- So the major takeway from Microsoft's conference were the Rare collection for $30 (GREAT deal) and the 360 BC as far as I can tell. I mean other things were there too but nothing really that caught my eye. Seems most of GAF was lukewarm on the conference as a whole after a strong start. (Forgot about Cuphead, that's an Xbone exclusive right?)
- Curious to see how many bombs Sony drops tonight
- Curious to see what that "big Kickstarter news" that's supposed to drop at E3. Though that might be a tomorrow thing.
- Hard for me to make head or tails of Platnium Transformer. The trailer didn't WOW me but there certainly could be a fun game in there
Mirrors Edge is open world
Star Wars is real
Madden now has Arena from Hearthstone
Unravel just took all the wind out of Yarn Yoshi's sails
Need for Speed looks stunning, and the FMV looks SPECIAL
Pele is still talking
20 mins of PvZ
Live still looks like Garbage
No mention of Criterion's GoPro game
Would have been a really good pressed without Pele or Plants. Good stuff overall though. I need Star Wars right now
A) Open World is not inherently a good thing. So many games/IPs, regardless if they should or not, are heading in an open world direction its become a bit tiresome. I'll let those who were big fans of the first Mirror's Edge discuss if this is a good move for the IP or not though.
B) How does the existence of Unravel reflect poorly on Yarn Yoshi? It's not like Yarn Yoshi was the first platformer with a yarn astethic anyway so that's not something that can be "stolen".