Is... is there some reason the animation is so bad?
Is... is there some reason the animation is so bad?
.....I mean...surely Infinity Ward would have realized the mistakes of Modern Warfare 2 if things turned out differently, right.............right?They're making a game that's more in the direction of where their previous, insanely successful series went.
By lowering the mobility somewhat, removing the AI from most modes, and making Titans as score streak rewards, it's much more in the image of modern day Call of Duty.
They're also still hiring people out of Call of Duty studios, so I don't think that's a very surprising direction to head in once they've decided to throw the old design tenants out the window.
Honestly, just looking at Titanfall, and that old Infinity Ward wanted a monopoly on both modern day CoD and future CoD in their contract with Activision, this is presumably where they would have taken that series anyway.
On less depressing potential realizations, I finished:
Puts Full Metal Panic on some next level shit.
I haven't posted in the Berserk thread because I've been starting to enjoy the new Berserk (my first introduction to the series) and I feel like if I read and comment in the thread I'll start to hate it. It's also why I haven't been commenting during One Punch Man which is my favorite show since I started watching Toonami again early last year, although opinions on that are much more favorable.
It looks like several Naruto/Shippuden movies have been added to Netflix today with dual audio...
I think it's time I got myself a new avatar, given that school year starts in around week for me. Only thing is that I don't know what direction I should take it.
Perhaps look towards upcoming games or currently watching shows for inspiration. That was why I combined Persona 5 & TMS # FE into my Persona 4 avatar.I think it's time I got myself a new avatar, given that school year starts in around week for me. Only thing is that I don't know what direction I should take it.
Perhaps look towards upcoming games or currently watching shows for inspiration. That was why I combined Persona 5 & TMS # FE into my Persona 4 avatar.
I think it's time I got myself a new avatar, given that school year starts in around week for me. Only thing is that I don't know what direction I should take it.
Speaking of the Tales series, I hope Tales of Berserk is decent.
I feel like the Tales series has been going downhill.
i dont understand ranking the tales games a being good or not, they're like the same fucking game every time. I played like 4 of them and I can't even remember 2 of them, but I only beat Symphonia. They're like JRPG Madden, except that would probably be some Idea Factory or Compile Heart shit which is impossible to tell the difference The last 5 Tales games I've looked at and they just look like Symphonia.
That isn't even remotely true, if you tell me picking up Phantasia, Eternia/US Destiny 2, Symphonia, and Graces F look or play the same as any of the others you're just lying. The only reason you can argue the last couple of games being similar is that the last 4 included a sequel and a prequel so of course they're should be similiarities in the designs of those duologies.
He already basically doesckohler should do the ops
ckohler should do the OPs
I've been playing a a little Baten Kaitos Origins. I watched my bro play through it years ago but I wanted to give it a fair shake too. And, wow, I adore most everything about this game. Only main criticism is that the adventure-game sidequesting is a little tedious.
I put in over 70+ hours on TMS#FE. Very pleased with it, might go back to finish arena stuff & maaayyybeeee see the NG+ stuff, including another boss.Idol Emblem was an absolute joy this summer. Might do some NG+ stuff with it next year.
Also love Xenoblade Chronicles and need to get into X one of these days.
Bravely Second also ate up a ton of my free time this spring.
What's your guys Top 5 JRPG lists
Ive only really have been able to go ham on SNES JRPGS and GBA JRPGS and know jack shit about PS1 to Modern JRPGs. (Other then hating a majority of the newer ones, Don't like Tales of Series, way too anime, and most of the rest of the jrpgs are really low budget, way to anime, way too moe, or just missing some key "style" that my older jrpgs lacked [I hate japanese scifi aesthetic, I cannot for the life of me break my suspension of disbelief and claim a guy with a big sword is more powerful then a giant fucking space lazer, fuck you])
Cant think of a top 5 but a top 3 would be, in no particular order, Xenoblade Chronicles, Persona 4 Golden and Paper Mario: The thousand Year Door
Jarate said:Bravely Default is probably the best classic jrpg released this gen, with some of the worst design decisions ever The entire end of the game is the most ridiculous thing to ever exist. It was fun the first time. Not the 90th time in a row
I really liked FF14, and if we count the Souls games then them too. DQ11 looks amazing (that's the upcoming one for PS4 right?)