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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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Heh, maybe showing a rerun of DBZ at 8:00 is Adult Swim's way of proving to the naysayers that they like anime after that bump fiasco.






Yo, did Pikachu just rip out Lucario's intestines?
I must play this game.

Even Dandy has been smoking some vapor.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
lol it looks so cheap

Yeah, that's another issue with the Toriko anime. It looks like it was made with table scraps.
Granted, the manga's art isn't spectacular, but boy did Toei screw it up.

Toei has really dropped the ball on their animation lately. Only Precure seems to do well and that's only because it airs alongside Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.
There's also Marvel Disk Wars which only looks decent thanks to Disney co-funding.

I really hope Digimon Adventure Tri at least tries to look decent.


There was a bump fiasco??

I'm exaggerating but basically there was an Adult Swim bump that used some KLK fan artwork without permission. So AS got a some flack about it and made another bump which made a snide remark that said that talking about anime ever is a mistake... which just gave knucklehead anime fans who can't take a joke even more riled up in the YouTube comments.
I'm exaggerating but basically there was an Adult Swim bump that used some KLK fan artwork without permission. So AS got a some flack about it and made another bump which made a snide remark that said that talking about anime ever is a mistake... which just gave knucklehead anime fans who can't take a joke even more riled up in the YouTube comments.

Not sure what the issue is. It would be one thing if adult swim was profiting off of their artwork; then they would definitely have cause to be mad, but at worst this seems like a minor inconvenience In reality their fanart wasn't going to get nearly the exposure AS provided so I'd personally be happy with that. Yes, it would have been nice of them to ask first, but as long as no money is exchanging hands, the whole 'fiasco' seems relatively harmless to me. Anime fans, or enthusiasts of any hobby in general, can get pretty defensive over things that just aren't a big deal.


Not sure what the issue is. It would be one thing if adult swim was profiting off of their artwork; then they would definitely have cause to be mad, but at worst this seems like a minor inconvience. In reality their fanart wasn't going to get nearly the exposure AS provided so I'd personally be happy with that. Yes, it would have been nice of them to ask first, but as long as no money is exchanging hands, the whole 'fiasco' seems relatively harmless to me. Anime fans, or enthusiasts of any hobby in general, can get pretty defensive over things that just aren't a big deal.

Agreed. I think that joking comment they made that "they should have known better than to ever talk about anime" just riled those people up more and they took it as evidence that AS really doesn't care about anime and simply tolerates it... something that DeMarco has said in a recent interview was completely false.
Agreed. I think that joking comment they made that "they should have known better than to ever talk about anime" just riled those people up more and they took it as evidence that AS really doesn't care about anime and simply tolerates it... something that DeMarco has said in a recent interview was completely false.

If anything the people getting upset first about not crediting the fan art and then being upset over the "should've known better then to talk about anime" only justify that comment because seeminglu regardless of what they say/do anime fans will freak out and get upset


I mean I guess I don't have a super strong opinion either way on this particular incident but crediting someone when you use their work, regardless of whether or not you intend to profit off it, is standard operating procedure. It's probably because I work in academia but I have been trained to ALWAYS cite images in my lectures, presentations, etc. Not citing it is abnormal (and problematic if not down right plagiarism). Artists can be similarly touchy because just as with written works, its VERY easy to get your shit stolen if you aren't vigilant. On a web forum nobody really gives a shit but when you starting talking about broadcasting stuff on national television I'd think/hope the standards would be raised. So I dunno if people were flipping their shit at AS over this and doing something as ludicrous as sending death threats (fuck them if they went that far) and maybe the original fan-artist didn't care that much but I don't think being upset and concerned over a lack of accreditation is out of the norm.

Also, the "exposure" argument doesn't work if there is no way to trace the work back to its artist (another reason why accreditation is important).
The exposure argument does work because I'm saying that I personally would be happy with that. It's entirely up to the individual; some will throw a fit over drawings being aired without consent, others won't care. You could argue that the people making this art are ripping off the original creator anyway but I'm sure there's some 'commons' law that allows you to modify an existing property and not have it be copyright infringement/plagerism.


No Scrubs
The exposure argument does work because I'm saying that I personally would be happy with that. It's entirely up to the individual; some will throw a fit over drawings being aired without consent, others won't care. You could argue that the people making this art are ripping off the original creator anyway but I'm sure there's some 'commons' law that allows you to modify an existing property and not have it be copyright infringement/plagerism.

As long as you don't try and sell it you are good. AS was within their rights to put it up the way they did, citing something like that is usually just a curtosy if I remember it correctly.


The exposure argument does work because I'm saying that I personally would be happy with that. It's entirely up to the individual; some will throw a fit over drawings being aired without consent, others won't care. You could argue that the people making this art are ripping off the original creator anyway but I'm sure there's some 'commons' law that allows you to modify an existing property and not have it be copyright infringement/plagiarism.

The point of "exposure" is to build your resume and potentially parlay your skills into work. Artists do what they do because they love to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. but some do it as a side hobby and others do it as a means to feed themselves. It can be flattering to have your work used but if you aren't getting credit, it doesn't actually benefit you in any way. You can't use that to entice clients or hell just get people to visit your website/blog.

To "rip-off" another artist, fan-artists would have to not give credit to the original creators of whatever they are doing fan art off. Since they ALWAYS do, describing it as parody or homage is more accurate. Of course there are legal protections they enjoy to some degree but to call it "ripping-off" feels really insincere.

As long as you don't try and sell it you are good. AS was within their rights to put it up the way they did, citing something like that is usually just a courtesy if I remember it correctly.

I mean AS certainly don't have to fear any legal repercussions but I consider citing art more than a mere courtesy. At least with official art, they've already bought the rights to use it when they licensed the various shows and tracing the identity of hired artists for entertainment properties is super easy to do.

Toei are literally the worst animation studio in Japan. If your manga goes to Toei to be adapted, Gods help you.

I'm hoping that the eventual My Hero Academia anime doesn't fall into their hands :/
The point of "exposure" is to build your resume and potentially parlay your skills into work. Artists do what they do because they love to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. but some do it as a side hobby and others do it as a means to feed themselves. It can be flattering to have your work used but if you aren't getting credit, it doesn't actually benefit you in any way. You can't use that to entice clients or hell just get people to visit your website/blog.

To "rip-off" another artist, fan-artists would have to not give credit to the original creators of whatever they are doing fan art off. Since they ALWAYS do, describing it as parody or homage is more accurate. Of course there are legal protections they enjoy to some degree but to call it "ripping-off" feels really insincere.

No, the point of exposure isn't always to build a resume or get a job. Some people don't care about their likeness or creations being used by others as long as that entity is not profiting off of them. For example, before transferring to OSU, I was an athlete at a small divison 3 college running XC/Track. Throughout my time there, my likeness was used in advertisements for the program. I never signed anything allowing this and didn't care because they weren't making money off of published interviews or actions shots. On the other hand, when the school wanted to use me in promotional images to attract potential students, I DID sign off on that and would have caused an uproar if they had used my image without permission because they directly profit off that.

I get that it's common courtesy to cite sources and that's cool that you're trained to always do so (you're dealing with a poli sci/history majory so trust me, I understand the importance of citations), but to some people it's not a big deal; especially when we're dealing with fanart. If the other party involved isn't profiting, I personally don't care and I would argue that a lot of people feel that way as well.

And I rarely see fan drawings crediting the original work in things that aren't parody. I'm not familiar with copyright law so I'm not really in a place to discuss that intelligently.
I don't know much (anything) about toriko but the musclehead character art style seems pretty dumb

the author doesn't really take the muscle thing seriously

it is more akin to over the top stuff you see in DB

there are other goofy like characters that aren't muscle bound though and the author is well-known for delivering with his world building

imho current Toriko's pacing, powers and world is better then OP.... of course though OP wins with more emotional scenarios and some (not all) characters
Toei are literally the worst animation studio in Japan. If your manga goes to Toei to be adapted, Gods help you.

current Toei yes I comepltely agree

the only time toei is decent is via movies now

Currently Toei is adapting World Trigger and even though the series wasn't that amazing Toei brought it to another level of shit-tier


No, the point of exposure isn't always to build a resume or get a job. Some people don't care about their likeness or creations being used by others as long as that entity is not profiting off of them. For example, before transferring to OSU, I was an athlete at a small division 3 college running XC/Track. Throughout my time there, my likeness was used in advertisements for the program. I never signed anything allowing this and didn't care because they weren't making money off of published interviews or actions shots. On the other hand, when the school wanted to use me in promotional images to attract potential students, I DID sign off on that and would have caused an uproar if they had used my image without permission because they directly profit off that.

I get that it's common courtesy to cite sources and that's cool that you're trained to always do so (you're dealing with a poli sci/history major so trust me, I understand the importance of citations), but to some people it's not a big deal; especially when we're dealing with fanart. If the other party involved isn't profiting, I personally don't care and I would argue that a lot of people feel that way as well.

And I rarely see fan drawings crediting the original work in things that aren't parody. I'm not familiar with copyright law so I'm not really in a place to discuss that intelligently.

In your example, your face is attached to that advertisement. If people want to know who the star athlete is and/or where to find them, they actually have some info to work with. Art divorced from accreditation can't be linked to an individual unless that person is already so well known that people can recognize their artsyle. I'm not talking about the legality of the situation. Even though there are certainly circumstances in which you need the permission of an artist to do something, AS did nothing illegal here. I also don't know how people online were reacting so I won't defend then if they were doing some outrageous stuff. I'm just saying its understandable that using fanart without accreditation would ruffle feathers, regardless if money was involved or not.

As for your last point, fan works pretty much always make it explicitly clear they are a derivative work and from what work the art is inspired by. Somebody drawing like Naruto fanart may not always name drop Kishimoto's name (though fanart based on less well known properties tend to have their authors referenced - or basically always if the material is unpublished - more often or links provided more often) but you can be sure they'll make it clear they don't own the Naruto characters/universe.


Gives all the fucks

The console collection of the gaming gods.
Wheres the Virtual Boy? & the Xbox 360? & the X1? & the PS4? & the Magnavox Oddysey? & the Vectrex? & the Sega Mark III? & the 3DO? & the Phillips-CDi? & the Wii? & the Wii U? & the Colecovision? & the Intellivision? & the Sega Master System?


This week's Jojo episode was AWESOME (though full of "convenient character writing"). Toonami when?

Also Death Parade is awesome and y'all should be watching it.
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