I'm curious, what do you consider inappropriate fan service? If you're talking about random creep shots that's not a big deal to me, just kinda cringe worthy. If it's the rape then yeah, I don't agree with it, but then
why doesn't Kill La Kill get dragged through mud for shoe-horning in that crap for the sake of titillation? I'm not putting you on blast here, just noting how it feels like many in the thread are willing to forgive/overlook it in one show and not the other. I thought it was unnecessary and disgusting in both to be honest because neither handled the subject matter in a mature way. Not trying to turn this into a "b..b...but ______ did this too" argument to deflect blame either, just pointing out one example that leaves me scratching my head.
Episode 3 was one of my favorites but it was a "so bad its good" type of enjoyment which shouldn't count for much. You're right, that was absolutely dumb writing but that shitty guild getting murdered so hard still has me laughing. Everybody do yourselves a favor and re-watch this clip: