Is there a Haru relative?
Probably Natsu.
Is there a Haru relative?
Will resist!If anyone wants to own One Piece, now is your chance. I only own the more recent Voyages so I might hop on this.
If anyone wants to own One Piece, now is your chance. I only own the more recent Voyages so I might hop on this.
& now I head out to the theater to see my first Rifftrax film, Godzilla '98. Knowing it's by the MST3000 people (which I REALLY need to get into), hoping it'll be a funny time.
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? That's so awes-If anyone wants to own One Piece, now is your chance. I only own the more recent Voyages so I might hop on this.
If anyone wants to own One Piece, now is your chance. I only own the more recent Voyages so I might hop on this.
So for about $60 dollars I can own 23 episodes of Sailor Moon hybrid, or for $10 more I can own 100 episodes of One Piece hybrid? Hmm
And since it's Funi it'll go onsale at their store/amazon/rightstuff in the next year or so for somewhere between 30-50.
*ducks*Why did we get mentioned in that download accelerator thread? Is it one of you? Is this the most clever viral marketing scheme ever?
Why did we get mentioned in that download accelerator thread? Is it one of you? Is this the most clever viral marketing scheme ever?
I've been posting in the Toonami and TPP threads.
Been trying to get opinions but this is probably the best place to ask.
I'm looking at this PSN Anime sale and am thinking about picking up the One Piece game because I loved the Gundam Musou games. I'm not going to get both but I assumed Pirate Warriors 2 is better then the first one. Should i just get the second one or is their reason why I should get the first instead?
First one follows the manga/anime story line from the very beginning to the end of part 1 of the series (skipping an arc here or there). If you've never read/watched the series before I wouldn't recommend it as it spoils some of the major scenes later on. It has the smallest roster of any Musou game with only 13 playable characters and doesn't have a great deal of replay value after you beat the main campaign.
Pirate Warriors 2 has a lot more playable characters, a largely what if story that doesn't really spoiler any major events or arcs outside of revealing characters who don't show up until way later in the series. It's considered by all to be vastly superior.
If you're only going to get one get the second
DP and don't care
When are we gonna get some Toonami GAF fanfiction? Smash GAF has it's own fan fiction
DP and don't care
When are we gonna get some Toonami GAF fanfiction? Smash GAF has it's own fan fiction
Isn't it basically the shortest Tales game ever released? I gave up on it about ten minutes in so I'm no definitive source but I've heard it and its sequel are oddly short for Tales games.
Eh, that will just get depressing once half the cast dies off for various reasons.
DP and don't care
When are we gonna get some Toonami GAF fanfiction? Smash GAF has it's own fan fiction
Fucking Tales of Xillia is taking a lot longer for me to beat then it should. I want to play the sequel already!
Bleach introduced so many characters in the Soul Society that I'm yet to see any English-voiced animated show or video game that doesn't have SOMEBODY from that dub in it. It's weird.
Also Dragon Age has Steve Blum as some random-ass NPC merchant.
These are the things that cross my mind.
Bleach introduced so many characters in the Soul Society that I'm yet to see any English-voiced animated show or video game that doesn't have SOMEBODY from that dub in it. It's weird.
Does Gintama have a dub?
I havent watched it, but ive always heard really good things about it. Maybe that would be a good fit
Black Lagoon will be replaced by Bible Black.
Black Lagoon will be replaced by Bible Black.
Does Gintama have a dub?
I havent watched it, but ive always heard really good things about it. Maybe that would be a good fit
Rifftrax Live is always a fun time. Usually there are extras, like shorts and general zaniness, but Godzilla '98 was too long so they had to just get right to it.ZOLO?!?!
& now I head out to the theater to see my first Rifftrax film, Godzilla '98. Knowing it's by the MST3000 people (which I REALLY need to get into), hoping it'll be a funny time.
Rifftrax Live is always a fun time. Usually there are extras, like shorts and general zaniness, but Godzilla '98 was too long so they had to just get right to it.
Rifftrax Live is always a fun time. Usually there are extras, like shorts and general zaniness, but Godzilla '98 was too long so they had to just get right to it.
It probably didn't help that my screening had this obnoxious guy that yelled "WOOO" after almost every riff, and would clap at every single one. I know the RiffTrax guys talk over the movie, but that doesn't mean you have to as well!
Lol should've been prepared for that.
ALSO, the backdoor for 8/30 cuts off at 11PM, THEY'VE CAUGHT ON!!
I could write it but I don't think any if you would like it.DP and don't care
When are we gonna get some Toonami GAF fanfiction? Smash GAF has it's own fan fiction
Lol should've been prepared for that.
ALSO, the backdoor for 8/30 cuts off at 11PM, THEY'VE CAUGHT ON!!
So he's finally beaten us. Well played DeMarco, well played. You take this round.
Damn! He's good.Lol should've been prepared for that.
ALSO, the backdoor for 8/30 cuts off at 11PM, THEY'VE CAUGHT ON!!