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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Enemy of the Byakugan"


Well, they are dead. Time for the adventures of Sakura and Konohamaru. Raiga blew them to bits! Crazy intensifies! No bodies=no funerals. The boy speaks up, the four of them are alive. Way to ruin my parade, filler Haku. Raiga can't believe them, but remembers that Filler Haku is never wrong.


"One of them is troublesome" says the bloodmist. We hear Neji's thoughts. It was a close one, he managed to stop his Byakugan, etc, etc.


We hear all this as Team Guy and Drummer Naruto pose for their second album cover, Thunder in the Jungle. His magic eyes work on everything else but Raiga. There's a lot of random flunkie ninjas around that Neji points out and sends the team to dispose of. These four easily dispatch them.


SWERVE! They are rocks and tress and the like. The episode title is coming true! Naruto misses with a VINTAGE Uzumaki Barrage and Lee is dangling on a rope head first down a cliff face.


Everytime Neji looks though he sees people, or possibly enemies from Twilight Princess. Illusions with chakra networks shouldn't be possible. Filler Haku gives their exact positions to Raiga. Raiga is going to take care of them but reiterates his no funeral stance. Thunder Funeral, Feast of Lightning. Electricity finds its way to all of them.


They're down! Raiga talks about how he isn't really strong, Ranmaru is strong. Together though he can share his strength. Ranmaru tells him they aren't dead yet. If frying them won't work he'll grind their bones into dust instead!


As he gets his legs swept and kicked in his humped back by Lee. Right in the Ranmaru. Lee is fighting while unconscious! That fighting spirit! That muscle memory. Raiga is impressed and offers to give Lee a funeral. Ranmaru isn't having an easy time reading Lee but he's doing his best. Lee catches one of the twin blades with his feet while doing a handstand, then bridges and catches the other with his hands! Not to be outdone Naruto is getting up slowly but he can't move. He tries to rouse the other two and Neji gets up. Neji hears Ranmaru's voice as Lee's kick to the back somehow tears open his clock...


Revealing a sleeping bag! It's Ranmaru who lands right in front of Twenty and Neji. Lee finally wakes up, he was dreaming he was in a fight. Raiga can't find him in the mist so he goes after Lee instead...


Only to be kicked in the gut by Naruto. Raiga stops his backward momentum with his twin swords. Naruto is ready to fight but before that he wants to know about the Sauce. Is he a swordsman of the Mist? He was. Do you know Zabusa and Kisame? He hates them! No more questions! Naruto is going to have to beat the answers out of him! Kunai clashing, shadow clones.


Naruto has got him! Oh wait, he just charges his swords and zaps him with a lightning ball. That ain't enough to stop Naruto so he does another.


Back to the curry stand. The two men ask for seconds but the old lady is outside watering the stoop. A storm is a coming. "A nasty bit of Lightning." It was the same as the day Karashi left!


More electrical attacks for Naruto. He no sells. Raiga suddenly remembers his version of Haku is missing. Neji can see inside the bag until Ranmaru releases his blood mist which creates the chakra network filled illusions. Neji tells Naruto to make Shadow Clones without fear, his eyes are over here right now. Raiga promises to save the boy as Naruto makes a ton of clones. Raiga starts frying them one and two at a time but he can't keep it up. The hidden mist jutsu is almost over. He charges up his lightning and runs off the cliff. Ninja Art: Boulder Avalanche! He escapes!


"Hope you're ready, pal!" The bag cries out for them to stop! Too late for that as Naruto Rasengan's Raiga right in the breadbox and over the cliff. Arc over!


Naruto wants to know What to do with Raiga's giant eyeballs. Neji calls him an idiot, the bag clearly holds a person.


We finally see Ranmaru. Lee wants to know if he dreamfought him. Nope. RaigaxRanmaru. Together forever. Ever since he found him in a FLASHBACK. Ninja fighting Ninja on a dark night. Raiga in an ANBU mask busts in, pinning a human shaped object that is under a blanket to the ground with one of his swords. Spies infiltrated the Mist and they are connected with this village. He can't find the exact culprits so he has been killing everyone.


"It's alright if it's you taking my life" Says the clearly evil filler Haku. Raiga wants to know what that means. Ranmaru saw him always crying. His tears are internal as he searches for meaning. Raiga is legit shook as they talk it over. Ranmaru is the same! He's forced to live indoors because of his illness but his powers can see outside. If he can die to make Raiga feel alive again, he'll gladly do it. Ranmaru is alone, shunned by all. Raiga adopts him, they'll be as one together forever! Ranmaru is the eyes and ears, Raiga is the feet and hands. Montage about how much fun they had together! Searching for the meaning of life together. If Raiga is dead Ranmaru has nothing to live for. Even Naruto realizes this has all been done before as the prettiest boy of them all has a cameo.


Yep, that's the one as we get the entire speech Haku gave Naruto on the bridge about no longer being of use. The bag boy is crippled! He seeks death! Naruto is SHOOK. Neji says though that the mission is complete, they drove away the Kurosuki's. A headless beast is unpredictable though so they need to get to the clean up. Naruto wants to know what they should do with Ranmaru. They tie him up so he doesn't kill himself and seals him in with a chakra sealing tag.


It's not over yet, Snake!

NEXT EPISODE: "The Dark Creeping Clouds"

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Don't remember it. Gut feeling says it looks like Shippuden.

Maybe I should save this gif for when Gucci is unbanned.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah it looked HDish and had a more modern use of color.

EDIT: Fuck me how is this arc only halfway over?
I remember it all too well, this legendary shitty filler arc.


I posted the correct top 10 a while ago, and it is still live
• Batman: TAS
• Cowboy Bebop
• Megas XLR
• Rurouni Kenshin
• Samurai Jack
• Teen Titans
• The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
• Yu Yu Hakusho
• Yu-Gi-Oh!


I posted the correct top 10 a while ago, and it is still live
• Batman: TAS
• Cowboy Bebop
• Megas XLR
• Rurouni Kenshin
• Samurai Jack
• Teen Titans
• The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
• Yu Yu Hakusho
• Yu-Gi-Oh!

It's not a bad list, but I can't agree with Teen Titans, Johnny Quest, or Yu-Gi-Oh! being in the top 10. Teen Titans was decent to good, but maybe closer to top 20. The other two shouldn't be anywhere near the top.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I know how I am going to spend my lunch break...I'll...watch and screencap this awful episode of Naruto.

Oh well, at least the seventh opening is legit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Dark Creeping Clouds"


We start of with this asshole looking out for Naruto and Team Guy who approach from the cliff, seeing only the villagers and one cloaked individual. Neji can't see anything wrong. One of the villagers yells out that it is a trap but is stifled before he can get it all out by Karashi! That son of a bitch! Damn I cannot believe it! His face turn was a lie! The villagers are shook. They thought he'd repented. As if he'd go back to that lame curry shop.

Our heroes derp run up as Karashi gives the signal and boulders are dropped on them. They are legitimately shook.


And squished. The villagers cannot believe it. Karashi laughs, they don't need Sir Raiga's strength, the Kurosuki's are invincible. A familiar kid asks a random thug what he's looking for as they go over the rock pile, The thug (who has Gaara's voice) replies "what do you think we're looking for, those stinking brats!"

"Are you referring to us?" Bah gawd king, It's Neji and Naruto! Lee and Twenty teleport behind them. It's a trap! Shadow Clones and Transformation jutsu. The villains circle the wagons and Gaara voice uses Ninja Art: Black Tornado.


That happens...and then they all take out their wolverine claws. Snickt intensifies.


The twin towers of pain, bruh! They turn into black/blue tornadoes and chase our heroes around! Lee and Twenty are swallowed up...only to Shadow Clone pop. Naruto and Neji also succumb...and pop. Gaara henchmen can't believe it and looks up...


It's the Wall up there brother! A double swerve. They are smug as shit as Naurto talks smack and they ninja run down the cliff. Neji saw through it the whole time and now Tenten gets to clean up these mooks. She summons a pair of Tonfas and gets to work on the nearest tornado. Lee goes for the leaf hurricane on the other one. Both of them break up and try taking these two on 12 or more to 2.


Four go after Neji. 8 Trigams, 64 Palms. It doesn't go well for them. Naruto makes a bunch of clones who jump off of a cliff and do a Clone Spinning Axe Kick!


Get out of there with that indy shit Naruto as Team Guy has already murderated them all. They could have saved some for the main character to try out his sick new Indy Jutsu, but it wasn't WWE sanctioned.


Naruto starts giving shit to Karashi again and the villagers join in. Karashi tries to sell it as a joke! Villagers don't go for that. He then tries for the Nuremberg defense, to which the incredulous villagers offer to beat him with hammers and picks. Lee steps in, he still believes this is his problem. Lee begs for forgiveness; he wants to be beaten instead. It's all his fault, his inspiration made him seek out power at any cost! Karashi tries to agree with this but the villagers want to hear Lee's excellent promo. Lee goes on about how he did wrong but his curry can save lives and that if he ever does wrong again Lee will be there to correct him.


He will punish him with his own two fists. The villagers agree that Lee and granny Sansho can handle this punishment. Lee grabs Karashi by the hair and slams his head down to prostrate himself before these villagers and Karashi blushes as he thanks Lee.


Naruto claps his hands together, that's a wrap folks. (We're not even close to ten minutes in) Neji disagrees, there is one more thing. Filler Haku!


They ask him if he's alright. Nope, still crippled, still missing his other half. Twenty wants to leave this weakling here, must be Age of Apocalypse Tenten. She hates weak indecisive people! Well he's weak all right but seems pretty firm on wanting to die. He was an orphen in a shack and villagers would give him food from time to time. But he had a power! Sight beyond sight! He saw that the farmhand who brings him the food injured himself in the field with a scythe and tells him about it when they next meet. He's shook and believes the boy is cursed! Everyone grew to fear him and his demonic eyes. No more visitors with food. Raiga saved him though. Lee loves a good sob story and Neji agrees. Without Raiga he's already dead. Neji figures that without Ranmaru Raiga wouldn't have become one of the seven (filler) swordsmen of the mist and Ranmaru agrees. Naruto isn't too sure though and thinks Ranmaru was used by Raiga. Ranmaru thinks its possible but he doesn't care, he's just a tool! Naruto cuts a promo, if that's what he believes then you were never alive in the first place! Maybe they can fix him up with...


THE CURRY OF LIFE! That'll cheer him up and nourish his body!


Twenty ain't too sure, won't all that spice kill him? Neji doesn't want Naruto to get any livlier.


Naruto wants more of the slop, it makes him feel alive! Lee agrees! Naruto promises to be Ranmaru's body from now on. Ranmaru says okay but he has one condition.


To check on Raiga of course. Neji uses his Byakugan and declares Raiga dead. Ranmaru uses his eyes as well, takes a breath in and agrees that they are done here.


We head back to the Curry of Life shop. The two men are cutting firewood when they spot the traveling party including Karashi and inform Ganny Sansho, who no sells their shocking news and asks that they show more decorum. The men ask if she's happy that her apprentice is back, and she just keeps on making the curry. No snot in the curry!


PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Lee makes assurances that he has changed his ways and will take over the Curry of Life shop when she passes under her strict tutelage. First things first though and Karashi must eat. So should everyone else! Granny notices the boy on Naruto's back and Naruto wants a helping for the boy. Extra mild for him says Neji and Tenten wants hers that way too.


Three hundred percent spicy punishment curry. He shovels it down! So spicy, so good.


We cut to the night time. Ranmaru isn't hungry and Naruto is the only one left eating with him. He asks Ranmaru about his time with the Seven Swordsmen and about Zabusa. He doesn't remember him. He does remember Kisame though after Naruto asks about the guy with the sword wrapped in bandages. Naruto asks if he knows where that guy is, but Ranmaru doesn't, Kisame left long ago. Ranmaru isn't in the mood to eat right now.


The two remaining villagers make their farewells the next day. Where is Lee, Twenty wants to know. Neji chuckles that his mission isn't over yet. Cut to Lee training the fuck out of Karashi, doing 300 pushups in about seven seconds.


A storm is a coming so Lee and Naruto are felling trees, they'll make a barrier around the shop. Neji is worried about the ex-villains left in the shop so he sends Tenten to investigate. They're gone!


Of course the boss is still alive! Neji failed again this mission. A genius of failure.


Raiga lives. Ranmaru throws himself to the ground. They survive only together as he crawls to Raiga. No funeral for him as he infuses him with Chakra and slumps over. The arms start moving!


Twenty sees this scene as the heavens erupt and send a lightning bolt straight to Raiga. Bio-Raiga stands up and laughs!
NEXT EPISODE: "Raiga's Counterattack"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This arc Seda, you take the good with the bad. I'd have no problems with this arc at all if it ended today besides the laziness of redoing Zabusa (only crazy and not very threatening) and Haku (only crippled and not as bishie) but for the damn Karashi plot.

Karashi is on his THIRD false face turn.

There are still
episodes left.

Bonus GIFs:


so i wrote some stuff about Sword Art Online but i don't wanna post it when there's so many big posts on this page already. so uh......

Sango > all other characters
there's a big-ass Blue Exorcist Toonami ad on Anime News Network.

Just saw that as well. Good stuff all around for Toonami.

The special lady and I are trying to come up with Blue items to consume during this week's Toonami in honor of the premiere. Currently not too much. I'll probably have Blue Moon beer (my favorite).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Pretty neat. I wonder how Toonami's advertising budget has changed from relaunch day through today.

They went from having ads on Adult Swim on Fridays and Saturdays only to having multiple ads on Adult Swim all week so they definitely have a lot of faith internally.


Just saw that as well. Good stuff all around for Toonami.

The special lady and I are trying to come up with Blue items to consume during this week's Toonami in honor of the premiere. Currently not too much. I'll probably have Blue Moon beer (my favorite).

Find this hiding in a celler somewhere. And then one or either of these in a few weeks.


And then vomit

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Pepsi Blue and Pitch Black 1 can die in a fire.

Pitch Black II though, I wish I had some of that delicious nectar RIGHT NOW.
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