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Toonami |May14| Toonami just got a lot Cooler

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I remember reading somewhere that for those questionnaires, it's always best to answer 'strongly agree' or 'strongly disagree', not any of the middle answers. Not sure if that is just a myth though.


Gives all the fucks
But I am strongly neutral, Neutrals don't get any breaks. (I'm not neutral at all)



It's "one way or the other" not "either way".

Not that I place high importance on the correctness of internet memes.


I'm going to suggest staying out of miiquality threads.

bigkrev probably wants to tally the bancount though


Even with the light speed strides gay marriage has made, it is not quite at the level of public acceptance in the US where Nintendo, ostensibly a toy manufacturer, can directly add same sex relationships to a product.
I will say, as a queer person, that I 100% never expected them to edit or change things, I don't think anyone realistically did. But their PR was a shit sandwich that never needed to be said or done. They could have easily said "We did not put this into consideration this time around and it is too late to edit or change the game prior to release". Instead they presented P.R with multiple problematic elements including :

1) Trying to present a point of view of being apolitical in regards to this when "creating a world in which queer people do not exist" is anything but apolitical, it's exactly the political tactic used by many in order to harm or deny queer people rights
2) As stated the P.R includes the same rhetoric typically used by anti-queer activists including simply the idea "we can will queer people away/make them invisible" , this is not new and it's something I as a queer person has faced my whole life. Heck most queer people like me, *enjoy* video games because it is typically a form of escape from that bullshit.

Look, if i didn't play or got upset over every game that didn't include queer characters I would not have very many games to play obviously, but that P.R was a shit sandwich. Additionally there already exist life sim games that allow queer relations (and Nintendo itself has had queerness in its games before) so it's not really a matter of public acceptance in that regard and it's pretty insulting to queer people and endemic to the kind of beliefs that hurt us to reason that fact changes because Nintendo is a "kid friendly" company.

Edit: Sorry I don't really intend to argue about this and tldr is ; The game not including queerness = meh/expected , That P.R they gave = shit and aggravating/insulting


Basically, Nintendo made the mistake of addressing the issue at all. They should have just continued to say "we aren't talking about it."


I liked this piece by Christian Nutt, a gay person. It was nice to see his perspective on the matter in general.



Things came to their inevitable head this week when Nintendo released an incredibly tone deaf statement to the Associated Press: "Nintendo never intended to make any form of social commentary with the launch of 'Tomodachi Life.' The relationship options in the game represent a playful alternate world rather than a real-life simulation. We hope that all of our fans will see that 'Tomodachi Life' was intended to be a whimsical and quirky game, and that we were absolutely not trying to provide social commentary."

The problem is that this option does not exist. As Patrick Klepek put it, "I hope Nintendo knows that excluding gay relationships is, in fact, a form of social commentary. It's inherently political."

Why does Nintendo's statement rankle? It speaks to a basic truth of gay life: Straight people don't understand our lives -- that living, for us, is an inherently political act. If you think this is an exaggeration, you've never had to push down a quaver to clearly and calmly say, in an obviously male voice, "my husband" to a customer service phone rep at an insurance company, or had a government official ask which one of the couple is "the bride" when he's filling out a form, only for him to abruptly realize the absurdity of the question when he notices your expression.


I'm going to suggest staying out of miiquality threads.

bigkrev probably wants to tally the bancount though

Yeah I have a pretty unpopular opinion in regards to gay marriage and such so I tend to avoid threads like that anyway. I do get the urge to post though when I lurk. >.<
I'm glad the issue is blowing up in their face personally, but they would have been better shutting up or addressing it as I said early with a "we apologize ,however, it's too late to change it and we had not taken it into consideration for this entry" .


Wasn't the reason same-sex relationships were removed because it was a "glitch" that had effects on a bunch of other things in the game? If not for the side effects, I think they would have just let the "glitch" stand. Now that they have removed it, re-introducing it would be them intentionally adding same-sex relationships to the game, which is a concept that gives Fox News Bullshit Mountain a boner so fast it tears right out of their pants.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm glad the issue is blowing up in their face personally, but they would have been better shutting up or addressing it as I said early with a "we apologize ,however, it's too late to change it and we had not taken it into consideration for this entry" .

Is it actually blowing up in their face though? It's an awful lot of publicity for a game that basically wasn't going to get any. They'd have to be smart though and send out an apology soon saying they didn't mean to hurt anyone feelings and will either patch the game or make it a feature in a sequel if the game does well...which it won't so they'll never have to worry about it.
I'm glad the issue is blowing up in their face personally, but they would have been better shutting up or addressing it as I said early with a "we apologize ,however, it's too late to change it and we had not taken it into consideration for this entry" .

yeah. i mean, people would probably have taken issue with that statement as well, but it's by far the better option here. like, obviously so.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wasn't the reason same-sex relationships were removed because it was a "glitch" that had effects on a bunch of other things in the game? If not for the side effects, I think they would have just let the "glitch" stand. Now that they have removed it, re-introducing it would be them intentionally adding same-sex relationships to the game, which is a concept that gives Fox News Bullshit Mountain a boner so fast it tears right out of their pants.

It was male male only and a glitch that deleted saves.

Another fun wrinkle is that the game has almost no agency; people couple up at random. Think of the sensational headline when Timmy's mom finds him and Joey making out on their game when one/both are straight.
I don't actually recall or know what statistics/studies show about the whole "any publicity is good publicity" idea, though i feel thats not actually the case. This also isnt a chik-fil-a situation where it's hella easy for ignorant/spiteful people to decide to buy the game (if they even own a 3ds) . Additionally by blown up I mean get enough attention (which it has appeared on radio shows and mainstream news sites) that they would at least self examine and consider the inclusion of queerness in future games, which is all I really want. Could care less if the game sells well or not.


It was male male only and a glitch that deleted saves.

Another fun wrinkle is that the game has almost no agency; people couple up at random. Think of the sensational headline when Timmy's mom finds him and Joey making out on their game when one/both are straight.
Fox News: "Nintendo is forcing their homosexual agenda on YOUR CHILDREN"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't actually recall or know what statistics show about the whole "any publicity is good publicity" idea, though i feel thats not actually the case. This also isnt a chik-fil-a situation where it's hella easy for ignorant/spiteful people to decide to buy the game (if they even own a 3ds) . Additionally by blown up I mean get enough attention (which it has appeared on radio shows and mainstream news sites) that they would at least self examine and consider the inclusion of queerness in future games, which is all I really want. Could care less if the game sells well or not.

This is all dependent on them putting a positive PR spin on it in the next week or so.

Fox News: "Nintendo is forcing their homosexual agenda on YOUR CHILDREN"

This is why they are scared. They should just nut up and find away around it. They already promote eugenics and inbreeding in pokémon, witchcraft and apostasy (and Satan worship if they publish SMT games/Bayonetta 2) so they already have certain family groups against them if they care to.
I suspect Nintendo are still kinda baffled their first attempt at P.R hasn't worked and don't even look forward to what they have in store if they try to spin some more. Personally I was gonna get the game but between the P.R and there being other 2014 releases for me to spend money on I couldn't care less, it's not even really a boycott per say I was on the fence already.

http://www.nintendo.com/whatsnew/detail/c4FWbi-Uave2T9R1h7SFzX0aoa-d4pgx actually speak of the devil


Well here we go:


We apologize for disappointing many people by failing to include same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Life. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to change this game’s design, and such a significant development change can’t be accomplished with a post-ship patch. At Nintendo, dedication has always meant going beyond the games to promote a sense of community, and to share a spirit of fun and joy. We are committed to advancing our longtime company values of fun and entertainment for everyone. We pledge that if we create a next installment in the Tomodachi series, we will strive to design a game-play experience from the ground up that is more inclusive, and better represents all players.
It's actually pretty significant Nintendo actually offered an apology and an intent to actually consider/change in the future. Though all that can be done now is wait and see and see if they put up with future entries of games where queerness should be at least considered an option. Can't really say or gripe when they have now said exactly what they should have said, just have to see if it comes to fruition now in the future.


And people are still getting banned even after getting the necessary apology. Why do people post these things. Geez.

I fully expect bigkrev to tally a ban count across all these threads for his return.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good lord, E3 is only a month away and Gaming is already turning into a massacre.

This is going to be fun.
Don't care about E3 other than finally seeing Forza Horizon 2 and Microsoft maybe showing me some other semblance of a reason to waste my money on a xbox one


Glad to see Nintendo realized they dun goofed and listened/apologized

And people are still getting banned even after getting the necessary apology. Why do people post these things. Geez.

I fully expect bigkrev to tally a ban count across all these threads for his return.

What I don't get is even if you were some dipshit who had no concept of empathy, after seeing 2315135125 people get banned for doing X, why would you just go ahead and then do X? People are being really stupid about this whole thing. For a website that prides itself on its educated and liberal slant, people here can be shockingly dumb/obtuse when it comes to subjects of race/gender/sexuality/etc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Don't care about E3 other than finally seeing Forza Horizon 2 and Microsoft maybe showing me some other semblance of a reason to waste my money on a xbox one

MS has a very rough road ahead of them after "ruining" Halo with its 4th entry. In an era with so few exclusives you really don't want to be the more expensive, less powerful system and I don't think a one month lead on DLC, Forza, more Halo of the same caliber of 4 is really going to cut it anymore.

Holding onto Gears was their only smart move in years and even that can only get you so far.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It really was. It's not a gay life simulator. It's a mii universe simulator with odd quirky scenarios. Just because it doesn't have gay relationships doesn't mean nintendo discriminates. It WASN'T the main focus of the game, and the scope of this game is limited so i don't know what the fuck anyone was expected. If you want a gay life simulator go play second life or play ultima 6 and have gay sex with dirty pirate gigolos.

For a website that prides itself on its educated and liberal slant, people here can be shockingly dumb/obtuse when it comes to subjects of race/gender/sexuality/etc.

Involve video games and people lose their heads (though OT is hardly better they just know better that this shit will get you banned)

MS has a very rough road ahead of them after "ruining" Halo with its 4th entry. In an era with so few exclusives you really don't want to be the more expensive, less powerful system and I don't think a one month lead on DLC, Forza, more Halo of the same caliber of 4 is really going to cut it anymore.

Holding onto Gears was their only smart move in years and even that can only get you so far.

My biggest problem right now is well the stuff you mentioned, plus now paying for Live seems even more like a hassle when I already have the much better PS plus and then there aren't that much SP exclusive experiences to make up for that. Had the same problem with the 360.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've gone from never allowing a XBONE in my house (a pretty silly position) to won't get until it's 100 or less, which these days won't be until a year or two after the gen ends or a find a great deal somewhere.

I hate Gold. In fact I stopped paying for PS Plus the month after it turned into Gold Light, despite being a better deal and not owning a PS4 at the time (still don't) because even the thought of paying for online multiplayer is distasteful. Heck I nearly picked up a PS4 when my friend was going to get one and play Diablo 3 with him...until I remembered. Might do the PS3 version instead someday.
The instant game collection and no paywall for basic things like Netflix and streaming assuages my distaste for paying for plus, can't say the same about Live. I was gonna inevitably wait for a remodel of xbox one, but at this point I'd take it in white and for 400 if I have extra income.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
No no MG, The real REAL shitstorm will be when the new Kamiya game is announced for the bone. You thought the Bayo 2 situation was bad, well...

Pretty sure the supposed the Platinum game isn't by Kamiya. He said he was taking a break after The Wonderful 101's release, and this rumor came out before TW101's release.
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