it doesnt really fit at all but mr anti spiral sorta reminded me of
villain from CN show Codename Kids Next Door
Did You Know?:
Father shares the same voice actor as Brain from Pinky and the Brain.
This is how I read/say it too.confession, I still oftentime read manga as 'main guh' in my head and have to continually correct myself.
how did Gurren Lagann manage to make me legit emotional about fucking Viral of all people in like five seconds?
also I still don't think I understand what's up with Boota
confession, I still oftentime read manga as 'main guh' in my head and have to continually correct myself.
That's how I say and read it. I think that's the vast majority of people.
'Mahn guh' is more correct though, right? I just assumed people who take part in the hobby pronounce it that way.
'Mahn guh' is more correct though, right? I just assumed people who take part in the hobby pronounce it that way.
That's because Fox had first refusal rights on Battle of Gods thanks to Dragonball Evolution and Funimation had to wait them out.Frieza movie that soon? Awesome. I remember it took way too long for Battle of Gods to come out here.
"subtitled" Oh... well I'm sure they can get the dub out fairly soon.
Vegeta wasn't any match for his LIBRARY CARD
Isn't that an immediate spoiler?
IDK if anyone cares.
Hey guys,
S.t.e.a.m. is actually pretty good
I have no idea where it's from. Surely Vegeta has been beaten many times throughout the series.
(Also, I thought mild spoilers for DBZ were allowed.) -.-
I'm playing Etrian Mystery Dungeon and then I want to finish SMTS Overclocked before Record Breaker comes out. I'm getting the Final Fantasy game & demo but probably wont be playing those right away.
If I didn't feel so stressed from college, I'd work on some console games like P4AU, Wonderful 101, & Hyrule Warriors. Hard to get myself to sit down & play something on consoles compared to my 3DS & Vita. Still need to sell some games like Symphonia on Gamecube since I either already beat them or know I won't ever get around to playing them.
Isn't that an immediate spoiler?
IDK if anyone cares.
I know I'll end up with a PS4 before too long. Going to try and hold out another two years if I can. Definitely nearing the end of my days as a console gamer though. Handhelds for life. When those go, I guess I'll really hit the backlog then.
ABXY camera control is fine (and probably better than the nub) or if you need to get a CPP, which is literally the peripheral of the gods.I just learned that Shigeru Chiba (Japanese Buggy, Raditz, and Kuwabara) is Kefka in the Dissidia games. That is fucking perfect.
As in Codename?
I do want to get it. But I'm waiting until I have a New 3DS XL. Gotta have that camera control.
Also, Polygon publishing their review without the person actually finishing... Polygon gonna Polygon.
'Mahn guh' is more correct though, right? I just assumed people who take part in the hobby pronounce it that way.