Zoro and Sanji's new techniques in this arc are closer to asspulls than Merry.
Sanji's make a certain amount of sense, but Zorro's comes from nowhere and
just disappears never to be seen again
Zoro and Sanji's new techniques in this arc are closer to asspulls than Merry.
What anime doesn't have plot holes and bullshit power ups though
I find it far more of an ass pull that after taking a 3rd of Lucci's ultimate move Luffy could then still stand, use a jet gatling which Lucci had already taken fairly well before but this time it dominates him because nakama power.
Sanji's make a certain amount of sense, but Zorro's comes from nowhere and.just disappears never to be seen again
Azumanga Daioh?What anime doesn't have plot holes and bullshit power ups though
Azumanga Daioh?
Black Lagoon?
Azumanga Daioh?
I dunno I don't remember much about that show outside of creepy vampire twins and rock x revy cigarette kissing
wtf is that, some kind of weird asian soup?
I don't know how often they do it now, but from what I understand, when a charater has an Osaka accent, a dub will give them a Texan accent because it's the "closest" sounding if it were to be spoken in English or something.One of the characters has a Texan accent and I was like whut...
wtf is that, some kind of weird asian soup?
Actually, hey, you know, K-On didn't really have plot holes or random power ups now that I think about it....
inb4 "dat ain't shonen anime"
I don't know how often they do it now, but from what I understand, when a charater has an Osaka accent, a dub will give them a Texan accent because it's the "closest" sounding if it were to be spoken in English or something.
Actually, hey, you know, K-On didn't really have plot holes or random power ups now that I think about it....
inb4 "dat ain't shonen anime"
He never used a move similar to "Jet Gatling" before that moment.
Oda just swept it under the rug and thought we would forget about it.
At DBZ Resurrection F. Theater is packed.
Netflix when
He uses the gatling attack earlier in the same episode, it may not be that version but its still essentially gatling gun in gear 2nd
At DBZ Resurrection F. Theater is packed.
Resurrection F was alright I guess. Whatever
Start singing Dragon Soul.
Should clear the place right out.
It's basically a classic DBZ movie for better or worse.
This Saturday at...11am. -_-I really want to see Resurrection of F tomorrow but I don't want to drive for two hours so I probably won't.
Is anyone here going to go see it?
This Saturday at...11am. -_-
I find it far more of an ass pull that after taking a 3rd of Lucci's ultimate move Luffy could then still stand, use a jet gatling which Lucci had already taken fairly well before but this time it dominates him because nakama power.
Lucci falling to Jet Gatling isn't an asspull, he was already weakened and hadn't encountered the move yet. But Luffy getting up through the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP sorta is. Luffy logically lost before Usopp motivated him to stand back up. But between the power levels and the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, Enies Lobby is very much One Piece's author's attempt at the most Shonen-esque Shonen arc possible. He hits all the tropes this arc, especially those started by Dragonball.
I can't think of another example of Luffy winning via Friendship in the series though. Well... there's a recovery from the power of friendship, but not a victory. I kinda view Enies Lobby as the author getting all the classic tropes out of his way before he goes crazy with his world building after this arc.
Lucci falling to Jet Gatling isn't an asspull, he was already weakened and hadn't encountered the move yet. But Luffy getting up through the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP sorta is. Luffy logically lost before Usopp motivated him to stand back up. But between the power levels and the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, Enies Lobby is very much One Piece's author's attempt at the most Shonen-esque Shonen arc possible. He hits all the tropes this arc, especially those started by Dragonball.
I can't think of another example of Luffy winning via Friendship in the series though. Well... there's a recovery from the power of friendship, but not a victory. I kinda view Enies Lobby as the author getting all the classic tropes out of his way before he goes crazy with his world building after this arc.
Did they show a new lineup promo?If you missed Pre-Flight,
Did they show a new lineup promo?
Got back from Resurrection F.
Also,are we to assume that sometime off-screen, Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Pan gave their power to Vegeta so he could achieve Super Saiyan God, which gave him a powerful base form and allow him to go SSGSS too?
Oh yeah, they don't actually say "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan" in the movie.
Tatsumi is just pretty bad in general
That what I figured when it paused while watching Battle of Gods.Yeah, got home from seeing Resurrection F.
Good, for the most part! (ending, ehhhhh)
I heard that all theaters are using DVR to stream the movie. hue.
Did they show a new lineup promo?
>Mighty no. 9 delayed to 2016
Everybody and their grandmother is coming out in 2016.
He uses the gatling attack earlier in the same episode, it may not be that version but its still essentially gatling gun in gear 2nd
Also this weeks pre flight basically spoils the first episode of akame ga kill. Some may argue its obvious what happens but for those who try to avoid all spoilers just a heads up.
Well, it's not like the musical that we joked about, but Prison School is getting a LIVE-ACTION DRAMA. With the script being written by the director of RoboGeisha.
I can't think of another example of Luffy winning via Friendship in the series though. Well... there's a recovery from the power of friendship, but not a victory. I kinda view Enies Lobby as the author getting all the classic tropes out of his way before he goes crazy with his world building after this arc.
What happened to Adult Swim on demand?