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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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generally speaking you shouldnt call athletes 'thugs' even if they do throw punches, due to racial connotations

Thug has racial connotations? I mean, I wouldnt call anyone a thug, but I never put connotation on it.

I think in the long run, shorter is better. The same shows rerunning in the last two hours especially just isn't interesting. Having a smaller rotation of less stale reruns (like, Deadman, Space Dandy and Bebop due to being remastered) is more enticing to watch.

As for Kill La Kill, fault-finding tendencies are probably just going to lessen the group watch experience. I'm just going to try and roll with it.

Agreed, I never even bothered with the second half. I'm sad they shortened it, but moreso confused why it longer was even around with the back part sent to die every week.

And yes, this group has the tendencies to find faults in shows the majority of people find good :p
Not that it's a bad thing, but yeah, I do tend to acknowledge I'm going to enjoy shows more than most people here on a show-to-show basis.


Thug has racial connotations? I mean, I wouldnt call anyone a thug, but I never put connotation on it.

Seems to be a more recent implication. Yes, thug by definition typically means 'violent criminal' but words and how people choose to use them change. I didn't make those bans, for the record.


Blame the banning of thug on Fox News which more or less used it to replace a racial slur.

I hope lazy bones comes back.


A) Group Watches can make even the most unwatchable garbage palatable. Sword Art Online and Blue Exorcist made me want to scoop my eyeballs out sometimes but reading (and contributing) to the reactions often left me with a big smile on my face. Ideally, KLK should do the same even through the parts where it falters.

"Thug" as a code word for "Black" has been going on for decades. It isn't news to any Black person or those who interact with enough Black people in America. I haven't stepped into the Super Bowl thread since the Seahwaks decided to shot themselves in the face so I dunno exactly what's going on in that thread.


RIP lazybones18.


Is it a permaban?

And huh, noted. I'll try not to use thug (Seeing as I only used it for the term of violent criminal or referring to someone abusive to others in a criminalish way, if ever) anymore, I guess.

"Thug" as a code word for "Black" has been going on for decades. It isn't news to any Black person or those who interact with enough Black people in America.
Weird, never heard about this before. TIL
But disclaimer on that: I'm white and live in a mostly white area, and any friends I have who are black wouldn't be in situations with me around (or at all, knowing them) where I would have come across the word used like that.

Edit: I'm also slowly getting convinced that my ignorance to how certain words or actions are perceived by others will one day get me banned :/


Weird, never heard about this before. TIL
But disclaimer on that: I'm white and live in a mostly white area, and any friends I have who are black wouldn't be in situations with me around (or at all, knowing them) where I would have come across the word used like that.

I grew up in the Midwest and I might be projecting my own personal observations on the prevalence of this sort of thing which I probably shouldn't do.


Edit: I'm also slowly getting convinced that my ignorance to how certain words or actions are perceived by others will one day get me banned :/

That's why the bans are short duration for this sort of thing (ignorance and whatnot) it's meant to be a teaching tool more than a punishment. And it's often at least somewhat effective on a bigger scale for the forum, if the mod staff can be consistent about it.


I grew up in the Midwest and I might be projecting my own personal observations on the prevalence of this sort of thing which I probably shouldn't do.

I live in Chicago >.>
I should know this stuff probably.

Edit: Okay not really in reality. I dont see the whole Chicago steriotypical problems where I live, and I remind people of that whenever people ask me about my neighborhood. No, my neighbors arent all drug addicts, and they also arent shooting each other. At all.


It's not that you can't ever use the word "thug" but you have to be a bit careful because it has become a bit of a loaded word as those with less than pure intentions use it to hide their "true feelings" and finally those outside the Black community are catching on.

I don't know exactly what lazybones did or said though but I certainly can see how it might not have been the best word choice and its WAY too easy for me to imagine not only that many posters would use the term in a racial motivated fashion but how a post by lazybone may look similar to theirs if placed side by side even if he didn't mean it in that fashion. Also, being of group X doesn't stop you from being prejudiced against members of your own group but AGAIN I reiterate I don't know what lazybones did so I'm not trying to throw shade on him


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 77:

Okay, on the one hand thank the heavens that this stupid god damned break up is over and done with but on the other hand fuck that noise to begin with. I get what the overall idea was, to show how strong the bond between Usagi and Mamoru really was but the problem is we already spent a season on the shit and at best this was pointless redundancy and at worst it was mind numbing tedium and is pretty much what this whole episode was even if TOEI hadn't unleashed one of their spoiler filled episode titles. Of course they were going to get back together because that was the only end result and the laughable attempts and melancholy melodrama could not have fallen flatter if they tried. The was no drama, no insight, no nothing from this turdburger of a sub-plot and the worst thing of all is some asshead thought this mountain of iron pyrite was weet enough to mine for SIXTEEN GOD DAMNED EPISODES! In short. hugest recommendation to avoid and indeed this one has been one of the true lowlights of the season.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 78:

So after the huge slice of processed cheese that was last episode it is once again time to show case the comedic side of Sailor Moon and indeed it is a truly rarefied episode as Minako gets the spotlight for the first time since they closed the book on her past with Sailor Jupiter and whom they kept together as a odd sort of second tier comedy tag team that really didn't go anywhere. So it is time to give her another repackaging and this one if I recall correctly sticks around for awhile as Minako has been recast to basically be Usagi but more earnest and nobody hates her. Indeed, they kind of had to ramp up the ditz factor since Usagi plays to the same gimmick. Still, it is the first real amount of personality she has had for ages now. Anyway, the episode in question was alright, mind recommendation to watch and harmless fun.


I am actually kind of shocked Sailor Moon Crystal made no (?) AOTY lists.

Did Toei really fuck up that badly?


Thug has racial connotations? I mean, I wouldnt call anyone a thug, but I never put connotation on it.

not sure if indian racism (thuggee) or black racism (cos... stereotyping)

/edit okay seems obvious now

did you know the word derives from a sect of indian killer secret assassins


Sketchbook Picasso
Back when Kikyo "died" at Mt. Hakure the first time, I did feel like "Really, again?!?"... but I didn't get that feeling at all last night. I think the episode took it's time closing each of her relations well enough (even having LORD SESSHY commenting on it!) that it felt as weighty as deserved.

Even as an already dead reanimated clay shell harboring her soul, Kikiyo's existence constantly vexed everyone significant to the story. And the last eps gave her connections to Sango and Miroku in a fairly convincing way.

Everything surrounding her death, music, pacing, backgrounds, character style... it worked well for me. It's nice to stop and take a breather in Final Act, and while I didn't feel exactly the same reverb I felt over Kagura's death (where the idea of how long she's been around sunk in as the night went on), I still appreciated it.

Good morning everyone. The silver lining to the new schedule is less rerun fat.
Love that Kaku picture SAB

Thanks:) And I'm... kinda glad "the fat" is gone in some ways, just because it should feel much more relevant of a block now.

Some shows like GITS and Big O, Bebop, or Space Dandy, I can enjoy as weekly reruns. But stuff like IGPX even I tire of after 2 runs...

Toonami my losing time but we still got our sketch dumps. And dead Yamcha and trolling Naraku.
Red Bean bun for everyone

Yeah, that awesome Naraku Troll!
Actually, that was suppose to be Kikyo's last smile to Inuyasha, lol. Guess I failed on that one! The wide mouth didn't help things, I'm sure...

Good morning new toonami thread. That sketchdump is excellent.

Edit: I know for some of you it's afternoon but whatevs.

GOOD...late...night...! Glad ya liked :) One less hour threw me for a loop last night, re-adjusting to 3:30 ending time is going to be something!

Let's get some things out of the way.

1. Good stuff as always SAB. I especially love Bleach and GitS. Living the dream kid. Only comment is on the DBZ one I would have made SAIBAMAN WINS. FATALITY. Even if that was one of the cleanest explosions in history.

That... would have been perfect, lol. I felt the pic was kinda empty, and was gonna add some sound effects or something, but spent way too much time on it already, ha. After watching a Saibaman explode into guts, why was Yamcha's death so unimpressive and plain looking?

You know, oddly enough, I never took much from Yamcha dying, as making him into DBZ's loser character. Right now, I keep feeling like his sudden death is just a good way to say "THIS ISN'T YOUTHFUL DRAGON BALL ANYMORE!" as if killing him off is a way to trim the fat that Non-Z has remaining. He's the once living example of Roshi's "we better not go, we'd just be in the way with our weak power levels!" comment.

Great stuff, SAB. The best ones are Foghorn Leghorn, square faced Sniper King, and the boy in GitS yelling, “Yes!”. On to the reviews.

Glad someone got the Foghorn stuff, lol. Putting TTGL's character and him side-by-side... they're REALLY similar! Save for the muscle.

With Sabat voicing Vegeta and Yamcha, the idea that Yamcha is just a mix of character that pop up later is... surprisingly fitting! Which is sad, because I always liked Yamcha from back in the day. Wolf Fang FIST is one of the FIRST things I always check out every time I get a new DBZ game.

With Naruto, I... really hate how badly Kishimoto portrays Sakura. I generally love how Japan defines strength with their women in more nuanced, long-standing ways. But Sakura is just a BADLY DONE EXAMPLE. She should be one who toes the line between western and eastern examples of a Strong Woman, but she never commits to either, and it makes her just feel underused and wasteful.

I've seen first half Inuyasha more than I'd ever admit, yet I agree with your sentiments! :) Kikiyo has never been a bad character to me; in fact, I think she does a good job of portraying what Sakura fails at. I always enjoyed looking at Kagome and Kikiyo as the same soul, raised in different era's, under different societies. And watching as the best sides of each helped get the other over stubborn ways of thinking. The fact the final moments had no jelousy, no whining about "Inuyasha is.. with HER!!!" type junk... it really felt nice.

Lookin' forward to those spoiler cards, I'll try and catch them! (Sketch'n is busywork, especially with a shorter block!)

Let's talk about problems that shows had tonight!

DBZ: It still is pretty horrible to think about someone you live dying. And the pain they went through during it. I do dislike, as mentioned above, how BORING Yamcha's death is. He barely looks wounded. In those pre-internet, post Dragonball Airing on WB internet days, though, I did think Yamcha's death was decently weighty, especially since I really enjoyed him on Dragonball.. Characters dying on "children's" TV wasn't such a thing on American TV, though, sooo.. I got hit with a wave of Feels for Sharla's death on "Technoman" (Tekkaman Blade) also around that time too, though...

Your describing DBZ as a show that has a death-cheating device as it's name makes me very happy that original Dragonball aired before Z. The over-saturation of games, the abridged net series (which I've never watched) and the meme-y factor of things surely change the feelings one has for the series. The show is so much better when your knowledge of the world generally grows alongside the characters, rather than looking back from knowing everything.

Inuyasha: Well, I already put my thoughts on Kikyo up there somewhere. I never get so annoyed with Inuyasha to feel like it makes things lose meaning, or to not be able to see the meaning of the characters. But I find myself approaching almost everything One Piece (and Shippuden) in such a fashion.

I guess it's in part because I don't feel Inuyasha as a series is ignorant of it's own perceived character potential. Characters lived up to what one would expect of their position and archetype within the story. If they can't use an ability, it's not because they didn't attempt, but because of a Naraku-inserted deterrent. I hate watching Robin, Sakura, or nearly anyone in Bleach get into situations where they SHOULD have an ability / ally that can counter stuff, but yet it's not used. (I guess most here view this as pulling an Orihime..).


*pours one out for Lazybones*


A) Group Watches can make even the most unwatchable garbage palatable. Sword Art Online and Blue Exorcist made me want to scoop my eyeballs out sometimes but reading (and contributing) to the reactions often left me with a big smile on my face. Ideally, KLK should do the same even through the parts where it falters.

The group watch was the only way I was ever going to come in for SAO or Blue Exorcist, because as bad as anything gets, it's always better when watching with others who can groan and moan and even laugh at the absurdity on screen. I do hope that the group watch does enhance the 2nd viewing of KLK, as I have some fairly negative opinions on how the show was handled start to finish.

The combo of airing it biweekly with super shitty "we'll fix it on the blu ray" didn't help it at all

They would basically need to fix the entire show at this point.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I really hope that Ninty's new rewards program runs on a new server or something, the ones they're running Club Nintendo on are garbage.
I value my eyes, so I stay away from the white theme on desktop. Going back to white now is like staring into the sun.



Gives all the fucks
Went to black since it's easier on my eyes, easier for me to see my posts highlighted, and darker color = less power my laptop has to use when on battery (I think).

I stick with 50 ppp because I don't want 100 ppp for threads that have a ton of pictures or gifs, making it take longer to load.


Gives all the fucks
Zonic, remind me, have you seen Deadman Wonderland #6.

I'm just, uh, curious.
Yes, I saw the series back when Toonami was revived.

I am also aware of some of the great quotes that are stated.....& how many bleeps I'm probably gonna have to count.
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