Also, my gf did some sketches for a comic we might start working on.
What do you guys think so far?
What do you guys think so far?
Work on the eyes. A lot.
I could go for weeks on why SAO sucks, we might need a time limit.
It'd be an hour long with no room for Q&A.
Can someone clue me in on what went down at dashcon that caused them to add those insane rules?
I can't recall any harassment or anything happening, so I'm guessing this is just to appeal to tumblrites.
We could do Q&A but most of my answers will consist of my middle finger and some choice swear words.
That won't stop the inane questions from coming. I'd say the best option would be getting questions in advance and having a moderator, though that would probably mean Q&A would be insanely short.
Well that seems uncalled for.
Nonononono, don't do a Q&A!
I dare someone to find a panel Q&A from comics/anime/games that had -anything- of value.
Awesome film.It's always Naruto's fault.
It was ok, I had DVR'd Howard the Duck too.
RJ looks like one of Shanks' crew members from One Piece....what's his name....Lucky Roo.Also, my gf did some sketches for a comic we might start working on.
What do you guys think so far?
Can someone clue me in on what went down at dashcon that caused them to add those insane rules?
That won't stop the inane questions from coming. I'd say the best option would be getting questions in advance and having a moderator, though that would probably mean Q&A would be insanely short.
RJ looks like one of Shanks' crew members from One Piece....what's his name....Lucky Roo.
Also, my gf did some sketches for a comic we might start working on.
What do you guys think so far?
Dominican Power is actually reading the One Piece manga after months and months of saying he would?
I am legit shook.
I like it a lot. I'm getting a Porco Rosso and Hey Arnold style mesh vibe.
Someone explain the Adventures of Buggy's Pirate Fleet? Is it just covers?
Someone explain the Adventures of Buggy's Pirate Fleet? Is it just covers?
Someone explain the Adventures of Buggy's Pirate Fleet? Is it just covers?
Cover stories are little side stories about secondary and tertiary characters that often intersect back into the main story. They aren't necessary for the main story but they do fill in the blanks for those that care. If memory serves (without going into spoilers) there is one for Hatchan from Arlong Park and Buggy and his crew.
Here's a video I found. It doesn't explain most of those rules but it does show what happened. Prepare to cringe.
One Piece manga has various canon cover side stories that may or may not come back into play later in the series. The Buggy adventures is the first of these cover side stories, the anime adapted the first two but then stopped because ratings for episodes not focused on the Strawhats always do much worse.
Are we all going to Momocon next year because im going to go up and suggest Spongebob for Toonami
Gonna try to make the trip out, someone give a heads up when the tickets go on sale.
They should reboot Reboot.
The reboot of reboot sounds awful
Are we all going to Momocon next year because im going to go up and suggest Spongebob for Toonami
You don't need to pre-order for momocon booking for flight/hotel is more important. Saturday I just waited in line and bought my pass at the door
Well still, give a head's up when it's time to book.
Man today was filled with gaming announcements. E3 is truly nearly upon us <3
Seriously. If you're going to take the IP in that direction, why bother calling it Reboot at all :/
I was asleep today. Aside from Turok 2 what was announced?
Bish is trying to get his comic book out the door. Edit: just a fan made work by another ex Tirol 2008 dev in celebration propaganda's 10th anniversary if they were still around.I was asleep today. Aside from Turok 2 what was announced?
We get the lich?Featuring AAA special guests such as:
Seda, Steve Blum soundbites, the guy who mops the floors at Adult Swim HQ, a cat with earmuffs, and Jason DeMarco's twitter account avatar. Plenty here will probably look at this as another "SMARTEST ANIME IN YEARS" segment.
I like Tina though. =/
dude this is might be the one thing to unite those artists to make a Splatoon anime.LOL at all the anime and cartoon artists playing splatoon.
My Hero Academia author