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Toonami |Jul14| One pissed off Luffy

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So that Hyrule Warriors Midna trailer thread......


too short


I wonder if JA'MON was in the sub as well. Did the VA's confirm they did all the alternate versions of their voices because if that is true I am even more impressed with the episode as a whole.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I don't think it's Adult Swim that does it. I thought Funimation put 'em together.

I remember the good ol' days when they played the My Place ending during the Bount series, best part of that filler.



Gives all the fucks
Would be amazing if Neogaf made a thread at least once for this similar to what they do for the movie Groundhog Day.

& yes, I would totally rewatch the episode on adult swim if they did that.
It would be amazing, yes.

New York is too awesome right now. I love visiting this city. My only complaint is that I want my central AC back. It's too hot inside.
Pretty interesting game that ends with a shit final boss and multiple shit endings based on how you treat the Little Sisters = well that was a complete waste of time.

And the maze-like puzzles to get upgrades/unlock new powers/whatever: challenging later on, but that got tiresome
I liked Infinite for what it was worth. Pales in comparison to Bioshock in pretty much every way, though the gunplay is a bit better. I never finished 2, but I heard that the DLC for it was god-tier.

I rented Infinite from redbox and was satisfied with the experience but would be pissed if I paid $60 for it. The story was interesting yet convoluted and the combat definitely took a step back from the previous two games. Gun play has never been a strength of the franchise but a failure to improve on it 3 games in annoyed me and the vigors were not as fun to use as plasmids; I felt like there wasn't as much room for creativity in how you approached a group of enemies. Columbia was a great setting but I honestly enjoyed rapture more. Don't get me started on the skyhook segments either, they were shit.

Never played the BioShock 2 DLC but I really enjoyed the original content that came with the box sans the tacked on multiplayer. The game itself felt like an expansion pack for the original and yeah, I'd be pissed if I paid $60 for it, but I got the game on sale for $20 the summer of 2010.

BioShock 1 was such a breath of fresh air in 2007 and still holds up. Rapture is one of the most immersive video game environments I've ever played through. The combat encouraged experimentation with the weapons and environments. It had the perfect blend of action/survival horror. The story wasn't beat over your head through cinematics, audio logs were there specifically to keep you in the game while providing additional backstory. Big Daddy's were a terrifying foe unless you played on easy mode like a wuss. The plot twist midway was something NOBODY saw coming. Yeah, the final boss fight is cookie cutter and the game drags after offing
Andrew Ryan
, but to think a few minor blemishes makes the overall package overrated is dumb in my opinion.
Gucci's alive!

What did you think of Space Dandy, Gucci?

Incredible, now that's how you kick off a new season. I guess we got our answers to the multiverse theory in Space Dandy and now know that there is an overarching narrative, although barely so because each episode is still pretty much stand alone with a common thread to make it not seem like a bunch of random nonsense.

"Hey QT, you've got a pube growing out of your head"

Oh man, that line had me dying, and so many others this episode. Early on I was very critical of the humor but the show has definitely evolved. Instead of constantly beating the audience over the head with low brow jokes (not trying to sound pretentious, but that shtick got old fast), the different writers have become more comfortable with the character and provide a balance between toilet humor, physical comedy, and subtle references; it makes Dandy and crew feel more fleshed out as characters which I appreciate.

MJ/Goku Dandy is one of the best things I've seen on toonami, past or present. The only things that top that moment for me are Yusuke defeating
the Dark Tournament
and finding out that Schwartz Bruder is
a Kyoji clone
in G Gundam. That was some masterful shit right there, damn.

Animation remains top notch. Music is excellent. Comedy flows better. This show really has come a long way if you compare the first few episodes of season 1 to where we are now.
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