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Toonami |Jul14| One pissed off Luffy

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Soulflarz you wouldn't have this problem if you had a cat.

Hey I'm just sayin'. Any animal that can one punch bears and alligators are pretty badass.

Cats confirmed as apex predators.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Cats are one of the only species on the planet that will hunt for fun and they are insanely good at depopulating other species when introduced.


Guys, it's been 19 hours since Black Lagoon, and I'm still not over the episode.

What should I do?

Yeah I tried watching over the tougher parts again to see if I got over it and nope.

I was looking around online and many people theorize that during the up-skirt scene, the kid was probably castrated or had some type of genital mutilation. That's why Rock had such a strong reaction to it.


Yeah I tried watching over the tougher parts again to see if I got over it and nope.

I was looking around online and many people theorize that during the up-skirt scene, the kid was probably castrated or had some type of genital mutilation. That's why Rock had such a strong reaction to it.

I think I would have had the exact same reaction as Rock without that. I mean she offered as a way of thanks for him saying that she shouldn't have lived that kind of life. That would legitimately mess me up.


Monster is one of my favorite anime of all time. Good choice. Hopefully the HBO live action series comes to fruition sooner than later.
Are you watching the dub or sub?

Dub, it seems to be pretty good so far so I have had no reason to switch to sub.
Should I?

Also, Natalie cannot do InuYasha today, so we might have to cancel. Sorry for the inconvenience. She said maybe we can do it on Tuesday or Wedensday though.

Who's Natalie eh?



They've combined the two belts. It's not like Ric Flair's are all legitimate/all from one title either.

I remember CM Punk mentioning Cena was a 10-time WWE champion back in 2011, and he won it again before they unified the belts.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I remember CM Punk mentioning Cena was a 10-time WWE champion back in 2011, and he won it again before they unified the belts.

yep, he's an 11 time WWE Champion, a 3 time World Champion and now a 1 time WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


Wall Cena stands tall yet again. Listen to the good word of good friend Man God

You will never see Wall Cena crash in AoT. Its not possible, not probable and would be the biggest mistake if it happens


I"m about to check out Monster. But idk if I can deal with another heavyish anime after last night.

fuck it I'm watching episode 1 anyway will post minish review


Gives all the fucks
Alright, 2 episodes in & I'm glad I decided to check out No Game No Life, if not just for the gif below.


Now someone make a version with a guitar, because it looks like she's shredding an air guitar

Edit: Oh man, ep. 3 starts with an Ace Attorney reference. & OMG it even has a song that sounds like one of the objection themes.


Alright, 2 episodes in & I'm glad I decided to check out No Game No Life, if not just for the gif below.


Now someone make a version with a guitar, because it looks like she's shredding an air guitar

Edit: Oh man, ep. 3 starts with an Ace Attorney reference. & OMG it even has a song that sounds like one of the objection themes.
Ive seen the AA reference scene before and I wana see the whole thing but im too lazyy


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 15:

Ah yes, the Sailor Moon Crystal begins this weekend and it is going to be most interesting to see how that program plays out for us. I have been told that Crystal is going to be basically the manga adaptation the world did not see as Sailor Moon the Anime has enough changes to consider it to be its own entity. I bring this up because, having read up on some stuff, one of the biggest changes made was
to Rei. Like they two completely different people the changes are that striking. This episode is a perfect showcase of how Anime Rei differs on several key points. I am not sure which portrayal is better yet, but different it most certainly is.
Anyway, the legendary Rei-Usagi rivalry continues to rage onwards and we learn that Mars is as petty, maybe even a bit more petty then Usagi since she is the instigator here.

Usagi strangely enough is correct here, Mamoru is too old to be dating the likes of Rei.
This has always been a problem for me vis a vis the eventual coupling of Mamoru and Usagi since she is also 14 bloody years old.
Oh yea, also Ami deals with a green Aesop that isn't very interesting. All and all I would say this is an average episode of the show, it has enough of the usual fixings to pass muster but isn't too memorable overall.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 16:

Well, I can't accuse Sailor Moon here of not knowing what they had as the Usagi-Rei rivalry has pretty much become the meat of program at this point. Also, I don't think I have pointed out just how comedic this program is, kind of reminds me of a Rumiko Takashi work at points actually. Oh yes, I also wanted to mention the dub name of Nephrite's alter ego was Maxfield Stanton, simply because that is so delightfully soap opera cornball. As for the episode itself it centered around the idea of having a fancy wedding is what a young girls dream about, which has never been my favorite dynamic. Indeed, even here, it looks antiquated next to pushing that 1990s girl power that was becoming en vogue. Anyway, this episode was slightly above average for having better interactions between Rei and Usagi then last episode.


In the manga Rei is
more aloof and serious, think akin to a female Tenshinhan.

Also, Usagi is
less of a crybaby
and Mamoru
actually has fighting techniques


Gives all the fucks
Huh, just learned of the Collosal Edition of Attack on Titan that has the first 5 volumes together plus 16 new color pages....& seems it just came out on the 27th. Maybe I'll pick it up if it ever goes down to $30 or lower (Amazon is close at $37).


Don't forget to post your impressions here.

3 OTs for that show. What the Hell is there to discuss apart from waifu wars?!?

Huh, just learned of the Collosal Edition of Attack on Titan that has the first 5 volumes together plus 16 new color pages....& seems it just came out on the 27th. Maybe I'll pick it up if it ever goes down to $30 or lower (Amazon is close at $37).

I have it, have not read more than the first chapter yet. Its really heavy and hard to read- they should have made it a hardcover and charged more because it's really hard to hold the thing if you are in the beginning or the end, and it does not naturally lay on a table well. It does double as a nice bludgeoning weapon though!


Gives all the fucks
So it's similar to most Omnibuses. Convenient to have multiple volumes in the same book, but can be awkward to hold at times, especially when you're in the middle. I remember that when I borrowed about 3 or 4 of the Rurouni Kenshin ones from my library. Didn't help they laminated the covers and the corner was coming off, which was even more annoying. Yet for some reason, when I reread the Azumanga Daioh omnibus of all 4 volumes, it didn't bug me as much for some reason.


So it's similar to most Omnibuses. Convenient to have multiple volumes in the same book, but can be awkward to hold at times, especially when you're in the middle. I remember that when I borrowed about 3 or 4 of the Rurouni Kenshin ones from my library. Didn't help they laminated the covers and the corner was coming off, which was even more annoying.

Those things were 2-in-ones or 3-in-ones, and were probably slightly larger than Trade Paperback sized. They made these for Neon Genesis Evangelion, and they are really nice. This isn't that- it's about the same size as a large textbook, but softcovered. I'd really recommend going to a Barnes and Nobel and at least holding the thing in your hand before buying it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
3 OTs for that show. What the Hell is there to discuss apart from waifu wars?!?

You know how I giffed pretty much every good moment of that Bleach Beach episode or the Ino gets pissed on/Kakashi Mask episode?

Chet Rippo has done that FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES, except with a bunch of inane moments as well.


You know how I giffed pretty much every good moment of that Bleach Beach episode or the Ino gets pissed on/Kakashi Mask episode?

Chet Rippo has done that FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES, except with a bunch of inane moments as well.



Well, everyone needs a hobby, I guess

The only omnibus I've bought were the death note black edition, generally I don't like the cheap feel of the 3 in 1 omnibus

Yeah, the 3-in-ones they put out for Naruto, Bleach, FMA, ect, where the point is value (ie, 15 dollars for 3 volumes vs 10 for one) are terrible. I don't have a problem with 2-in-ones; I love the Loveless ones Viz put out when they license rescued it from Tokyopop (to the point i'm now unhappy they haven't done 2 in ones of the later volumes). If you are going to do a 3-in-one, needs to be Trade Paperback sized and higher quality paper. I'd rebuy everything I own in that format if more publishers were willing to do them


Attack on Titan - Captain Levi looks like he'll be a total badass, even giving Mikasa a run for her money. Typical shonen amnesia trope is making things difficult. Creepy looking half-formed titan at the end was disturbing. Good episode!

Bleach - The new Aizen is going around "making friends". Ichigo actually outsmarting his friends?! Little was accomplished in the end and the tsundere fullbringer was sorely absent. Still, not bad.

Space Dandy - Be my be my be my be my baby. Be my be my be my be my baby. Be my be my be my be my baby. One of the funniest episodes. The crew were Loony Toons levels of stupid but the chameleonian's antics were sublime. Great episode!

Naruto Shippuden - Things actually happened and the animation budget (at least for the second half) was very strong. A good Shippuden episode! *gasp*

One Piece - Zoro continues to slice through just about anything and everything. Franky is getting super weird and hilarious. A very touching moment in Robin's car between her and Sniper King. When he switched to using his normal Usopp voice, I found it very touching. The voice work in this show is top notch. Great episode!

Blue Exorcist - A totally filler, pointless friendship episode but dammit if I didn't enjoy myself! Shima keeps trying to hit on the girls but they ain't havin' it. Izumo activates full TSUN-TSUN power and the comedy was solid. Great episode!

Black Lagoon - Thank goodness that arc is over. Nothing Toonami could ever air could possibly get as dark as that. Depressing, gross, creepy and overall a good episode? Yes, the episode was good! The content was not. What a weird dichotomy.

Beware the Batsidekick - Silver skinned "Whale" has Johnny Storm's dad working as his lawyer. Dumb things involving bad physics happen. A 10 year old Barbara is kidnapped and acts snarking to bad men with guns. Katana uses her sword elusively for blocking. This show isn't allowed to have teeth and is thus left being a mockery of itself. A Meh episode.

Naruto - Worst recap episode in existence. Kill it with fire.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Lust learns the true meaning of being burned. The animation in this episode (and this series as a whole) is just astounding. Feature film level quality. Awesome episode!

I sleep after that. All in all, a very strong week!
Agree with ckohler very strong week (still need to watch Jack, clone wars, and sbt) outside of uncut Naruto everything was very enjoyable
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