one really profitable franchise they have left in their wheelhouse. They'll probably drop all console gaming though after a few years since it is the smallest portion of their business. Sad, but the console market in Japan isn't the best anymore and some game developers are abandoning it all together.


You will probably get one this year, but they haven't even announced it yet, lol
I don't play it.

They are going to at least try to make another MGS game only because it is the one really profitable franchise they have left in their wheelhouse. They'll probably drop all console gaming though after a few years since it is the smallest portion of their business. Sad, but the console market in Japan isn't the best anymore and some game developers are abandoning it all together.
If that's the case, then MGO will never get a break.


Even more reason then :p

I really am puzzled why they would literally kill the golden goose.

They spent a ton of money localizing and marketing (Like, I remember Bus and Taxi ads for the game in Philly) Yakuza 1, gave it a top notch voice cast (Mark Hamill, Micheal Madson), and it bombed, in a market where "tier 2" crime games like Scarface and Saints Row 1 were florishing. They then tried a lower key release of Yakuza 2, and subbed it instead of dubbed it. It was a bomb (sold under 50K copies), and the series was dead in America.

Then, after years of Bitching, Sega finally localizes Yakuza 3, but makes some minor removals- takes out the Hostess clubs (thus, removing 2 of the 103 sub-missions in the game), and a Japanese history mini-game that they assumed no one would be able to complete. The game was once again a total bomb (I got my copy for 20 dollars a few months after release), but Sega decided to double down on the US market- they gave a 100% translation to Yakuza 4 the following year, and greenlit a game in the franchise designed to appeal to western audiences (Yakuza: Dead Souls). Both of those games bombed as well.

Sega would be fucking stupid to continue to invest money in bringing these games out.


Lupin the 3rd is something that I oddly never got into. Pretty weird, since it seems right up my alley. I'm definitely gonna check out this new series. Hopefully it doesn't require much knowledge of the old ones.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The only thing you really need to know is that the crew has a past together.

The series that Adult Swim aired was the direct continuation of the original series, for example, and the connection between the two boils down to, oh, the band is back together.


No Scrubs
Lupin the 3rd is something that I oddly never got into. Pretty weird, since it seems right up my alley. I'm definitely gonna check out this new series. Hopefully it doesn't require much knowledge of the old ones.

The dub for red shirt Lupin is on Hulu, go watch it since it's amazing.
Lupin is like Detective Conan, something I want to get into buy my OCD demands I start from the beginning and work my way though the whole thing.


Gives all the fucks
Lupin is like Detective Conan, something I want to get into buy my OCD demands I start from the beginning and work my way though the whole thing.
This is what's preventing me from watching stuff like Gintama. At least with manga, you can get through it faster, but it can still take some time & feel overwhelming.


Lupin in most of its incarnations is some good, wholesome, appeals to everybody type of anime. I'm really looking forward to the new series. I hope we don't have to wait to the Japanese airing for simulcasts and we can get English subs of the Italian version this summer.

Bebop + Lupin together on Toonami would be a good hour :)


Toei gonna Toei
It's like a parody of anime.

this is what the My Hero Academia anime will be like

Has anyone actually seen world trigger recently???

The anime started off looking like one worst looking shows put out by toei it was mediocre & it looked bad.once toei's sumo anime ended it recevied an injection of staff it needed.

20 episode later it's friggen awesome it's the macgyver of anime some the best well thought out team strategic fights your going to see in anime, with each passing episode the show keeps getting better and better.

The show is bloody addicting if asked a few weeks ago I would of slammed it along with you guys.

I dare anyone who likes strategic shounen fights to watch that show, after you get past the first meh patch of episode it keeps slowly getting better.

Can't find any decent videos on youtube that aren't amv or short spliced cuts.





Lupin in most of its incarnations is some good, wholesome, appeals to everybody type of anime. I'm really looking forward to the new series. I hope we don't have to wait to the Japanese airing for simulcasts and we can get English subs of the Italian version this summer.
Bebop + Lupin together on Toonami would be a good hour :)

Yoooo that picture is so dope
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