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Toonami |Aug15| You know, Luffy, we really are One Piece

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Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Super S: Episode 134:

Ah yes, at last one of the Sailor Guardians gets a focus episode, took bloody long enough, and the random winner this time around is Makoto who ends up with quite honestly the blandest and most manufactured episode I have seen in quite awhile. This time around the plot construct is surrounding one of those mysterious childhood friends that we have never heard of up until this week and I will give them points for the handwave this time around as that was actually a creative and logical reason for this author of Pegasus to have never come up before. Outside of that, this episode was so vanilla that I ended up doing some work while watching on and off, it isn't bad but just insanely forgettable. Mild recommendation to whatever.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Super S: Episode 135

Here we go, in contrast to the white noise that was last episode, this one decides to mostly eschew the format and actually advance things. This week Tiger Eye decides to think outside the box and connect some dots after asking about the nature of the Pegasus in the real world. It is actually the kind of information that would have been handy the first time they tried to use the Sailor Guardians to capture Pegasus. As a side note, the Anime incarnation of the Eyes I think have become my favorite quirky mini boss squad. Also, for what it is worth, we learn that Fish Eye is the first canonically gay villain since Zoisite and Kunzite which is why he hasn't been out in the field yet since they have been targeting women exclusively. The victim of the week is also more interesting then the usual fare as she poses a plight that this show hasn't done before, a teacher failing to connect with her students and that actually feeds into the larger plot. After the usual dalliance of events the trap is sprung and the Lemur manages to infiltrate the dream world of Chibiusa and things get philosophical as the Lemur tries to corrupt the dreamer and the dream, but Chibiusa shows she has grown as a chracter and acts like a hero and the day is won and we have a bit of a shift as Pegasus shifts out of the dream and into some sort of magic container thing so that more time can be spent intensifying bonds. Recommendation to watch.


There are 5 makerbots in the comp sci lab and I have no idea what to do with them

EDIT: Ugh, one of the credit filler courses I picked seems much more rigorous than I first thought, and I'll probably be too proud to drop it




*chapter 1 of calc class is apparently all review, I look at my homework, don't recognize 1.1/1.2 much*
*does the assigned homework anyways, manage to get almost all of it*

I don't know what to think anymore ;-;


College has 1 secret that you need to abide by

Summer classes at community college are where you want to take your classes you hate and don't want to do

Also, don't be afraid to work with others. That's a super easy way to make friends.


College has 1 secret that you need to abide by

Summer classes at community college are where you want to take your classes you hate and don't want to do

Also, don't be afraid to work with others. That's a super easy way to make friends.

Why community college for those classes? J-just wondering.

And 2/3 of my suitemates are 2-3 classes ahead of me, that helps. But yeah, will try for a study group if I fail.


Why community college for those classes? J-just wondering.

And 2/3 of my suitemates are 2-3 classes ahead of me, that helps. But yeah, will try for a study group if I fail.
Community college is not only easier, but the teachers will want to actively pass you. So even if the workload gets ridiculous, they'll give you help. My math teacher allowed one of the students to retake her tests multiple tines for instance


Gives all the fucks
I went to community college for my "core" classes (i.e the ones that're required), then transfered to a public college to try & focus on stuff required for a degree relating to IT or Computer Science. Though right now, I guess I should focus on the transistion from college to my new job & seeing if I can save up for my own apartment.


Gives all the fucks
All I'm seeing is he retired after a "bad divorce", & this was a few months ago.

Looking at his history, the only role that really sticks out to me would be Harvar D. Eclair from Soul Eater.....& I guess England in Hetalia. Edit: Oh, he was Hamburg in One Piece, i.e. that giant who was part of that stupid Foxy Pirates trio.

Oh, & "Tom Croose" in ep. 8 of Panty & Stocking, when the two girls are on trial....that's probably the only role I'm familiar with or actually remember.


College has 1 secret that you need to abide by

Summer classes at community college are where you want to take your classes you hate and don't want to do

Also, don't be afraid to work with others. That's a super easy way to make friends.
Yep, this is 100% true. Had to take a foreign language for GenEd requirements, so I took Spanish 101 over summer break, slaved for 3 weeks and had my credits.
The amount of people who get busted for child porn seriously blows my mind, like if it's such a common "fetish"/mental health issue you'd think more effort would be put into figuring out what causes it and curing it


Pedophilia in a way is similar to other fetishes in that it can't really be cured, and it has such a huge stigma attached to it that people are afraid to out themselves even to those who try to help

Also, child porn can include things like a naked sect of a 17 year old girl which is more a terrible judgement rather then a "disease"

Dudes a scum bag through and through though and should get put in jail if guilty
I'm sorry, that does not ring a bell.
Usopps dad


How soon till we know AoT's replacement?

Simone said they can't reair Brotherhood. Is that true? Because I wouldn't mind watching it again.


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, think they lost the rights to Brotherhood, & to be fair, it ran 3, maybe 4 times? Which is a long time for a series that's 64 episodes long.
Hell yeah got an interview for a big booty job

Hopefully I get it, but I'm a god tier interviewer

Any tips?
As a recent grad I'm finding the job market to be shitty as hell, or maybe it's my dumb Sports Management degree.
Seems like 75% of the companies that actually get back to me turn out to be door to door sales lol.


Any tips?
As a recent grad I'm finding the job market to be shitty as hell, or maybe it's my dumb Sports Management degree.
Seems like 75% of the companies that actually get back to me turn out to be door to door sales lol.

I had a connection to the company, but in general,


Work your ass off to get an interview and be confident in said interview. Know how to talk really well

Dont be afraid to apply to jobs you arent qualified for, the company may like your resume and try to hire you at a different position

Use past work experience as experience for everything. Say you worked in a field like mcdonalds, well, explain to them how you might have become the IT guy just cause you know computers so well ETC, it's not fudging the experience, but bring experience that might not be relevant.

change your resume up for each individual job.

I get a lot of advantages due to the fact that i have an incredible voice and can bullshit better then any other human being on earth. And Im also humungous and that presents an air of dependability. But just presenting yourself well and also having a good resume does wonders man.


At first I thought it was a joke because it was a blooper in the 1st season, but I can't believe they actually kept that this time.

She could've said a long HRMMM or something...

Edit: OMG, fuck you, Soulflarz :mad:


I love how we both heard it and instantly think of the blooper clip :p
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