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Toonami |Jan16| Maybe I Should Have Worn Pants

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The future is gonna be beautiful friends. Though...
Ken is not looking so hot...


Gives all the fucks
But remember guys, actually having her hand physically slap her own butt was too much.

...............that costume leak & the recent Anita episode on "strategic butt coverings" seems too much like a coincidence.

also, something something Prison School reference


But remember guys, actually having her hand physically slap her own butt was too much.

...............that costume leak & the recent Anita episode on "strategic butt coverings" seems too much like a coincidence.

also, something something Prison School reference

Where are last Saturday's TV ratings. They are LATE!



Gives all the fucks
Is this from a trailer for the OVA or is the OVA out?
I recall it's from the post credits scene of the final episode.

They probably could get a second season in, but it would unfortunately feel like it just "stops" since the manga, despite having a ton more after where S1 ended, hasn't fully resolved what the anime is teasing at.


Where are last Saturday's TV ratings. They are LATE!

MLK day means they'll probably go up tomorrow.

By the way, I am now pretty much an expert at Nintendo 3DS file naming and structure after running into a few problems merging and transferring data. I should probably do some real work now.


I recall it's from the post credits scene of the final episode.

They probably could get a second season in, but it would unfortunately feel like it just "stops" since the manga, despite having a ton more after where S1 ended, hasn't fully resolved what the anime is teasing at.
Do Mari's boobs ever stay the same size?

They seem to get bigger throughout the course of the manga.


MLK day means they'll probably go up tomorrow.

By the way, I am now pretty much an expert at Nintendo 3DS file naming and structure after running into a few problems merging and transferring data. I should probably do some real work now.

I accidentally deleted my brother's Animal Crossing town because I was terrible at backing up data for a system transfer.

He still loves me, somehow.


when I was a Pokemon master back in the day

I accidentally deleted my save with all 150 on my red version.

then I was just a trainer and no longer a master


Gives all the fucks
I had around 130 Pokemon on Blue when I was a kid. I let my friend try it out while I went to do something else, I come back & he was all "oh, sorry, I didn't know there was only one save file...."

So, I decided to take a sociology class, sociology of organizations. My last sociology class wasn't too bad. Of questionable scientific validity, but not terrible.

This class isn't sociology, not really. This class is a goddamn historical philosophy class in disguise. (Not that there's anything wrong with philosophy.)

And the teacher won't answer emails about his poorly worded syllabus. No, I gotta post my question to a discussion board, and hope my fellow students answer it. Think about that. I don't know if the other students are right, if they even get back to me. So this class has a decided anti-bureaucratic stance, but the professor won't let me ask him a question in the most direct manner I have...

You know that story about the origin of the word contradiction? The one with the spear and shield? I mean, I'm not there, but I feel like it's just around the corner.


Gives all the fucks


I don't support Trump at all, in fact I just stay out of politics all together because it's one of those "nobody can stay civilized" topics I avoid.



Gives all the fucks
In all actual seriousness, just....WOW. I can't believe that was an actual sentence spoken during a political discussion. That's a line you'd hear in a silly parody between fandoms.

I legit had to check to see if it was actually spoken & not a fake someone made.


In all actual seriousness, just....WOW. I can't believe that was an actual sentence spoken during a political discussion. That's a line you'd hear in a silly parody between fandoms.

I legit had to check to see if it was actually spoken & not a fake someone made.

You should've read that one New York Mag article a couple of months back on political discussion and anime avatars. It was gold.


Gives all the fucks
You should've read that one New York Mag article a couple of months back on political discussion and anime avatars. It was gold.
Okay now THAT sounds like a fake, like they gathered up those "lol anime avatar" posts on Neogaf & turned it into an article from The Onion.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero 09

it hurts


I am honestly relieved to have been minorly spoiled in hearing that the ending disappointed people by being a cop out or showing a lack of guts/balls, in that there is hope that it will pull me out of this painful blubbering emotional wreck state I have been put into.

Also, Erica Mendez is an amazing actress, she deserves every award. All the awards. They don't have to be related to acting, just give her awards.

I'm honestly mad that that being a Netflix distribution has robbed me of the potential to share this emotional ride with other first timers via the thread and other social media.

go back in time to before I started watching it and bring it to toonami


I watched the first three episodes of Champloo today. I really liked episode 1 but 2 and 3 seemed really..juvenile? Super cliche story beats involving the deformed man and sneaking into a brothel via crossdressing. The splitting and rejoining of Mugen and Jin in episode 3 seemed awfully forced. I guess the simplistic story outlines it makes sense if you reason that it is aimed for a younger audience.

I do think the episodes so far are generally well paced and I haven't been bored.


I watched the first three episodes of Champloo today. I really liked episode 1 but 2 and 3 seemed really..juvenile? Super cliche story beats involving the deformed man and sneaking into a brothel via crossdressing. The splitting and rejoining of Mugen and Jin in episode 3 seemed awfully forced. I guess the simplistic story outlines it makes sense if you reason that it is aimed for a younger audience.

I do think the episodes so far are generally well paced and I haven't been bored.

I agree somewhat. The 'quasi modo' element of the second episode I feel like I've seen too many times. The episode kinda seemed like a safe way just to hammer down the main three character personalities. Effective enough but not too far from formula.

As for the third episode, I remember thinking that the initial teamup of the trio seemed a little overstructured, so I was somewhat pleasantly surprised when the characters ... well .. tried to go their own ways, as it seemed sensible to do so. It seems a main facet of the show is to have three characters with distinct/separate goals interacting with each other. Oftentimes these sorts groups arbitrarily/flimsily stick together just for the sake of the story, but I feel like the episode did acknowledge this with the decision making of the characters - only to have them brought back together by circumstance .... I think some convenient events were probably inevitable in order to keep them together.

The crossdressing sneaking felt like a small comical scene rather than a major story beat to me.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero END


Be careful what you wish for, I guess?

While the idea of a dark/deconstruction magical girl series turning things around from the despair and delivering an uplifting ending is something I am okay with, the execution was very weak and I can absolutely see how this is seen as a poor ending that brings the show down.

The tree god realizes that its near destruction was the fault of its own stupid policies, so it changes them and "apologizes" to the characters. But there's no real satisfying reasoning as to why the hero system worked the way it did when the tree can just change its mind about the sacrifices concept. What ramifications are there for the main characters' happy ending? They mention future heroes, so presumably the monsters will respawn after this destruction the same way they did after their previous destructions in a cyclical manner, and the outside world is still a hellscape, so it's not one hundred percent storybook, but the show presents Yuna and friends' actions as having a benefit on the future heroes, but what is the cost of the tree no longer charging a price for the powers it gives? Has the system become unsustainable? Will the tree and its barrier fail naturally at some point? Has Yuna Yuki doomed the entire human population?

Most of my concerns lie in some issues in the details of the worldbuilding, so perhaps the prequel light novels have the answers, but I can't say I'm chomping at the bit to dive into cross media stuff for more of this franchise.

It was a good and enjoyable series that hit both emotional highs and lows. The friendship and optimism of the girls was fun to watch, and I was hit hard by the moments of suffering. It kind of just petered out at the very end, but up until then I can say I'd recommend it.

also relevant to Toonami, apparently the Yuki Yuna "original concept" was provided by the AgK manga writer

Please don't let that turn you away from the show!
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