Honestly, I just finding annoying from both sides as someone who is fine with dub (as long as it's handled/sounds well) or sub, though I understand wanting to stay consistent after so many games since you've got used to said voices. It's just I feel as though the argument is more warranted for something like a RPG where part of the reason you're playing it is for the story. But I also get the fact Aksys fighters tend to have more story than the average fighter like SF, KoF, MvC, etc. & I also understand that people don't want to read a crapton of text in a VN-style presentation, especially since they might not be fast readers, where as I am so I don't tend to mind as much.The worst part is all the people who defend the decision as one above reproach. Now let me be clear - I understand why Arksys did what they did. However I think people who are upset are 100% justified and its really annoying to see others just say "stop complaining about it!".
I feel like this is a good argument as well. I'm someone who usually prefers to read/see things, but there are times where just hearing it somehow clicks better when trying to understand, so I can see why someone wants to hear. This is why certain shows that tend to get a bit wordy, I prefer dubbed so it's a little easier to absorb the information, and this is perfectly valid for BlazBlue, considering its story.I think in recent years I've realized I'm a bit of an auditory learner. (That goes for PhD stuff too). Not that my reading comprehension suffers or anything, but I feel there's information in the words people speak and how they speak them. In English, I can parse that information in things like inflection, tone, and where emphasis is placed (certain syllables or words). If it's not an English, I can get a small idea based on more simple things like sheer dialogue volume, but when I just hear a string of syllables to words I don't actually know, I can't as easily get that information and thus, I stop paying much attention to it and moreso just read the words as though they are unspoken. This isn't some decision I'm making, this is just how my mind works.
A: "What do you mean?"
B: "What do you think I mean?"
So I'm about an hour into Mankind Divided, and it's pretty good. The intro feels a bit abrupt, but still fun.
Now I'm in Prague.
Why is everything either electrified, flooded with gas, or electrified and flooded with gas?
An accurate representation of modern-day Prague.So I'm about an hour into Mankind Divided, and it's pretty good. The intro feels a bit abrupt, but still fun.
Now I'm in Prague.
Why is everything either electrified, flooded with gas, or electrified and flooded with gas?
So I'm about an hour into Mankind Divided, and it's pretty good. The intro feels a bit abrupt, but still fun.
Now I'm in Prague.
Why is everything either electrified, flooded with gas, or electrified and flooded with gas?
I'm pretty sure Cory is real. I've seen his house.
I've been playing a bunch of Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 on PC this week.
I think I'm back in.
Sasuke is your main, right
I've been playing a bunch of Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 on PC this week.
I think I'm back in.
Ah yes, Sakura.
Everyone's favorite Naruto character.
Especially DTL.
Get Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 instead.
Sasuke is your main, right
So someone remind me, what was the last show to get the "on the next episode of...." commercial treatment? OPM seems to be getting them for every episode at this rate, save for maybe one or two episodes. I recall AoT might've had a few of them, but nowhere near as many as OPM.
So someone remind me, what was the last show to get the "on the next episode of...." commercial treatment? OPM seems to be getting them for every episode at this rate, save for maybe one or two episodes. I recall AoT might've had a few of them, but nowhere near as many as OPM.
Speaking of Naruto....today's episode...
Sweet Jebus.
Is this the good kind of Jeebus or the bad kind of Jeebus?
I think I'm starting to remember Space Dandy having a few, but again, I don't think it was for all of them. Though based on CabooseJr's video collection, there was a ton for SD & AoT, more than I remember.
Looks like starting with ep. 3, OPM got episode promos.
So I finished Zero Time Dilemma finally
Nice guy Arksys saving me money not dubbing the newest Blazblue game.
The only thing that bothers me is the defense of 'but it'll get delayed half a year'
You're doing something different if the delay is truly 6-8 months, considering by CS they were getting BB out a week later at worst.
Considering its shippuden it's probably terrible
Reading Patrick Seitz's post on FB made it even worse.
What did he say?
The tl;dr is he loves blazblue, is mad aksys didn't tell him or anyone, and isn't expecting a dub.
What did he say?
Part two of the Toonami Showdown will be delayed by about a week because my computer can GET FUCKED
Especially with his character development.
Black Lagoon. A show wasted upon the Toonami audience.
In all honesty, the fact that Black Lagoon didn't do well does make me salty.
Black Lagoon. A show wasted upon the Toonami audience.
In all honesty, the fact that Black Lagoon didn't do well does make me salty.
I read volume 1 of Phantom Blood so I'm a bit closer to ready.Damn, I really can't wait for you guys to get a taste of JoJo for Toonami.
Considering how many people requested it & how popular it's becoming thanks to the new animes, hoping it has a decent chance of happening. Or at the very least, they'll make a new promo once Part 1 finishes & Part 2 begins.I hope Toonami has "Next time on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" commercials and chooses the weirdest out of context scenes from every episode. In particular, I hope for.a commercial just showing Zeppelli punching a frog