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Toonami |Dec14| Watch the reruns, Shinji

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Honestly even if it was just one or two ass hats who planned to shoot up their local theater if they showes the interview delaying it was the best move. Were they going to do a 9/11 size attack? Most likely not, but 2-3 ass holes with guns could kill a lot of people quickly in whatever theater they attack. It really isn't worth that risk especially when these people clearly don't care about who they hurt with their actions.


Honestly even if it was just one or two ass hats who planned to shoot up their local theater if they showes the interview delaying it was the best move. Were they going to do a 9/11 size attack? Most likely not, but 2-3 ass holes with guns could kill a lot of people quickly in whatever theater they attack. It really isn't worth that risk especially when these people clearly don't care about who they hurt with their actions.

Surprised it wasnt the government instead of sony though. I mean, if NK shot up Americans...welp


Surprised it wasnt the government instead of sony though. I mean, if NK shot up Americans...welp
The fact that this has been decisively been linked to North Korea means it's highly unlikely any sort of attack would have taken place, as that would have been an act of war.
The fact that this has been decisively been linked to North Korea means it's highly unlikely any sort of attack would have taken place, as that would have been an act of war.

To be fair the Kim Jong Il really may be that insane as to declare war with America over this stupid movie
History will remember that time when a Seth Rogan movie started World War 3.

It's not that crazy of an idea, people cite Uncle Tom's Cabin as being the boiling point that lead to the American Civil War. Heck there is even a story (if it's true or not is unknown) that Lincoln met the author and said "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war" Obviously Uncle Tom's Cabin wasn't a comedy like The Interview and you would have to be stupid to actually incite a war over a satire but the idea of fiction creating a war isn't that unheard of.


If Seth Rogen managed to start WW3 or NK vs the US...whoa, thatd be something interesting.

But yeah, I wonder how the US will respond to this as it is.
Actually, I wonder how Bridget is taken nowadays, seeing as certain things are much less socially acceptable than when say...when Bridget was first around?

Wait are you saying we're less accepting of transsexualism then we were in 2002? Back then you could use the 4 letter t word about someone like Bridget and people would laugh at the funny joke along with generally make gay jokes at the expense of gay people. Comparatively society and the internet are both far more accepting of the LGBT community and much stricter on those who make jokes at their expense.

Going off your comment I think now a days the shock that "Wait that's a GIRL?! OMG IT'S A..." really is lost because society is much more accepting of these kinds of characters and you see these kinds of characters in many more forms of media. It's still not at level of acceptance that it should be but we really have come a long way.


I thought the image was going to be more lewd.


Yes, you totally wouldnt have killed me for posting lewd images of bridget on the topic of waifus (rather than husbandos, since the fact I posted a pic of Bridget in said convo whatsoever was kinda off topic I guess)

Wait are you saying we're less accepting of transsexualism then we were in 2002? Back then you could use the 4 letter t word about someone like Bridget and people would laugh at the funny joke along with generally make gay jokes at the expense of gay people. Comparatively society and the internet are both far more accepting of the LGBT community and much stricter on those who make jokes at their expense.

Going off your comment I think now a days the shock that "Wait that's a GIRL?! OMG IT'S A..." really is lost because society is much more accepting of these kinds of characters and you see these kinds of characters in many more forms of media. It's still not at level of acceptance that it should be but we really have come a long way.

And no, er...I meant the opposite. As in, people are much less accepting of people being called that word. Yeah, Bridget was the posterboy for the trope of "trap" (not meaning it to offend anyone, I literally mean thats the term everyone associated with him)
And yeah, we've come a long way.
Though to be fair, one could easily mistake Bridget for a girl by designers choice. They practically did it with that in mind, giving him a female voice actor+dressing him like a female. I can see how that would confused someone.

I for one am happy gay isn't used as an insult anymore, if truly because it was one of the stupidest insults people used. It was just annoying. I don't even see "trap" used badly (as in, intentionally harsh) anymore, but rather to denote someone who looks like they are the other gender. I guess the real issue there is many people use it offhand when they arent meaning it in an insulting way, but to anyone who does care about said topic, it is highly offensive, even if the person using the term didn't intend to be mean in general.


Ok so I got the go ahead a bit ago from Seda but I was a bit preoccupied to put this together until now. I just wanted to let you guys know of some recent developments that were important to me and that you guys might enjoy. I hope this doesn't come across as spammy and I apologize if it does. If you have any questions I'll be more than happy you answer them in thread or via PM.

A) I know a few people in this thread live in or frequent NYC. My parents recently opened a restaurant called "Le Marecage" (French for "Swamp") in the East Village of Manhattan that serves Haitian-West African cuisine (or what I'd call home cooking :p). My father is the head chef and has been cooking for the past what 40-50 years? He's been a teacher at the French Culinary Institute, run a catering business and cafes but has always wanted to open a proper restaurant and finally gotten the chance. Of course I'll vouch for my family and its culinary prowess but if you need completely unbiased opinions you can read these links. Also YELP if that's a thing you use. If you're nearby I suggest you drop by. I personally guarantee you'll have a good meal :)


Some good friends of mine a running campaigns on Kickstarter (that end pretty soon) for games called Funemployed and Emergents: Genesis. The first is a party game where people try to interview for jobs using wacky key words. The later is a deckbuilding card game set in a superhero universe. Both campaigns have videos that probably do a better job of explaining how you play them. I've played the first one and its quite fun. As with most things its better with a bit of alcohol (Happy Birthday Unspeakable Evil :p). I've played prototypes of Emergents Genesis and it was already a lot of fun so the final product should be even better. I just wanted to bring these to your attention as they seem like products a lot of people in here may enjoy.


I live in CT and I know B-Dubs and Bigkrev live in NY and NJ respectively, perhaps we should plan a weekend trip to your parents restaurant and have a Toonami GAF get together
Your parents opened a restaurant? Holy shit, man. That's amazing. I don't think i'll ever be in New York, but good luck to them.

Also, happy birthday, dawg. Hope you unleash all sorts of unspeakable evils on the dance floor! My god that was terrible. Someone shoot me.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Swerve of Jerusalem

So I knew something was wrong when after about 35 minutes in, I was sure that somewhere around 80% of the dialogue consisted of exposition and they were still doing, "Oh my god you're the Fullmetal Alchemist!?" This doesn't really change until after 2/3rds of the way through, and those initial 2/3rds are boring as hell. Barring one legitimately great action scene, it's all talking. The characters explain things to each other, they talk about the state of the setting, they outline their goals. Naked exposition dumps are rightfully criticized, but I think Milos makes a strong case for the fact that poorly disguised ones can be just as bad, or worse. The dialogue in this movie is outright terrible; there's little conversation that takes place because most of the speech is just explanations and narration of what's happening onscreen. There's so much setup here, and it doesn't really feel needed (and consequently it's completely uninteresting) because the plot isn't all that complicated.

And when the plot actually does show up? Boy, is it stupid. The writer seems addicted to adding plot twist after plot twist for no apparent reason. First the brother is not actually show brother at all, he's the bad guy! The bad guy kills a random named character to establish this, but then he kills his henchman! Then Julia's real brother shows up to kill the bad guy! Then Julia's real brother is also a bad guy! It's convoluted nonsense that doesn't even serve a real point except to build to a "happy" ending; there was nothing wrong with the original villain, and the new one has probably two or three minutes of screen time in total before he shows up like it's a big deal (he's better than Not-Yoki, but still). There sure as hell isn't any emotional resonance for any of this because Julia isn't really a character, she's a textbook Mary Sue and incredibly boring as a result. She's blandly nice and....that's about it, outside of Alexis Tipton's distractingly mediocre acting. She just kind of stands and watches until she gets her Mary Sue powers, which is pretty much what all the other characters do. The Elrics come off as observers for the majority of the movie, which is boring, but it's really the other characters who get the short end of the stick. Winry exists to fix Ed's arm in a single scene, Hawkeye shoots at Not-Yoki, and Mustang...does nothing. He literally disappears for about 5 minutes during the climax and never uses his flame alchemy once throughout the entire movie.

Worse, the movie pretty much spits on the one of the core themes of the series: the cost of the Philosopher's Stone and how it's not worth it. Ed goes on about how such a massive loss of life is horrible, sure, but that gets forgotten as soon as a horde of soldiers get killed like it's nothing; it's just swept under the rug because although those are the rules the series has established, they're in the way of the movie's view of the stone as Instant Superpowers. Julia swallows the stone and everything is just fine. She stops the magma. She revives her dead brother, face intact. Her people even claim their independence because all the soldiers that would oppose them conveniently died to make the stone (the movie ends with an acknowledgement that the conflict is ongoing, sure, but the point still stands). The only thing she loses is her leg, which is a laughably small price to pay considering what the Stone prevented. Don't get me started on the ham-fisted parallels to the real world, either.

Bones, never attempt to write original Fullmetal Alchemist material again. This is strike three. I like the fluid animation a hell of a lot and the action can be great, but neither is good enough to offset the problems this movie has.


Andrex made this site.

It's way outdated.

Also linking to it might get you banned.

W-wait, really. ;_;

I guess I'll unlink it, but yeah uh....had no clue. *shrugs*

That must explain why deep down, I liked it.

"Why was Soulflarz banned?"
"He linked to this site"
Thatd be a pretty funny ban except seeing as I havent come across that site in my time on gaf no one would ever see it

I feel like the last thing you said probably should have been the first thing you said.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
What is with anime movies adding OC characters as heroes which the whole plot revolves around?

Things I learned from doing a deep dive, of all things, on the Pokémon movies.

1. They are an excuse for the director and key members of staff to go scout beautiful real world locations and get a different vacation every year.

2. Because the movie takes place in said exotic location you need a young lass to introduce you to the ways that their Non-Canon™ is unique and exciting.

3. This young lass usually has some connection to the villain/mystery of said location because while your budget is higher than normal and you might have the length of 3-5 episodes as a time budget that really isn't that long, so certain economy of plot tricks are often implemented.

4. The deep mystery needs to be relative to the world they inhabit and to be done and over with in short order...so it's usually not a very deep mystery.

5. The ultimate rule of Non-Canon™ must apply. No significant changes to the cast may occur unless you are willing to introduce them to the canon story. This almost never happens anymore but was once upon a time an interesting way to spice up a new season of a show by having the external movie actually be canon.


He said might, so there's no hard and fast rule that Seda knows of, i.e. it might be fine and he just needs to double check.

Or he's fucking with us.

I was mostly joking, but I do recall a thread about the website several years back where mods stepped in and basically outlawed it.


That must explain why deep down, I liked it.

"Why was Soulflarz banned?"
"He linked to this site"

I was mostly joking, but I do recall a thread about the website several years back where mods stepped in and basically outlawed it.

Oh :V

Was the reason along the lines of the fact it's highly inaccurate or because they didn't think it was useful to post on GAF. As in would they be opposed to a more organized/serious list?
(Not like I'd ever be the one to make or participate on that, just curious)
Things I learned from doing a deep dive, of all things, on the Pokémon movies.

1. They are an excuse for the director and key members of staff to go scout beautiful real world locations and get a different vacation every year.

2. Because the movie takes place in said exotic location you need a young lass to introduce you to the ways that their Non-Canon™ is unique and exciting.

3. This young lass usually has some connection to the villain/mystery of said location because while your budget is higher than normal and you might have the length of 3-5 episodes as a time budget that really isn't that long, so certain economy of plot tricks are often implemented.

4. The deep mystery needs to be relative to the world they inhabit and to be done and over with in short order...so it's usually not a very deep mystery.

5. The ultimate rule of Non-Canon™ must apply. No significant changes to the cast may occur unless you are willing to introduce them to the canon story. This almost never happens anymore but was once upon a time an interesting way to spice up a new season of a show by having the external movie actually be canon.

Interesting. Seems like Naruto/One Piece/Bleach all changed some of this and their later movies decided that villains were the only new characters needed

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Off until Monday. Feels good. Then I just work Monday and Tuesday until I take the rest of the year off.

Finally get down to fixing my old man's PC (and use that time to back his up and get him a new one for Christmas) go Christmas shopping, and more importantly, do gifs of 9 episodes of shows since the last time I did it (3 Bebop, 2 from DBZ Kai, TTGL, Inuyasha)


Unconfirmed Member
Interesting. Seems like Naruto/One Piece/Bleach all changed some of this and their later movies decided that villains were the only new characters needed

One Piece has recently flirted more towards making movies kinda sorta canon. Strong World is basically intended to be canon but still self-contained so that you can freely ignore it if you only read the manga or whatever. Because of this, Oda had to state outright that Film Z was not canon.

Naruto's new movie is canon, too, as far as I know.
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