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Toonami |Jun15| Thread made with armor plating from a SPACE BATTLESHIP

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Gives all the fucks
BB CP EX PS3 will go down in price eventually like the previous games. I'll just wait. I remember getting CS Extend's LE for like $20 on Amazon.

I still haven't played the HDN games. Doesn't help I barely have time for RPGs nowadays thanks to college unless they're portable.

Already mentioned I'm getting J-Stars.
I get what the other guy is saying. But any attempt at having a deeper representation on sexual assault is destroyed by it all just serving as power fantasy fulfilment with Kirito. There's an argument to be made on how some people can't escape on their own but it came apart here since Shinon doesn't exist as a character outside of building up Kirito.

Also the suggestion that she isn't a damsel in distress is hilarious. You don't get more damsel-y than that.

If there person was comparing it to the current One Piece manga arc, there's a comparision to be made. Though it's not the strongest one. Otherwise, no, the guy is being crazy if he's comparing it to any other One Piece arc.

I mean, I get the argument, too. Not all women are gonna escape on their own. But it only works if I ever implied that all women in works of fiction should always escape, which I didn't. And it also only works if SAO is attempting to offer a realistic and nuanced portrayal of this sort of incident, which holy shit it is not at all.


I'm just gonna post this Twitter conversation about the rape scene in SAOII because I need people to confirm that I'm not just imagining it and something this nonsensical actually happened.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think not Shinon did an adequate job fighting back. It not like he held her hostage with a finger gun and she melted into a pile of goo or something. She tried to talk him down and then made a move when she could.


I think the main issue is not that she got saved, if she was saved by a random policeman, the scene wouldbe been fine, it was the fact that she was saved by Kirito again and basically her entire character revooves around constantly being saved by kirito

She had no character developement beyond wanting Kiritos penis

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think the main issue is not that she got saved, if she was saved by a random policeman, the scene wouldbe been fine, it was the fact that she was saved by Kirito again and basically her entire character revooves around constantly being saved by kirito

She had no character developement beyond wanting Kiritos penis

Oh wait, we are totally forgetting that her main motivation for fighting back is so that Kirito doesn't get hurt when he arrives. Yeah, that's pretty bad...and totally par for the course.
I think not Shinon did an adequate job fighting back. It not like he held her hostage with a finger gun and she melted into a pile of goo or something. She tried to talk him down and then made a move when she could.

If only she had run for that gun she had in her desk instead of the horror movie locked door


Oh wait, we are totally forgetting that her main motivation for fighting back is so that Kirito doesn't get hurt when he arrives. Yeah, that's pretty bad...and totally par for the course.
Of course it is, I have no real issues with her getting saved, or being a "damsel in distress" as tropes arent inherently a bad thing, but the characters entire motivation being kiritos penis is the proble

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If only she had run for that gun she had in her desk instead of the horror movie locked door

I'm going to laugh so hard next episode if that gun is real, loaded, with the safety off. I'm pretty sure it is, especially if Evil Vash or Knives gets got with it.


I think not Shinon did an adequate job fighting back. It not like he held her hostage with a finger gun and she melted into a pile of goo or something. She tried to talk him down and then made a move when she could.

I agree that she did good fighting back... at least at first. What sucks is that the author didn't follow through and had Kirito rescue her instead.

Imagine how much more rewarding it would have been if she'd not only fought back but actually subdued the guy on her own. It would have been the completion of her character arc if she'd grabbed the gun she had in her dresser and used it to shoot him in the leg until the police arrived.

Imagine that: if she'd been standing there, strong, in control and having finally, TRUELY overcome her fear of guns which was why she entered GGO to begin with!

But no; instead she just kicks him a few times only get pinned down until Mr. Perfect shows up to save her. I'm not saying what happened isn't plausible or unrealistic but the author had a CLEAR opportunity to give Asada true closure and make her a strong character but instead just turns her into another damsel in distress as always.

Instead of taking the most obvious and rewarding choice for the character, the writer seemed more concerned with making Kirito her knight in shining armor. I honestly don't understand why he writes characters like this. It's like he can't even conceive of a woman who can hold her own against a man and that simply pisses me off.


Oh wait, we are totally forgetting that her main motivation for fighting back is so that Kirito doesn't get hurt when he arrives. Yeah, that's pretty bad...and totally par for the course.
God that made me so fucking angry.

Number one, her first thought should have been "oh good maybe he called the police or him coming over will give me a chance to get out of this horrible fucking situation," not "oh no if he comes over he might get hurt." Second, she should be fighting back (if she's going to fight back) so her own damn self doesn't get raped and/or murdered.

It's like she and the show don't really care about what happens to her. It's all about Kirito.

That's why she tied Kirito in the tournament instead of just letting the grenade explode in his hands. Kirito can't lose because everything is about him. None of the other characters have an existence apart from their relationship to Kirito. Hell, the only reason Shinon even has a backstory is so that we learn something about Kirito's character and get to see him save her emotionally as well as physically.
KLK does visual gags so well. Gamagoori hiding Satsuki's body was great. Call me slow, but I only realized what Mako was doing with her hair when she's trying to knock some sense into Ryuko; the strand of hair that's a different color and Mako is siginaling to cut it off. Why I only realized that with this episode is beyond me.

Lady Satsuki will wear junketsu properly. :p

Also, gonna guess that Nui is can only be defeated when both blades of the scissor are joined. Her eye was taken out when it was in the state. A single blade cannot damage her.

And finally:


Straight cash homie


How about we talk about how awesome Michiko and Hatchin is two episodes in?

honestly, im not feeling it at all but i can see why you guys like it

Music is really fucking good though, same with some of the animation.

I think the show will get more crazy as it goes on, don't really like the performance of the female cop, so it hurts the scenes where she and Michiko are in it.


My other issue is that there's way too much people just talking while pointing guns out, I guess I get it to some extent, but i'd probably prefer people shooting and missing each other then just kind of standing around and aiming and then missing poorly.

Next episode I'll go in expecting more talk no justui as opposed to super action, i thought the stylization was going to lean towards an action heavy show, but it looks to be more talking then it is about action.

But of course knowing that, next episode is prolly gonna be balls to the walls action lol
Yeah I never went into M&H expecting a crazy amount of action, I expect the action to happen when it needs to but the majority of the show to be focused on the characters, their relationships, and their development.


Also, I'll state it again, Ping Pong the Animation's Dub is on the Funimation website and it's pretty well done, I personally will prefer a good dub over sub cause it allows me to view the animation a lot closer then I normally would, and a lot of the voices are really well done.

If you havent watched it, I would suggest giving it a try, even though it's going to be on Toonami soon!
it's not going to be on toonami ;-; but a man can dream


Junketsu on Ryuko actually looked really badass, and I really wish the designs were more similar to that then the OG designs.


MnH comes off more so as a show that doesnt know how to juggle between action scenes and exposition. I think the pacing is off a bit and it comes off as a "my first time directing anime like this" type of thing. Im interested to see where it goes doe

somebody tell me what the fuck SAO was about

Man God

Non-Canon Member
MnH comes off more so as a show that doesnt know how to juggle between action scenes and exposition. I think the pacing is off a bit and it comes off as a "my first time directing anime like this" type of thing. Im interested to see where it goes doe

somebody tell me what the fuck SAO was about

Shinon's best friend was Death Gun. Only not today, today he was the serial killer who actually killed the people when Death Gun shot them. His brother normally did the killing, but he wanted to kill his "girlfriend" and then himself, so they could be together forever. Shinon gets her shit together when she realizes that this guy might hurt Kirito, the perfect man and love of her life, who is waiting for his music cue to run down the ramp. They fight for a bit and she tries to leave the cage through the front door, but the match was scheduled to go another five minutes. Kirito does his run in at the right time and hits a lovely Knee that Beat John Cena, but Schiavone says we're outta time!


MnH comes off more so as a show that doesnt know how to juggle between action scenes and exposition. I think the pacing is off a bit and it comes off as a "my first time directing anime like this" type of thing. Im interested to see where it goes doe

somebody tell me what the fuck SAO was about

Alright, So Kirito is fighting death gun and death gun is using his spaceship sword to somewhat shit on Kirito while they are discussing random blurbs about YOULL NEVER KNOW WHO I AM, and IM GOING TO DEFEAT YOU. Kirito remembers that Death Gun has red eyes which is similar to another player in Laughing Coffin that had red eyes and connects the dots. Then Sinon decides to be useful and is able to aim her sniper without a scope. Death Gun sees the bullet sight and decides to try and cloak, but Kirito being smart actually shoots his gun and stuns death gun enough for death gun to get chopped in half by Kirito's light saber. Murder Pistol, who is now cut in half is able to give his last diatribe and dies in the game

Kirito and Sinon meetup and decide to commit sodoku together and both end up winning Ballet of Bullets, even though that makes no sense and everyone in the world watching this is fine with it. Before this happens, Sinon and Kirito exchange personal info even though they are being watched by possibly thousands of people.

Sinon wakes up and searches around her apartment and doesnt find anyone there, but gets a knock on the door. It ends up being her simp friendzone guy who wants to congratulate her. Sinon welcomes him into the house, but the simp goes full Yandere as we find out that him and his brother are really Fatal Firearm! As his brother was in SAO and they want to kill together! Sinon is like WTF bro, and Simp pull out the weirdest looking needle which is a poison that theyve been using to kill players. Simpy McSimp puts on his rape yandere face and talks about how sexy it was that Sinon murdered someone IRL, but Sinon is able to get away from the rape grasp and squirm, but is ultimately held down. JUTS THEN, KIRITO COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND SAVES SINON

And then everyone collectively died on the inside


Thanks brehs. I had the volume down on the tv and was wondering why it looked like there was a possible rape happening on SAO last night.

Smartest anime of the year went way above my head last night with that episode. Glad to be among the scholars of Toonami University here. Really thought I was going crazy watching it.

Probably going to skip it from now on
To anyone who has watched all of KLK and without spoiling, do we ever get to hear from junketsu at all? I kind of feel bad for the poor Kamui, he has been used as a weapon without voicing his thoughts, drugged, electrocuted, modded and god knows what else since Ragyō got her hands on him.

I really wouldn't blame junketsu if it just decided to say fuck it and blow itself up instead of being used again. it really got a raw deal compared to Senketsu in this whole series.


Probably a wise idea. The block is going to be dripping with quality soon enough. So skipping SAO is a small price to pay.

Fingers crossed we get JoJo replacing SAO II


To anyone who has watched all of KLK and without spoiling, do we ever get to hear from junketsu at all? I kind of feel bad for the poor Kamui, he has been used as a weapon without voicing his thoughts, drugged, electrocuted, modded and god knows what else since Ragyō got her hands on him.

I really wouldn't blame junketsu if it just decided to say fuck it and blow itself up instead of being used again. it really got a raw deal compared to Senketsu in this whole series.

The only sound he ever makes is some weird moaning noise.
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