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Toonami |May14| Toonami just got a lot Cooler

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Good luck on that interview today, I'm sure you'll do great

Thanks. It's over now as it was for a promotion into management. should know in about a week or two whether or not I'll get it. I think I did well, but there's always room for improvement.


Thanks to Japan, real-life women are slowly becoming obsolete.


If people never came over to my house, I'd probably get one. Besides, it can't be as bad as some of the VR stuff I've seen that's come out of Japan.
I'd probably buy that too
Ugh, Blue Exorcist is up on netflix but they're only offering the sub. I want to catch up on the episodes I missed but don't feel like reading subtitles while I relax in the basement with a few beers.


Gives all the fucks
I mainly wanna visit Japan for multiple reasons (Akihabara, Tokyo Game Show), and in-country, just E3, which sucks because I've wanted to go for over 10+ years now & just a few years ago, I actually got the ability to get a free admission pass each year, but I still can't attend due to having to deal with transportation (I'm waaaaaay in Michigan where nothing happens) and lodging, which I can't afford.


Ugh, Blue Exorcist is up on netflix but they're only offering the sub. I want to catch up on the episodes I missed but don't feel like reading subtitles while I relax in the basement with a few beers.

Are they on adult swim's site? They only stay up for a few weeks after though.


Places outside the US I've been (off the top of my head)

Canada (Mostly British Colombia and Quebec)
Cote d'Ivoire
Italy & Sicily
United Kingdom

and I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting some African and Caribbean countries because for a lot of them it was a LONG time ago. Y'all need to get out more.

Also I know I'm late on this but the ratings for Black Lagoon are TOO DAMN LOW :(

Well I'm pretty sure I have Cancer now. Thanks :/
It's a beautiful day here in central Ohio and I've decided to take a half day off work to enjoy myself. Will I spend my free time outdoors enjoying the sunshine though? Heck nah, I just picked up a 6 pack of modelo from UDF and might as well get (semi) drunk while reviewing the Blue Exorcist episodes I missed. Damn being social...Oh well, here we go.

Blue Exorcist Episode 6: The Phantom Chef

Man, I never realized how angsty this opening theme is. Okay, now don't tell me this episode is going to revolve around a battle between Rin and this loud mouth over some bread..listen to the bald kid aka krillin for once.

Yugioh with the save however I can already sense this is going to be an episode about pointless shenanigans. Let's see if I'm right.

OH MY GOD some of the reaction faces in this show have me freaking dying. I literally burst out loud laughing when Rin couldn't afford his lunch. And how the hell is the school master going to give him an allowance of $20 to live on for the month? Lol, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I find this show to be hilarious. The random CG art can be jarring though, I wish they'd stop with that.

Okay so Yugioh is going to pay for Rin's share of the food as long as he cooks it? This can't possibly go wrong.

Oh wow, I'm actually suprised. Rin seems like a good cook and had the foresight to prepare their lunch the night before. Maybe he isn't such an idiot afterall. Speaking of food, now I want Panda Express...

Falcon kick from Rin and a false accusation..obviously a demon is behind this. So I'm guessing this phantom chef at the cafeteria is to blame? Hm, seems predictable, hopefully there's a twist.

NOPE, it's Mephisto? Okay, apparently he's the replacement. And the demon cook has boycotted due to Rin using the kitchen the night before. Yeah..that doesn't make much sense. Looks like Mephisto's food is a little spicy.

Uh oh, I wouldn't talk to the demon that way Rin...WHAT THE FUCK? IT LOOKS LIKE A STUFFED ANIMAL. I'm sorry but this character design is stupid, dear lord. Words cannot express how much I hate it.

Looks like this has turned into an episode of Iron Chef. Where's Morimoto when you need him. Wait, WHAT? So now these two are friends and making lunch together? That was a 180 of Microsoft proportions. Whatever, I'll roll with it.

Once again, I cannot talk enough about how good the reaction faces are in this show, especially from Rin. This show always manages to make me smile even if the plot hasn't really gotten started yet.

Welp, looks like this is now turning into Mean Girls. "Let's wait for that girl to come out of the boys dorm and then kick her ass for talking to yugioh-sama" L-O-fucking-L. Poor moe blob (that's what you call her, right?)

OMG they're throwing the food away in a fit of rage haha! Oh shit, here comes the angry cooking demon, bad move ladies. WTF HE'S GOING TO BOIL THEM ALIVE AS PUNISHMENT!? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable reaction.

Rin should be able to save the day with a dramatic speech aaaand here comes the flashback. Sorry BE, I'm not getting any feels on this one, hurry up to the point.

So apparently the bitterness of the demon over Rin using his kitchen in the first place infected those girls? Really, that's all you've got for me? Alright then..

Gucci Messiah rating: 7/10
Beers consumed: 3

The plot was extremely basic but the comedy worked and I had a fun, although unmemorable experience. On to the next one.
Blue Exorcist Episode 7: A Flock of Plovers

Oh no, no, no, no, NO. Do NOT let this be a moe blob focused episode for the love of god. Holy shit, we've already got a ridiculously dramatic flashback and vows to stop crying. Jesus. I better crack open another modelo.

A boot camp to become an exorcist? I smell a montage coming. Has anyone noticed how girly krillin's glasses are by the way? He looks like the lesbian from Bleach.


Just an observation.

Wow Bon, chill out. Why're you so angry brah? This whole faux outrage thing is getting a little played out anyway. I get it, he's the tough guy who doesn't like to show his feelings.

More bad CG, at least we get some demon summoning. Aaaand here comes the training montage I expected.


Now it's Moe blob's turn, she can't possibly fuck this up, right? The hell is this thing? A watermelon with legs? What a lame familiar. Oh god she named it. Get her off the screen before I projectile vomit.

SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! Moe blob is so fucking annoying. "O-Oni-chan, I really like you, can we be friends!?" This is so damn stupid. And of course this bitch with the fucked up eyebrows just uses moe blob's insecurities to make her a personal slave. I totally didn't see that coming.

Oh, bath time?


Okay, this is getting funny.

Eyebrows skank is such a bitch to moe blob, this is unreal. Hopefully Rin talks some sense into her, I feel bad because I've actually seen this shit go down in real life. I mean, I know the whole 'friendship' plot line is cliche but I can vibe with this.

Oh, so now I'm supposed to feel sorry for eyebrows because she threw fits over seeing ghosts and all her 10 year old classmates thought she was odd? Give me a break. Dat bathing suit fanservice though..

Here comes a random demon. Seriously, where the hell did two-face over here come from? Rin to the rescue!

Moe blob proving her worth. Looks like that stupid familiar of hers is going to be of use afterall. Hurry up, Rin is getting choke-fucked on the bathroom floor.

Yugioh with the save, woooo! Looks like everything worked out, Paku seems fine. Eyebrows chick is still a bitch though.

Gucci Messiah rating: 5/10
Beers consumed: 1
Total consumed: 4


Gucci, I had no idea you lived in Ohio.


Yay, more Life coming to NA. And I'm definitely getting the LE copy

Oh god...this game...

I've actually heard that the fighting mechanics aren't that bad and progression is pretty good. I'll wait on some level-headed reviews of the game. LE looks pretty good and surprising that it's coming west.

Blue Exorcist Episode 8: Now a Certain Man Was Sick

We start off with an eyebrows bitch scene so I'm already pissed off. Bottoms up.

With each beer this theme song becomes more and more badass. I feel like I'm 16 again, the angst is overwhelming.

LOL, I would tell EVERYONE eyebrows was crying if I were Rin. No loyalty. Hm, Paku still seems wrecked from the last episode. When is the plot going to start in this show again? I enjoy the one-off episodes but come on, let's get the ball rolling.

Alright, I just zoned out for a solid 2 minutes. I'm sure nothing of importance was missed.

Now they're back in class? Maybe I should shotgun this next beer. It's been 10 minutes and nothing of significance has happened yet. Alright, every time I see Krillin's glasses I just think of the lesbian from Bleach and giggle to myself.


Ok. That was pointless. Seriously, that scene served no purpose whatsoever.

Yugioh is giving a speech on the power of friendship. I'm starting to mispell words due to being tipsy. Thank god for auto-correct.

The shit talking in this show is pretty bad, they need a lesson from Yu Yu Hakusho, Mik and Mangod can back me up on that one.

RANDOM DEMON ALERT! Wow, Moe blob was actually useful. Whoops, I spoke too soon, she still sucks.

Oh damn, the demon must have used poison powder. I always hated that move in the Pokemon games. Rin is here to play hero everyone, don't worry.

Looks like these idiots are going to fight. Alright, hurry up an entertain me.

Rin is getting his ass kicked. DEMON POWERS ACTIVATE. Oh, and here's the creepy guy with the eye patch. Is he an enemy?

Ya know, he kinda looks like Rin in the future...or maybe all anime characters look the same, I dunno.

So teacher dude is a bad guy? Well, Rin wrecked his demon in one shot, what's plan B brah? Letting his shitty friends get killed as a diversion?

Eyebrows being a badass, this music is AWESOME! But that might just be the modelo talking. Bon destroyed the demon with...his face? Alright, 'm starting to enjoy his interactions with Rin haha. These two could have a pretty dynamic relationship.

That's it? Game over I guess. Ending theme is catchy!

Gucci Messiah rating: 5/10
Beers consumed: 1
Total consumed: 5


Unconfirmed Member
That's where I'm from!

I have lots of ties down there, spot a lot of time down there as a kid especially. My family was really active in the tourism business down there. My aunt and uncle still live there a bit west of Cable Beach, and two of my cousins have dual citizenship.


Yea, sounds like the DC Nation shorts. Sad that Toonami is treating that stuff better then then Cartoon Network ever did.
Blue Exorcist Episode 9: Memories

This theme song is officially GOAT, I suddenly want to take a trip to hot topic now. That can wait though, lets get into the episode.

FLASHBACKS, AHHHH!!! (Why am I yelling?)

I spy a PSP! And...sock puppets? Ok. Moe blob is waking up.

Haha, I swear the reaction faces in this show kill me.

Yugioh laying the law down with evil eyepatch guy. I guess he's an instructor at the academy. Looks like he is the 'accelerator' to Rin's abilities. Good, I hope to see more of this guy around then. I feel like this show has the ability to be so badass but squanders that opportunity in the name of comedy. I mean, I enjoy it but there's no reason for the main plotline to be dragging this slowly 9 episodes in.

Moe blob being stupid and fawning over yuigoh...yawn

More flashbacks, christ. I could use Andrex and some DRRR gifs right now. Or Inuyasha gifs from Mike. Really, anything but this bullshit between yugioh and moe blob would suffice. Ugh. This is the definition of cringeworthy. Fuck this, time to check if there's any more beer in the fridge..

..90 seconds later

Alright, I found some bud light, we're good to go folks. I can't tell you what the hell is going on right now though.

WOAH, Eyepatch dude is trying to KILL Rin? That might be overboard but then again, he is the son of Satan. HELL YEAH, WE'VE GOT A BATTLE!

Man this imagery is creepy, I really love the vibe this show has going. HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE JUST SLIT HIS FUCKING FOREARM TO SUMMON A DEMON OMG OMG OMG.




Rin, save your brother!

Fuck, this looks bad...

Sword to the neck brah, make a move...


DAMN, homeboy lost an eye! Shit. You're not gonna kill Rin with that weak ass attack.

Heal Rin and shut up moe blob.

Gucci Messiah rating: 7/10
Beers consumed: 1
Total consumed: 6


Unconfirmed Member
Meta, where are you getting this money from? lol

Let me in on your secret.

I haven't been traveling in a while! And most of those were with family.

I was going to go somewhere this year (probably France), but I think I'm going to have to move to a new apartment this fall, so gotta keep money aside for that. Someday...
A lot of my travel other than going to Orlando every year was through high school and their travel abroad program (I went to a private school back home , it's common there), going to Canada was for my sisters graduation.


I haven't been traveling in a while! And most of those were with family.

I was going to go somewhere this year (probably France), but I think I'm going to have to move to a new apartment this fall, so gotta keep money aside for that. Someday...

So you come from a wealthy family, eh? Lucky bastard....jk. I wish I had my folks took me on a international vacation.
All I got was Six Flags.


It would be neat if we had a ToonamiGAF gathering vacation.
Blue Exorcist Episode 10: Black Cat

This is the last episode I need to catch on, thank god. I need a nap. I went and got some hot wings (didn't drive, don't worry) so there might not be much commentary..

A cat episode!? Sign me up, I love kitties

Here's some talk about Satan's powers possilby consuming Rin..alright, here we go..Shit talking!? AHAHAHA, Rin slapped yugioh's glasses off? Lmao. He's got spares? Aww, ok then.

Okay, so the cat is there father's familiar? Cool.

The hell? This school full of exorcist can't control an overgrown cat? Bullshit.

So the old man received a Paladin rank? Alright, I've got the gist of this episode.

Gucci Messiah rating: 6/10
Beers consumed: 2
Total consumed: 8

Alright, I'm all caught up. Will probably start going through Black Lagoon next week.
Ever since I watched Final Destination as a wee lad I've had a fear of flying, but after I traveled 15+ hours from LA to Houston on bus, I'd rather take the chance of a fiery death in the sky.
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