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Toonami |Apr15| Watching Toonami protects your brain from sorcery

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Admittingly it could have been 52 episodes, but they handled the ending really well, so I think fans definitely deserves to get closure.

The next episode is a good breather episode too.


I suppose I should address this a little, although I don't think it's much a big deal.

I guess some people think I'm the one behind the School Days bannings & decision.

Not the case. I don't read animegaf (not because I don't like them or anything, I just feel like a fish out of water there because I'm so unfamiliar with most things they talk about) so I dont have any impetus to make a decision like that anyway. I didn't enact any rule and I'm not enforcing it.

My statement was mostly just a casual warning 'oh yeah other mods are banning for school day recommendations'.

The reasoning, I gather, is basically because it's a old gag that's gone for too long and basically annoying trolling at this point.


Sketchbook Picasso
Inuyasha Final Act has been really disappointing so far. Inuyasha has never been great, but even with all the conveniences, iffy voice acting, and meandering plot, there was some charming character moments and interactions.

Everything is a checklist now, to the point that multiple new characters arrive just to introduce a new plot point or whatnot and then are subsequently killed off when they've completed their task. Everything is ultra contrived and rigid, all the while the dialogue is basically a play-by-play of the plot (whether or not it makes sense.) Not to mention that nothing has any chance to breathe of course.

I really don't find it disappointing once I accepted it for what it was: a way to see a long running manga / anime series get to put it's last chapters into animated form.

It's annoying because it SHOULD probably be longer and drawn out to a length that makes it stands as it's own series, rather than a companion piece to manga. But once it's accepted that it ISN'T such a thing, why be disappointed weekly?

I enjoy Inuyasha as a product of it's time and style. As much as I sometimes like dubs that flow like "natural English", I also dislike when there's an obvious desire to localize and de-Japanese the works. Viz's dub style sits right between subtitles and real localization. Which feels perfectly like a 90s Anime / RPG.

Coming off shows like KLK and SAO, which often seem to have jokes and liberties taken that you'd never see in the subtitle track... I think it's a nice balance.

Though seeing how others react to things I have no issue with makes me realize how poorly many older series would probably be accepted into modern Toonami.


Got home from Anime Matsuri around 1:30, so I missed the normal watch. It's a fun event, and too bad I missed the Studio Trigger panel. This convention should definitely bring Crispin Freeman back, man his panels are just a whole new level of informative lectures. Incredibly awesome to see him in person.

A Once in a Lifetime Chance

Hey teacher, why don't you just tell Ryuko what happened before the scheduled fight? If you couldn't in between those hours, you could've at least tell her that they'll talk later at a secret location where they won't be spied on.

Gamagoori has incredible resolve, and was laughably crass just to throw insults.
His resolve had arrogance and it went to his head, and backfired. For a moment I thought he was going to die for real from seppuku, but good thing the Iron Fist Queen stopped him. On to the next fight with the cautious observer. He is definitely a person what plans after watching new things.

Booty Sniper Online II

This is as close to serious business in Call of Duty as it can possibly get.
Or am I wrong?
I never actually sat and watched this show all the way through, as I only saw bits and pieces that were noteworthy of laughter. In a way, this was a refreshing take for me on Sinon as she's the best sniper there is. She seems to be bothered by something other than her incredible skill on the battlefield. That guy that wanted to log off just because he got scared of the minigun clearly wanted easy money and not for the "fierce" competition.

YOLO jump off the building 1080 NOSCOPE GAME WINNING KILL! MLG BABY!

Because Mako from Kill la Kill talks a lot, for a moment Silica was being Mako's cheery persona. Then again, she's more Shiemi than Mako. Did they really have to have the monster attack like that? -__- And Leafa and Liz just always has to do the work huh? Grind for drops until no one's left, we should rest until they respawn. God, it's almost like Tera instance resets or something.

The couple are just chilling on top of a mushroom without a care in the world, and Liz gets super jealous. I almost feel bad for her. The others wish they were lucky.

Silica: "All day, erryday."

Walking around almost all day at a con is just exhausting. And I'll get to The Final Act later on at some point. I'm starting to feel irritated that things have slowed down considerably. Here's to a long sleep, and Happy Easter!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Goooood morning everyone.
I'm impressed I made it through the night.

Dragon Ball Z Kai
We're off on the road to Namek!
So if Mr. Popo had a magic carpet that could go the other side of the world in seconds, why didn't he give it to Goku when he came back? Toriyamaaaaaaa!

Kill la Kill
And so the censoring begins. I hear things get worse...
First member down, 3 more until she's the Kalos League Champion. Wait...

Sword Art Online II
It's amazing how removing Kirito from the show actually makes it better. It was still boring, but I didn't want to murder every character I saw on screen. I'm sure that will change when Sinon meets him.

Inuyasha: The Final Act:
This is another episode where the pacing screws up any dramatic storytelling Takahashi was going for. I read the Inuyasha Wiki and this episode covered an entire 6 chapter arc. This probably explains why Team Inuyasha is always so "close" to Team Sesshomaru, normally it took a few chapters to get there.

Naruto Shippuden:
Laura Bailey is wasted on a shit filler character.

One Piece:
There's a recurring joke that the rise in One Piece's fanservice is to due Oda getting married and missing his wife.
The chaos continues with Chopper reaching the top of the tower, and the Weather Sentai Nami-ger.


A) Happy Easter!

B) Is that really how Oda met his wife? Interesting.........

C) So I watched that Food Wars show. Aside from "that" scene (which is indefensible but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be given impressions) it was pretty good. Fun premise, good (if a bit jerkish) MC, a dad who isn't an absentee, etc. Still lots of jiggly bits (plus some manservice as well) so I dunno if I can recommend this to those adverse to fanservice though.
Thoughts on what I watched last night

DBZ Kai: Man this was a hard episode to watch because it came off as incredibly racist. I absolutely HATE how Toriyama decided to draw people with darker skin tones in this show and Bulma's 'WHAT IS THAT THING GAHHH DON'T RAPE ME' routine around Mr. Popo made me pretty uncomfortable. Yeah, he's technically a genie and not human but why did Toriyama think it was cool to throw black face on the guy? Why do all the non-white/japanese characters have big ass lips? As a kid this stuff never registered with me but I can now see why my Dad would refuse to watch the show whenever I asked; it's straight up ignorant at times. Moving on, the most enjoyable part of the episode was when Gohan finally told ChiChi to shut the hell up. She is such a freaking buzzkill, I really can't stand her at all throughout the series.

Kill La Kill: I thought this was an awful episode; easily the worst show of the night in my opinion. I can look past the over the top character designs that were obviously thought up by some sexually frustrated nerd, but the way Ryukko's battle played out was mind numbingly dumb. First off, why the hell was the fight with steroids mcgee delayed in the first place? That was nothing more than pointless padding. Secondly, why does nobody think it's a cop-out to have Ryukko getting her ass kicked only to have Senketsu bail her out at the last minute with some bullshit power up? Can't wait to hear the defense for that stupidity. And don't even get me started on how Greg, or whatever his name is, thought it was a smart idea to absorb Ryukko right into his most vulnerable spot. I almost forgot about the casual child abuse from the dad too, what's up with that?

Sword Art Online: No, this was not the best episode in the series. Yes, it was mediocre overall. Some people were complaining about Sinon 'camping' last night at the beginning of the episode which made absolutely no sense. She's farming for a rare weapon and is a sniper class, what the heck were you expecting? All she did was stay out of the monsters range and chip away at the health like any smart player would do if given the chance to exploit a game mechanic. Was the scene boring? Debatable, the point was to establish her skill and knowledge of the game before the fight. Speaking of which, that was actually pretty well choreographed and the music was top notch as well. Only complaint was cowboy guy being a giant melodramatic baby and freaking about dying when there's no real world consequences. That just came off as cringe-worthy to be honest. Oh, and for some reason we needed a reminder of S1's tentacle rape at the end of the episode. I don't understand how these fools struggle with generic field monsters when they've been playing AO for years and constantly party up with Kiri-god.

Inuyasha: I stopped caring about Final Act months ago. I mean, it isn't bad or anything, I've just never been a big Inuyasha fan. The dialogue is so dumb in this show, I really hate how the characters constantly repeat things that were just told to them..At least Jaken was told to shut up a few times; he's super annoying.

Shippuden: I don't remember anything that happened except Naruto being molested by some pedo.


Dragon Ball Z is somewhat refreshing when it's not all battling/training. Bulma asking Popo 'not to do anything funny' was cringe-worthy though due to the implications. I thought it was cute when they grabbed hands and started dancing when they figured it out though.

KLK; I agree with the above that this fight kinda stunk. It was largely Gamagori standing still while Ryuko got whipped for several minutes. I think that would have been fine, actually, if Ryuko had to cleverly figure out how the break his defenses, but the victory felt very contrived, moreso than some of the earlier ones.

SAOII: Not a bad episode, relatively. That fact that these guys are taking things so seriously when it's just a game at this point was silly. Most of the the music in this episode was boring too, which made the encounter drag a bit. The ending falling/flipping scene was alright though.

IFA: I think my frustration with the show at this point largely revolves around formulaic episode structure in how multiple power ups have been obtained over the last several weeks. The checklist nature combined with how exposition is handled is starting to wear on me.

Naruto: Honestly, for a filler episode, I think this was okay. There was more to the battles here than most the 2nd canon arc, anyway.

OP: Having Nami find success against Kalifa is nice - we haven't seen her style of fighting for quite some time. Sure, Kalifa's arrogance is one reason why she's going to end up losing, but I don't think the fight will be 'gifted' to Nami. It's not like Kalifa didn't try to finish it.

When does Sanji the gawd make his return tho


Last night’s theme was clearly “tentacles” as pervy, grabby, slappy, tentacles where all over the place. It was a pretty weak night, though. Nothing really stands out as being great; just good at best. I’ll expound further in my reviews:

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - I enjoyed the interactions between Bulma and Mr. Popo, even if it was a bit quasi-racist at first. I think it’s mostly because I just really like Bulma as a character. She’s got the right amount of spunk, cuteness and tech savy. Granted, she was kinda clueless at the beginning of the episode (it was pretty obvious that was a spaceship). Good on Gohon for telling off Chi-chi, btw. Also, I never realized until now that his outfit was a homage to Piccolo, his trainer. Overall, another entertaining episode. Rating: Yunzabit!

Kill la Kill - One of the weakest episodes in the series. Not only was the animation sloppy but the pacing was uncharacteristically slow. A shame since Gamagori deserved a better spotlight battle. For people saying that Senketsu Senjin came out of no-where, don’t forget that Senketsu hinted to doing this before the battle started; a trick he picked up last episode when he saw Gamagori perform a two-stage transformation. We saw our first censorships in this episode (two brief cuts) and frankly, it has me worried because they seemed oddly arbitrary compared to what has aired so far. There’s no telling what else might be cut in the future. :( Next episode is a big step up in quality
after the silly and brief Inamuta battle
and the episode after that is probably my favorite in the series! :) Rating: Whip it! Whip it meh.

Sword Art Online II - I thought this episode was okay but really not that great. Basically, we spend the entire episode showing that Sinon is a badass player while everyone else is too insecure to listen to her pro-tips. The way the other players get so overly dramatic about dying in a video game is just hilariously stupid. I understand the need to create tension in the story but you’re really insulting my intelligence if you think these people would be afraid of dying in FPS. The ending bit where we see the old gang hanging out in that other MMO was both nostalgic and cringe-worthy. I’m curious to see everyone eventually join GGO and mostly to see Kirito react to his, ahem, new avatar? Will Yui join and start popping caps in people, too? Now THAT would be sweet! Rating: 360 NO SCOPE.

InuYasha: The Final Act - The more I watch Final Act, the more I realize the dialog and pacing reminds me of classic Speed Racer where every character rapidly explains everything happening on screen just before another character ALSO says the same thing in rapid succession. Sesshomaru growing back his arm (and a sword) from no where doesn’t surprise me anymore. I’ve long since realized anything can happen in this show with no explanation of how. Basically, it’s magic bitch; I ain’t gotta explain shit. I’m not sure what made Kagome all woozy but I’m sure we’ll find out next episode. I liked the moments where Jaken was smack-talking and supporting his master. That little green dude has really grown on me. :) Nothing great. Just an okay episode. Rating: Totosai says, shut-yo-mouth!

Naruto: Shippuden - The animation was all over the place in this episode. There were brief moments of high quality followed immediately by second-rate crap. It’s strange for Shippuden to fluctuate so wildly in the same episode. The battle between Snore-a and the new, big bad was dull as hell but I did kinda like the Naruto and kissy-kissy kunoichi. Granted, like every female in Naruto, she’s a cliche who’s worried more about her hair than anything else. Now it seems Sai is being replaced by Snore-a. How many Sasuke replacements is this team getting? A mostly bleh, episode. Rating: Not so sweet potatoes

One Piece - Nami looks completely ridiculous while all “soapy”. What a weird way to show someone is soapy by making them look porcelain. Is mirage tempo a new technique or something Nami has used before? I’m enjoying the running gag of Kalifa being so insecure all the time and getting upset when Nami ignores her. Chopper shows up and causes more havoc, ultimately revealing the obvious notion that water washes off soap. The whole Nose-Storm stuff with Zoro and Sniper King is humorous but the joke is wearing a little thin at this point. I’m more interested in seeing Nami use her new clone jutsu! Overall, a decent episode but again, nothing great. Rating: Die in a fire, Spandam!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
One Piece - Nami looks completely ridiculous while all “soapy”. What a weird way to show someone is soapy by making them look porcelain. Is mirage tempo a new technique or something Nami has used before? I’m enjoying the running gag of Kalifa being so insecure all the time and getting upset when Nami ignores her. Chopper shows up and causes more havoc, ultimately revealing the obvious notion that water washes off soap. The whole Nose-Storm stuff with Zoro and Sniper King is humorous but the joke is wearing a little thin at this point. I’m more interested in seeing Nami use her new clone jutsu! Overall, a decent episode but again, nothing great. Rating: Die in a fire, Spandam!

She has used Mirage Tempo before, in her fight with Miss Doublefinger in Alabasta.
This was the first time she used Fata Morgana (the five different Namis of varying sizes).

For those of you who are curious,

I made a comparison video for the previous episode of Kill La Kill.

NSFW because fanservice.

I can understand the second one, that is fairly explicit. Still don't understand the first.

Speaking of censorship, I remember seeing last night's DBZ Kai on Nicktoons back when it was on there. Gohan telling Chichi to "Shut up!" was changed to "Listen!" I guess the censors wouldn't allow a 5 year old to tell his mom to shut up.


Gives all the fucks
For those of you who are curious,

I made a comparison video for the previous episode of Kill La Kill.

NSFW because fanservice.
I can understand the 2nd one, but that first one, man, I don't know. How is it different compared to the butts we've already seen before?

But again, like I said, Adult Swim censored CLEAVAGE when Code Geass aired & you couldn't even see anything uncensored, so it's rather random as to what gets censored & what doesn't.


Edit: Looking at it again, that edit was terrible because how was she able to get back up from the position she was hanging from? Sure, the uncut version doesn't really explain it as well, but it at least showed her attempting to get herself back up (i.e grabbing her outfit to get herself upright)


i'd guess the second edit also didnt need to be that long, but felt the cut chosen that was the easiest way to have the scene fit (because actually it wasn't obvious something was cut other than Mako's bloody nose)

Edit: Looking at it again, that edit was terrible because how was she able to get back up from the position she was hanging from?

Out of all the things in this show you have to suspend disbelief for, the edit implying she pulled herself up isn't really hard to swallow.


Which makes no sense considering Kill la Kill shows bare breast and ass like 24/7. That specific shot isn't even more revealing than a lot of shots that made it unedited. If it's going to be a problem from now on, I worry about the edits we'll get in the future.


Adult Swim does not show bare breasts.........ever. Can't do that.

It's also possible that the advertisers are getting antsy.


Gives all the fucks
I think he means in comparison to what we've already seen in the previous 8 episodes, especially during stuff like transformation sequences.

My only guess is the context, i.e showing just an ass compared to an ass being whipped. *shrugs*


Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think he means in comparison to what we've already seen in the previous 8 episodes, especially during stuff like transformation sequences.

My only guess is the context, i.e showing just an ass compared to an ass being whipped. *shrugs*


Someone will ask and he'll give a snarky answer.


Gives all the fucks
"Kill la Kill ep. 9 was the first to have noticeable censoring. However, it seems odd that one of them contained an ass shot, which considering Kill la Kill & showing butts, seems kind of random. The second edit seems to make more sense (too much breast), but any reason why the first edit happened?"

Think DeMarco will respond if I post that on his ask.fm?

Someone will ask and he'll give a snarky answer.
That's kind of why I wanna be careful on how I word it. I'd rather sound confused than angry at what happened (which I am).


"Kill la Kill ep. 9 was the first to have noticeable censoring. However, it seems odd that one of them contained an ass shot, which considering Kill la Kill & showing butts, seems kind of random. The second edit seems to make more sense (too much breast), but any reason why the first edit happened?"

Think DeMarco will respond if I post that on his ask.fm?
Sure, why not.


well I fell asleep around the beginning of Inuyasha last night

gonna go back and watch One Piece at least

maybe the rest of the night (except AoT since I've seen it)


He's probably just going to say it's out of his hands. For all we know the edits happen before they even get the files.

A better question is if he's seen the whole series yet. It wouldn't surprise me if he's only seen half, at which point he's in for a shock.


He's probably just going to say it's out of his hands. For all we know the edits happen before they even get the files.

A better question is if he's seen the whole series yet. It wouldn't surprise me if he's only seen half, at which point he's in for a shock.

Seriously, some of the later episodes amp up the lewd to incredible levels.
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