Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 118:
I recall the first time watching this season back in the day getting bored with the S season at a certain point and taking a break from it, I am remembering why I did this, the Chibi-Usa-Hotaru relationship, while integral to the overarching plot is also really boring to watch and has sidelined everybody else. The Outer in particular have been reduced to inactive observers who utter portents about the danger of Hotaru without doing anything. That being said, this was a nice change of pace since it eschewed the usual formula and gave us something different and it was rather refreshing to watch. Still, I am quite ready for this mini-arc to be over and done with. Mild recommendation to watch.
Sailor Moon Mondays; Sailor Moon S: Episode 119:
Oh hey, speaking of the plot, it has finally returned in full force as the manga retcons continue to be added. This time around they finally graft the origins of the Death Busters onto the story but have revealed nothing beyond them being invaders, possibly from space. Also, the true intentions of The Outers is added, their mission, their tragic solitary mission is to stop the arrival of Sailor Saturn, guardian of Death and Rebirth and the one processioned to expunge the world of all life. They are trying to mix that in with their own Messiah of Silence invention and it works well enough but you can see the seams as well. Anyway, most of the episode plays out like any other in this mini-arc except that The Outers have regained their agency as the verification of Hotaru's identity is finally confirmed and The Outers waste no time in trying to kill her and The Inners are resolute in protecting her, but before the Sailor Civil War can actually begin Hotaru ups and teleports out and we are left waiting if she has fully awakened yet. High recommendation to watch and dear god good riddance to that mini-arc.