DMWL and SAO are both great for reactions.
Random late night boredom leads me to this, list of OG ToonamiGaffers who are still active. These posters who has a significant post count in the original OT.
everyday math
<bit of a post count jump down here>
These are the troo ToonamiGaffers.
There are several more who post less frequently but still regularly during shows and such, I didn't copy everybody's name and I might have missed some :/
also RIP Knux Future![]()
but by how many wives you sold.
I remember April Fools Toonami. Glorious night. Especially when we didn't even know what was coming next.
I hate that I didn't stick around for Gigantor, though. Read the thread later and that sounded like it was something else.
You know what's amazing? I didn't pay a lick of attention to Samurai 7, but the sold wife jokes slayed me every week.
Oh fuck. Remember how batshit insane Astro boy was?
List is missing several episodes of Cashew, especially the second one, THE HAMMER, Lance killing that one guy, and Ice Tard stabbing that one girl.Here are my top 5 ToonamiGAF reactions:
1. Sword Art Online guild massacre of 2012
I think this was the point SAO lost the benefit of the doubt. Kirito the beater purposely hides his level for no good reason and lets his stupid friends run into an obvious trap. Watching his helpless friends scream in terror while being murdered by trolls with pick axes was unintentionally hilarious, that is a night that cannot be topped in my eyes. RIP Sochi, or whatever your name was.
2. Deadman Wonderland obstacle course of death
The over the top violence with bleeped out swear words was amazing.
3. Gaara v Rock Lee
So much hype, even for those who had already seen the fight.
4. Sword Art Online tentacle weirdness
I don't need to explain this...
5. Space Dandy premiere
The energy in the thread was electric, I got goosebumps when it was finally time to 'push the button'
Black Lagoon status: ACQUIRED.
Still not Gurren Lagann ;___;
No real complaints though, I haven't seen Black Lagoon before.
Honorable mentions of course. Casshew flowers episode and finale were great. Not the 'funniest' reactions but they certainly were some of the most emotionally impactful.List is missing several episodes of Cashew, especially the second one, THE HAMMER, Lance killing that one guy, and Ice Tard stabbing that one girl.
is it just me or has anime/manga stuff been taking over Off-Topic recently
Let's not turn this thread to shit over cartoons. This place is my haven from that junk on gaming side.
I stopped at posters with less than 100
Here are some people with low post counts that belong on the list that I missed before and are still pretty active.
ckohler (only had one post in the first OT but it counts!)
why am I doing this to myself I am only going to miss people and make them feel bad which makes me feel bad
Oh fuck. Remember how batshit insane Astro boy was?
Why the fuck is Sold Wife even funny. It makes no sense that it is as hysterical as we find it to be.
List is missing several episodes of Cashew, especially the second one, THE HAMMER, Lance killing that one guy, and Ice Tard stabbing that one girl.
These days I need a midday nap and a pot of coffee to make it through GitS. I'm happy about the expansion but don't see how people like Scadenfruede complete the 6.5 hour challenge every week. Kudos, I must be getting old.
Whoa, are you expecting the OP to read the OP? Crazy talk.
The complaints seem really odd especially since we've made threads for other old shows that were set to premiere on GAF.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that Black Lagoon thread's going to real shit real fast
Top Toonami Gaf Reactions
1. Casshern Sins. Episode 2: Having already seen the series twice, I knew it was coming. For Game of Thrones fans, remember how book readers felt during the tv version of the Red Wedding? That was me. Laughing my ass off while Toonami-Gaf fell into despair.
2. Thundercats: Just Thundercats. We all hated it, but we watched it anyway and made it barely for each other. I like to think Thundercats prepared us for GXP and SAO.
3. SAO: The episode where Kirito kills that guild traitor and newbies like me discovered the secret porn chapter of the book. In fact, throw in the finale to part one, cause that was so terrible but the reactions were absolutely amazing.
4. Symbionic Titan: Was so great to see a show so universally loved in here, and to share the pain of knowing we aren't getting more of it.
5. Soul Eater: Watching the reactions to the main characters change exactly as people who had already seen the show said they would. Particularly with Black Star. And the test episode....oh man. lmao.
I missed that too. I think I fell asleep halfway through Big O.
I was just now wondering when grandjedi would update things
hi grandjedi
Blue Exorcist has been confirmed for a Feb 1st premiere? Wonder why they would leave a gap...
No because they specific that Soul Eater is ending on March 15th, meaning no movie nights from now till then.February 22nd Movie Night?
I don't know why I always read that as grandjied. I'm so dumb.
Adult Swim should pick up Black Lagoon. The amount of bleeping they'd have to do would be amazing. It shouldn't have been sent to die on some Starz spinoff channel.
Fun fact: It, and Second Barrage aired in Canada without a single censor at 8PM on a mainstream-esque channel.