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Toonami |Aug15| You know, Luffy, we really are One Piece

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Make sure to join some non-weeb things as well, or make sure you get an officer position in your weeb clubs. That looks good on resumes.

Definitely. Even though I ultimately just ended up sticking with the Video Game, Comix, and 4/5-RPG-1/5-Anime Club, I made some strong friendships by attending meetings for other clubs, like the ones for Theater, LGBTQIA+, Books, and Journalism. It's good to be varied, in terms of your interests. Plus, I definitely think that being president of the Comix Club helped me on my resume once or twice.

Either way, best of luck with your college transition, Soulflarz!

Side-note: I remember that 4 of the best episodes of One Piece were supposed to be happening soon. Did that start last night, or does it start this week? Because I was pretty busy last night, and conked out before 2. Good news is that my schedule means I can start watching Toonami again, starting next weekend!


This week's reviews ahoy!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Freeza was seriously in need of some laxatives throughout most of this episode. Piccilo and Nail decided to get freaky with each other and combine. Good for them, I guess, but he's probably still no match for Freeza. Meanwhile, Mr. One Million Power Level himself revealed his new form and immediately skewered Krillin. Ouch. This was accompanied by some rather funny sounding chanting in either latin or Namekian. All in all, another entertaining episode. Rating: Invincible.

Akame ga Kill - I really want to like this show but it's... just... so... bland. Where's the hook or originality? It seems to be operating entirely on cliche so far. The moment they told Tatsumi to go get Mine from her room I knew it was a mathematical certainty that he would be walking in on her dressing. Granted, a few characters are likable and the animation is decent enough but I'm still just sort of waiting for anything interesting to occur. Rating: Fail-service

Michiko & Hatchin - This is my favorite episode so far which is saying a lot because I've not really enjoyed this show much. For one, there was no Michiko being her usual stupid self which helped A LOT. Second, Hatchin barely got into any real trouble and even got to have some fun. But mostly, this episode was just charming. At first I thought it might get creepy when Rita was crushing on an older man but it actually turned into a rather sweet story about growing up. And nobody died! Rating: Cotton candy hair

Sword Art Online II - Aside from another appearance from Asuna's terrible Mom (who actually made a really good point about how it's weird Asuna would even want to play MMOs after SAO happened), the rest of the episode was fine. Asuna jumps guilds and meets Yuuki's crew which all seem nice if a little bland. It's kinda funny how Sinon was the big draw when this series started but I've all but forgotten about her. On the other hand, Yuuki is just fantastic! She's cheek-squeazingly adorable and yet also strong. She's willing to take on an entire guild in PvP to get what she wants. How awesome is that? And just as she's about to kick ass, who shows up? THAT DAMN BEATER!!! Arrg! I was so raging at that moment. Why can't this show just let these characters accomplish something on their own without Mr. F'ing Perfect showing up to save them?!?!? Rating: Peeping

Naruto: Shippuden - I liked this episode a lot more than last week. Not having Naruto around really helps. It was almost entirely combat and mind-games aside from the brief, unwelcome flashback. Those two no-names actually did something for once even though I laughed when they said "We did it!" early on after standing around for several episodes just gawking. Hidan is creepy but pretty awesome and I guess Asuma is a goner. Too bad; the dude was cool. Also, I just noticed Grexeno's edited first post. Lol. Rating: It's lighter this way

One Piece - A really nice cool down episode. I like how IcePops is going to try and raise Water 7. I hope we get to see that. Franky is going to build them a boat which is awesome. I must confess, I have already seen it and even know the name. Kinda hard not to with so much One Piece media out there. :/ Anyway, that tree he talked about looked a lot like the tree that was on Robin's island. I liked this episode. Rating: Whaaaaaaaa?!


Gives all the fucks
Go join a sports club & become a prince, like that one Shonen Jump sports series.

Kuroko's Basketball or something


I'm joining 3. But finee. Might do a cooking club eventually >_>

If anyone remembers my inability to cook

Do it now, while your classes are still relatively-negligible! I signed up for, like, 30 clubs the first couple of weeks, and tried to be a regular part of roughly 6 of them, but by late September, it became apparent that I could only stick to 2-3 at a time. I still swung by the others every once in awhile, though. Either way, you're just going to meet the same people in the nerd clubs; you may get along swimmingly with them, or you may hate their guts. Trying multiple clubs lets you branch out more. Who knows, maybe you'll immediately hate the Anime Club guys, but meet your new best friends in the Knitting Club?

You'll never know unless you try, Soulflarz! Same thing with your cooking; you could be a talented chef after joining Cooking Club! You just need to try it.


Do it now, while your classes are still relatively-negligible! I signed up for, like, 30 clubs the first couple of weeks, and tried to be a regular part of roughly 6 of them, but by late September, it became apparent that I could only stick to 2-3 at a time. I still swung by the others every once in awhile, though. Either way, you're just going to meet the same people in the nerd clubs; you may get along swimmingly with them, or you may hate their guts. Trying multiple clubs lets you branch out more. Who knows, maybe you'll immediately hate the Anime Club guys, but meet your new best friends in the Knitting Club?

You'll never know unless you try, Soulflarz! Same thing with your cooking; you could be a talented chef after joining Cooking Club! You just need to try it.

C-can anyone else image me cooking?

And yeah, if I don't like these clubs, I'll drop them. I mean, I just went over to someones house to learn DDR for 2 hours, games very hard.


C-can anyone else image me cooking?

And yeah, if I don't like these clubs, I'll drop them. I mean, I just went over to someones house to learn DDR for 2 hours, games very hard.

I don't personally know you, so... sure?

And yeah. At least DDR's a good way to get a workout! But don't just drop clubs you don't like. Clubs are a great way to branch out and meet people and find new hobbies/skills! If you don't want to do that, it's fine, but the friendships formed by clubs and stuff are a key part of the college experience. I wouldn't've traded the clubs I joined for the world!


C-can anyone else image me cooking?
Join the anime club or video game and either cringe really badly, cringe really really bad
Hmm, Actually the people in the anime club that I'm in aren't as cringy as I thought they would be. They're well adjusted, socially aware and are into all sorts of cool anime. Some of them are my friends even.
I know how wierd that sounds but I promise you, It's true.
Cooking is a skill, just like any other.
Just practice at it just like any other skill and you'll be fine.
Plus, women love a man who can cook, trust me.

Listen to this man.
Hell, you don't even have to be a good cook. Just prepare some Shake n Bake and some TV dinners and fabricate it into looking professional. lol


Join the anime club or video game and either cringe really badly, cringe really really bad

I hear the issue with the game club is they play random stuff and basically it's the "play board games and video games with randoms cause you can" group, which is bad, because if you have friends the group has absolutely no purpose.

Cooking is a skill, just like any other.
Just practice at it just like any other skill and you'll be fine.
Plus, women love a man who can cook, trust me.

I don't need to learn how to cook for a women, but I'll think about it now because you guys will guilt me if I dont.

Find whatever club or group does DnD (it exists somewhere on your campus, just look for it), create a character, and have a good time.

I found it and avoided it tbh >_>

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Being able to cook well is an insanely useful skill.

It saves you money.
It is almost always healthier.
It is attractive to many people from both sexes as a ton of people cannot cook well.
Learning how to cook helps fight the weight you'll probably gain in college; I got up to about 250 from eating a ton of crap since the most I knew how to cook was hot dogs and ramen and survived on pizza rolls and pizza delivery.

I decided to do something about that and changed my eating habits a bit and learned how to cook (more or less). I've lost about 60 pounds just because I don't rely so much on eating out or stuff you can basically just heat up on the stove or the microwave (though I still do both of those things occasionally) and I'm still in the process of losing weight.

Only problem is now I have to spend money on clothes that fit.

Long story short, don't be like I was for my first two years of college.


Yeah uh, weight gain isn't an issue for me, I've never gone above 125, no matter how much I eat. ~121 atm, and I just ate a ton.

But yeah I really should learn...hmm....

Cooking class is mainly international foods and sweets though :p
Yeah uh, weight gain isn't an issue for me, I've never gone above 125, no matter how much I eat. ~121 atm, and I just ate a ton.

But yeah I really should learn...hmm....

Cooking class is mainly international foods and sweets though :p
Even so, there's other issues beyond weight gain. It's not good for your arteries to eat out every day.


No Scrubs
Being able to cook well is an insanely useful skill.

It saves you money.
It is almost always healthier.
It is attractive to many people from both sexes as a ton of people cannot cook well.

Like, you don't even to know how to cook something complicated to impress girls. It just needs to sound impressive, like chicken parmesan. Super easy to make, but anyone you tell will be super impressed.
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