12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 13 - Funeral Rites
Are they gonna do a sappy melodramatic episode for the death of Brobro? cool
12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 13 - Funeral Rites
Are they gonna do a sappy melodramatic episode for the death of Brobro? cool
LATER...but I just couldn't bring myself to go THAT low, lol.
"Yamero", which is basically telling a male to stop.what do they chant in japanese?
Next week on Toonami:
11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai - 85 - The Truce is Broken! The Defense Force Strikes Back at Cell!
12:00 - One-Punch Man - 8 - The Deep Sea King
12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 13 - Funeral Rites
1:00 - HUNTER×HUNTER - 19 - Can't Win × But × Can't Lose
1:30 - Naruto Shippuden - 126 - Twilight
1:55 - High on Fire - The Black Plot
2:00 - One Piece - 360 - Save Me, Hero!! My Enemy Is the Immortal Princess
2:30 - Parasyte -the maxim- - 19 - In Cold Blood
LATER...but I just couldn't bring myself to go THAT low, lol.
I really want to play Hyper Light Drifter
Hyper Light Drifter!
Gotta check this out
Oh wow, Hyper Light Drifter.
Been hearing of this, no idea if it's for me.
VHuh, Hyper Light Drifter?
Saw it a while back, never got around to playing it.
I even kickstarted it haha.
I wasn't expecting such a robotic voice but I get the feeling they wanted him that way due to the backstory speech, that was that scene where I started to understand why the voice director wanted to go that direction.You know, I don't know what Genos sounds like in Japanese but I'm never quite sold on the VO performance here - even if he is supposed to be a super serious socially inept cyborg.
Just about everything else is good though.
Even his cape wasn't touched.The anime does a great job of showing how Saitama isn't trying in the slightest despite totally out classing enemies who are giving it their all. Even while dodging the Beast King's slashes at super high speeds, its like he's just stepping slowly to the side and back again, maybe ducking sort of. Really well done.
This is a gag/character/thematic study, not the hero's journey.I think one of my main issues with OPM is starting the series with the fight with the titan thing. Pretty much everything after that has seemed like complete downgrades.
Surprise sketch dump. Nice!
Time for sleep. Next week should be pretty great counting just OPM and OP alone.
Even Saitama is disgusted by Mosquito ass. Smash it to Oblivion!
A 7-episode marathon and we get Mosquito ass.
Couldn't think of a better sketch.
I think one of my main issues with OPM is starting the series with the fight with the titan thing. Pretty much everything after that has seemed like complete downgrades.
One Piece is the main event.Really looking forward to HxH next week
Looks like it. Why is Gundam always so dull while not in orbit or on a planet?
LATER...but I just couldn't bring myself to go THAT low, lol.
That's exactly why they invest in sode characters, so there's tension in their outcome. Episode 9 is a good example.OPM's plot isn't worth considering since its a gag series, the biggest mistake the series does is wasting time hyping up any threat since nothing has even teased being a challenge to Saitama.
OPM's plot isn't worth considering since its a gag series, the biggest mistake the series does is wasting time hyping up any threat since nothing has even teased being a challenge to Saitama.
It's almost as if it's a deconstruction of the tropes of shonen manga.
OPM's plot isn't worth considering since its a gag series, the biggest mistake the series does is wasting time hyping up any threat since nothing has even teased being a challenge to Saitama.
You and I process stakes a bit differently. I still care about the secondary characters of OPM and while the stakes can never get to high with the series the plot developments and how it gets characters to interact (like a great scene coming up) is what I live for. If it was all Saitama all the time it'd get pretty boring pretty fast. Hence why he gets Naruto'd out of main conflicts for x periods of time.
Out of curiosity, has anyone in here played and beaten Shenmue?
The amount of people who say yes to both of those seem to be rarer than the average leprechaun. A lot of people played Shenmue, I don't think many people beat it.
Out of curiosity, has anyone in here played and beaten Shenmue?
The amount of people who say yes to both of those seem to be rarer than the average leprechaun. A lot of people played Shenmue, I don't think many people beat it.
I can't enjoy the fights in Dragon Ball Z because it's just the job of the jobbers to job until Goku arrives to do his job.
.......well that & the animation, the lack of uniqueness in attacks, no nostalgia for the series, the fact fights just drag, the dragon balls make it so death means nothing, half the characters stand around to do nothing or are completely useless, the plotholes......
Edit: & waiting for the 28 transformations to happen, the repetitive & lackluster music......
I'll never understand the mentality of "I can't enjoy this fight because there are no stakes" as a blanket, general rule. Most fights in most shows don't really have stakes. The good guys rarely lose battles they can't afford to lose. The villains are rarely triumphant and when they are its only a prelude to where the good guys eventually win and the previous fights end up not really mattering. A fight where the protagonist has to struggle has a lot of good writing opportunities (forces the protagonist to be resourceful or clever to succeed) and that in turn can make for an excellent fight. I don't think its unfair to say some of the best fights in anime/manga/comics fall in this category. However, that's not a requirement for a good fight - especially for a show that goes out of its way in many respects to subvert or lampoon shonen cliches. An encounter can still be tense even if the outcome is a forgiven conclusion. A fight can still be funny, the animation/art and choreography can still be insanely on point, etc. even if the conclusion is forgone. No amount of "lack of stakes" makes the last battle in this season of OPM not one of the best anime fights I've seen in years.
Saitama is funny and interesting. Most of the side characters that matter are funny and/or interesting. Seeing much of this cast interact is funny and/or interesting. Depending on how far ONE/Murata want to delve into the mysteries of the world there could be a lot to offer. The fights involving the side characters do have these "stakes" and many of them are even good - especially ones that happen at points the anime doesn't cover yet. Like, I feel OPM covers most of the bases here.
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.Kai hurts the series in a lot of ways. They miss out on some great animation sequences that is filler fighting. Also, no Falcouner music sucks ass!
DBZ has not aged that well, especially the Cell Saga and the Buy Saga
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.
In fact, in the original, we would've been at, what, episode 172? We've cut almost 90 episodes at this point, I can't imagine having to deal with almost 2 years worth of additional episodes. Again, granted, there's a huge difference between 5 episodes a week & a weekly series.
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.
In fact, in the original, we would've been at, what, episode 172? We've cut almost 90 episodes at this point, I can't imagine having to deal with almost 2 years worth of additional episodes. Again, granted, there's a huge difference between 5 episodes a week & a weekly series.
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.
In fact, in the original, we would've been at, what, episode 172? We've cut almost 90 episodes at this point, I can't imagine having to deal with almost 2 years worth of additional episodes. Again, granted, there's a huge difference between 5 episodes a week & a weekly series.
Oh absolutely, I have a few shows like that as well, like Digimon (hence why my friend & I wanna see Tri), so I understand completely why many people here watch it. I don't want to take that away from anyone, it's just that I feel my main reason I don't care for the series is that I missed out on when it became most popular & would've had the biggest impact on me.Also many of your criticisms of the writing are valid and most fans generally agree with you, its why I often don't rank dbz in my top manga/anime lists because I know much of my enjoyment of it is childhood nostalgia and my enjoyment of the action in that world.
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.
In fact, in the original, we would've been at, what, episode 172? We've cut almost 90 episodes at this point, I can't imagine having to deal with almost 2 years worth of additional episodes. Again, granted, there's a huge difference between 5 episodes a week & a weekly series.
Sort of. I didn't have cable/satellite as a kid until 2003/2004, so the only times I might see some or most of an episode was when I was at one of my friend's place since they were huge into it or when I would have to sit in the waiting room for an allergy shot, but even then, it was Sailor Moon (assuming the TV was on CN) or I'd ignore it because I was playing my GBA.Have you not seen how slow the pacing was when it was on weekday afternoons?
But..........they can fly.
Why would they need driver's license??
But..........they can fly.
Why would they need driver's license??
She should've thought of that before marrying a guy who used to have a monkey tail & can go super saiyan.Chichi wants to be normal. *Shrugs*
She should've thought of that before marrying a guy who used to have a monkey tail & can go super saiyan.
....& could turn into a giant monkey.
If Kai is an improvement on the pacing, I'd hate to see the original series. Hell, I probably would've dropped it long by now.
In fact, in the original, we would've been at, what, episode 172? We've cut almost 90 episodes at this point, I can't imagine having to deal with almost 2 years worth of additional episodes. Again, granted, there's a huge difference between 5 episodes a week & a weekly series.