Let's establish some facts here:
1) PSG is great! (but admittedly very YMMV)
2) Space Dandy > Ping Pong (which is still the second best anime of that year and totally awesome so I ain't dogging it)
Shit, I'm STILL salty :/
I think that was the last true "Ganiax ending" ever wasn't? An interesting way for the company to......."go out" on.
One thing I've been thinking about Simuldubs:
It's very common for shows to be slightly to heavily redone for Blu-Ray and DVD masters (which is usually what is sold in stores in the US). Since simludubs have to use TV Masters, all of them have to be redubbed for the home releases with the updated material. I think simludubs are super cool but I'm surprised that it makes economic sense for these companies to dub these shows all twice. I haven't seen a comparison between the TV and Blu-Ray/DVD masters of Space Dandy and Kurokami (the only simludubbed anime before this recent trend) but at least with Dandy, given its production schedule and such, it doesn't seem like the type of show that needed corrections for the Blu-Ray/DVD release.
I don't know why but looking at this fills me with rage :/
I had specific expectations before I clicked that link. I'm glad to see they were matched
1) PSG is great! (but admittedly very YMMV)
2) Space Dandy > Ping Pong (which is still the second best anime of that year and totally awesome so I ain't dogging it)
I liked it but I can easily see why people didn't. The best part of the show was the last 3 minutes. I will never forget the salt I saw that day
Shit, I'm STILL salty :/
I think that was the last true "Ganiax ending" ever wasn't? An interesting way for the company to......."go out" on.
simuldub is the future
One thing I've been thinking about Simuldubs:
It's very common for shows to be slightly to heavily redone for Blu-Ray and DVD masters (which is usually what is sold in stores in the US). Since simludubs have to use TV Masters, all of them have to be redubbed for the home releases with the updated material. I think simludubs are super cool but I'm surprised that it makes economic sense for these companies to dub these shows all twice. I haven't seen a comparison between the TV and Blu-Ray/DVD masters of Space Dandy and Kurokami (the only simludubbed anime before this recent trend) but at least with Dandy, given its production schedule and such, it doesn't seem like the type of show that needed corrections for the Blu-Ray/DVD release.
I don't know why but looking at this fills me with rage :/
I had specific expectations before I clicked that link. I'm glad to see they were matched