Good sports anime?
It'd be hard to market Ping Pong to Toonami. Especially with already dubbed anime like Psycho Pass and Fate/Zero waiting in the wings.
Still no ratings?
Across November 2014, Adult Swim ranked as basic cable's #1 network in total day among adults 18-24, adults 18-34 and men 18-24.
Inuyasha: The Final Act (Saturdays, 2a) was #1 in its time period among adults 18-24 & men 18-24, with premieres up among adults 18-49 and men 18-24 vs. year ago.
It's only hard to market because there aren't people running around with super powers in the show and because of Yuasa's style which people will call trash or unfinished because they don't know better :/
Damn it, this reminds me I should really watch that movie.I'm curious to know what you think of Princess Kaguya?
I'm curious to know what you think of Princess Kaguya?
From cable top 100
Family Guy ADSM 11:00 PM 1337 0.6
And that's it, too lazy to format
Also from the weekly notes.
*does best to make sense of KH Re:Coded*
Also I won't be able to unsee this now.
From cable top 100
Family Guy ADSM 11:00 PM 1337 0.6
From cable top 100
Family Guy ADSM 11:00 PM 1337 0.6
Re: Coded was a really fun game to play despite the fact it's story was completely pointless. Arguably my favorite Kingdom Hearts battle system which kept me playing far longer then I otherwise would have.
Yes, it seems people watch Family Guy no matter what else is happening.That painful AoT drop.
The fuck, people tune in for Family Guy, then dip?
As the others have said, Re:coded contributes very little to the story outside of the ending.
KH's story chronology is this
Birth by Sleep
Chain of Memories
358/2 Days runs concurrently with KH1 and CoM. Then keeps going after CoM's ending, leading into...
Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts III
It's best to play the series in release order rather than chronology.
As the others have said, Re:coded contributes very little to the story outside of the ending.
KH's story chronology is this
Birth by Sleep
Chain of Memories
358/2 Days runs concurrently with KH1 and CoM. Then keeps going after CoM's ending, leading into...
Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts III
It's best to play the series in release order rather than chronology.
Best alternative : don't give a shit about KH like me!
Seems like it's more trouble than its worth
I call it like I see it and I've seen more then enough to say it looks bad. Calling it a style and that "you don't get it" is not going to magically make it look different.
Don't panic when Pucci posts the ratings and everything sucks except Inuyaha
Everyone is allowed to like and dislike different things for different reasons but calling Yuasa's work "unfinished" or "chicken scratch" or whatever is rude and legit sounds like trolling. Whatever Togashi barfs up on the page for the first run Hunter x Hunter chapters - THAT is "unfished", not Yuasa's work.
They both look equally terrible to me, at least Togashi acknowledges his garbage is half finished nonsense and makes an effort to fix it down the line. Ping Pong looks unfinished, everything has a very rough "style" to it that I normally seen when I'm watching the bonus features on anime dvds showing the work in progress footage. Like FFS how hard is it to draw a straight line?
Why does every single ping pong table in this anime called Ping Pong look like the artist drew it once free hand and made no effort to fix it? Could they not afford a ruler or something? This just looks lazy and unfinished, and don't give me that "it looks good in motion" as those tables just sit there during that scene while the other guy talks with his back to the audience not really moving either. If that's the style then I want no part of it as it looks terrible
Edit: Even Toei with World Trigger managed to draw straight lines and that show has no budget and almost no animation
*does best to make sense of KH Re:Coded*
Also I won't be able to unsee this now.
Why would the family guy audience stick around for an attack on titan rerun, especially on a holiday weekend?That painful AoT drop.
The fuck, people tune in for Family Guy, then dip?
Why would the family guy audience stick around for an attack on titan rerun, especially on a holiday weekend?
It's part of the visual style man. It's supposed to look wavy and shit. This stuff allows for more focus on animation and it also gives the world a "sketchy" point of view. It gives the show a shit ton of personality and seperatres it from the rest of the animations out there. There's a level where it's supposed to look like that that you have to accept.
and it aint even a budget choice, the guy is obviously good enough to draw straightlines, he chooses not to to allow his personal style to shine better broski. Dude can animate really well.
They both look equally terrible to me, at least Togashi acknowledges his garbage is half finished nonsense and makes an effort to fix it down the line. Ping Pong looks unfinished, everything has a very rough "style" to it that I normally seen when I'm watching the bonus features on anime dvds showing the work in progress footage. Like FFS how hard is it to draw a straight line?
Why does every single ping pong table in this anime called Ping Pong look like the artist drew it once free hand and made no effort to fix it? Could they not afford a ruler or something? This just looks lazy and unfinished, and don't give me that "it looks good in motion" as those tables just sit there during that scene while the other guy talks with his back to the audience not really moving either. If that's the style then I want no part of it as it looks terrible
Edit: Even Toei with World Trigger managed to draw straight lines and that show has no budget and almost no animation
The hype is over.
2 is way too easy in its base form.
Again, its fine it you don't like the style but its not "unfinished"! Ping Pong looks the way it does due to artistic choices that emphasize animation and stylization over staying on model. Its a conscious choice with both positives and negatives and makes his works stand out amongst the crowd. Have you seen the recent Carnage short from the Animator Expo shorts project? Do you remember some of the major Naruto TV battles (Episode 133 during the 1st Naruto vs. Sasuke fight or one of the episodes where Nartuo fights Pein)? All intentional choices.
As a TV animation there were a few spots in Ping Pong where they had to rush and cut a few corners (for example there was a pretty sweet cut BahiJD made that didn't make it to air) but as a whole, Yuasa and the animators he works with have consistently demonstrated they are a talented and ambitious bunch. When you say stuff like "even World Trigger could stay on model", a show that even I've seen you admit shows a lack of effort/time/resources/talent put into it, it really makes it seem like you are missing the point. That is why people feel like your comments in this regard seem troll-like. It's A-OK if you don't like Yuasa's style. If the stylistic choices mess with your eyes and make you a bit nauseous that is unfortunate but nobody will give you flack for that if you just say that. Nobody blames those who can't play FPS games because it gives them motion sickness. None of that makes Yuasa's work "unfinished garbage" though.
The main reason why I didn't care much for the game originally. Started going through 2.5 on the Critical mode.
The main reason why I didn't care much for the game originally. Started going through 2.5 on the Critical mode.