They do Movie Month because December won't get good ratings no matter what they air.RIP Toonami
I wonder when theyre going to stop with Movie Month. Shit never gets good ratings
I wonder when theyre going to stop with Movie Month. Shit never gets good ratings
They KNOW December is a terrible month.
That's why they do the movie months
The other issue is if they dared (I say dare because It'd waste so much of our time) to air it 1 at a time in 1 hour timeslots, since youd be watching nearly a half of it being commercials. It would be hell. I guess they could lower it with specials, but thatd be a special every single time...
They do Movie Month because December won't get good ratings no matter what they air.
Just follow each episode with Kickheart.
Was Kick-Heart enjoyed by ToonamiGAF? I didn't catch it myself.
Console ports in an anime. Now I've seen it all.
I'll be loyal to any anime that has a character bitching about cross-gen games.Makes sense I suppose, talking about a pornographic PC VN good enough to get a non pornographic console version. Very common in the last two gens.
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
From what rap music tells me, it only rains on hos. So sorry, no free liquor for you
The way the Xbox...Ybox...whatever it is, is standing up bugs me alot.Those consoles being in the wrong positions fill me with rage
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
I turned 21 today.
Will alcohol fall from the sky?
Aku said:
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
Next-gen has already invaded anime.
Wheres the PFP Vita?
Vita means death in anime.
I turned 21 today. Will alcohol fall from the sky?
Okay, in Robertas Blood Trail, I really like how (Character Development Spoiler)Rock shows his more evil side. Like how he isnt the innocent character anymore, and hes really screwed up to a deeper extent.
You should read the half of the next arc that's out after you finish watching Roberta's Blood Trail as (Character Development Spoiler) we seeRevvy actually beginning to soften and going towards where Rock was at the start of this whole thing. They're basically trading places and it'll be interesting to see who finishes their transformation first as that will show us the kind of ending we're in for. If it's Revvy we'll likely get a happy ending, well happy for Black Lagoon anyway, but if it's Rock...
I just wish the series wasn't stalled and it had a more concrete release schedule.
Welp, so much for seeing "The Assassination of Kim Jong-un by theCowardActors Seth Rogen and James Franco" on Xmas Day.
*shrugs* I think it's everyone overreacting. Not sure why Sony's surprised at this point, but I'm also not sure why they weren't questioning things when North Korea made threats months and months ago...Like if they weren't a viable threat months ago, why are they now? They're threatening physical harm to people now, which isn't relatable to cyber attacks. Lastly, if people start getting attacked in masses at screenings of the interview, I think someones going to try and do something about it, since it's not like we have no clue who could possibly be responsible.
While I don't really agree with this decision since I think it's an empty threat, I also think it's pretty understandable that a movie studio doesn't wanna play the "WE DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS" card.
Guys what the fuck.
I'm finished with all but one semester of college.
Guys what the fuck.
I'm finished with all but one semester of college.
Same here.