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Toonami |May15| Wasting Saturday nights for three years running

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Little known fact, I can do a mean Kuwabara voice, I don't have enough time to setup my audio equipment to record so I'll try doing it through my phone


Gives all the fucks
Looks like I'm goin' back to my grandma's this weekend, but should still be able to watch Toonami. Problem is, the basement where I usually sleep no longer has the satellite for....some reason....but I think I should have the living room to myself. Just will have to watch it quietly.
Looks like I'm goin' back to my grandma's this weekend, but should still be able to watch Toonami. Problem is, the basement where I usually sleep no longer has the satellite for....some reason....but I think I should have the living room to myself. Just will have to watch it quietly.

I remember trying to watch Adult Swim anime in my grandma's house late at night without waking her up. She was fairly religious so she wouldn't approve of Hollows and homonculi and the other creatures on the shows. It's funny, my grandma thought I was watching porn when in reality I was watching cartoons.


Gives all the fucks
Thanks to my fear of Murphy's Law, while I doubt she'd check up on me to see how I was doing at 1 a.m, (especially with the layout), I just hope nothing happens when Kill la Kill or SAO2 are on.

Damn 13-year-old kid came downstairs during SAO2 because I don't know and I JUST BARELY got lucky as he didn't hear/see the scene involving....the tentacle monster coming back.

I also remember watching IGPX at my grandma's with her & my mom and OF COURSE it's the episode from the second season with a decent amount of swearing in it (the one with the most swearing, in fact. I was lucky they didn't catch the "bitch" line)....though I was seriously confused considering I was allowed to watch the Simpsons. Not to mention I was 14.


Gives all the fucks
I remember trying to watch Adult Swim anime in my grandma's house late at night without waking her up. She was fairly religious so she wouldn't approve of Hollows and homonculi and the other creatures on the shows. It's funny, my grandma thought I was watching porn when in reality I was watching cartoons.
Oh man, this reminds me of my childhood friend who had really strict, religious parents, as in.....

- No Pokemon because whatever the damn reason was back when it was new
- No Inuyasha (me recording it & giving him the tapes in secret was the only damn reason I watched the entire series) because demons
- No Luigi's Mansion because GHOSTS.
- No Mysical Ninja games because NINJAS (no, seriously. We were almost teenagers when he mentioned that.).

Even my parents (well, my mom according to my dad) were like "no, it's fine, you can watch *my name* play those types of games/stuff. We see no issue with them."

But then his parents had this REALLY weird rule where some stuff would be fine because...someone gave it to him as a gift? I think that was the only reason why he was allowed to keep Luigi's Mansion (plus I guess Nintendo/E-rated?) as a kid.


It's not great until the Blu-Ray retouch up though. Only really good.



My parents were super chill about everything I played in watched. It also helps I was a Nintendo kid for the longest time.


Gives all the fucks
Zonic just watch on your laptop with headphones during klk/sao and you'll be fine
Hmmm. That might actually work, especially since I could move to the basement where it's cooler. Though while her internet speed itself is fine, she only has about 4GB or 8GB per month. Hopefully streaming them won't take too much, nor lag/studder like crazy. I'll figure something out.

My parents were super chill about everything I played in watched. It also helps I was a Nintendo kid for the longest time.
Same here, though I got a PS2 as a teen eventually. My dad said I was good with games & such because I was able to enjoy/find alternatives to the more violent stuff. I remember for the longest time, only E or T rated games ever interested me. Hell, growing up, I saw the Xbox as "the M-rated game system with nothing interesting", though 360 did eventually convince me there was enough stuff when I got it as a high school graduation present with the money I got.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I wouldn't let a kid play any GTA after 2.

The only violent game I was cool with my little cousins playing was Halo, because they are extremely cartoony.


Gives all the fucks
Okay, so last thing relating to "what you could/couldn't play", but I wanna get this off my chest.

Saying "Well I played Mortal Kombat as a kid & I turned out alright, so I don't see why kids today can't just play the newest Mortal Kombat or CoD or whatever" is a bad argument considering most people when they were kids who played MK was on the Genesis or SNES. 16-bit violence is VERY different compared to some of the stuff you see in MKX or today's games with how much the graphics have freakin' evolved.....plus ya know, not all kids react the same.

I wouldn't let a kid play any GTA after 2.

The only violent game I was cool with my little cousins playing was Halo, because they are extremely cartoony.
I couldve sworn at one point, the original Halo was going to be rated T, but they wanted it M to get more of the adult crowd or something.

I was careful on what I played when my little sister (who is 10 years younger) was growing up. Some T-rated games were fine (she'd watch me play UMvC3 and request I'd play as characters like Chun-Li or Trish, which was fine. Felicia...I wouldn't use), but others, I'd be careful because of the language & such. Never played M-rated when she was home or awake. I didn't want to risk her coming in at a point of the game that showcased why it was M.

Also, my dad's gf only took away GTA....5 (maybe it was 4?) from her 12 or 13-year-old son after he told her he was on his laptop & saw the search history of seeing how to make the strippers naked.......but then he still plays Assassin's Creed, CoD Black Ops, and....Minecraft.


My parents were super chill about everything I played in watched. It also helps I was a Nintendo kid for the longest time.

My parents refused to buy me any game systems when I was younger because they considered video games a waste of time. They were at least cool enough to buy me some games when the neighbor downstairs bought me a Genesis for Christmas one year, probably because I spent far too much time playing games on their system.

Past the Genesis, I bought all of my own games and consoles so they didn't really have too much say on what I played, though I got the occasional lecture whenever I got a game may have had some questionable content in their eyes. It didn't help I was raised in a very conservative, Baptist home.


Saying "Well I played Mortal Kombat as a kid & I turned out alright, so I don't see why kids today can't just play the newest Mortal Kombat or CoD or whatever" is a bad argument considering most people when they were kids who played MK was on the Genesis or SNES. 16-bit violence is VERY different compared to some of the stuff you see in MKX or today's games with how much the graphics have freakin' evolved.....plus ya know, not all kids react the same..

Mortal Kombat was one of the first games I ever played. II is still my favorite in the series.


My parent's didn't let me play M rated games till I was 13 and had my Bar Mitzvah (used some of the money to buy the Diablo 2 Special Edition, which I played like crazy till Lord of Destruction came out and then I slowly drifted away), but had real issues with FPS games till I was in High School.

When I was 7, I was gifted a copy of MK2 for SNES, which my parents said they would let me play when I was older (Parents don't understand that new systems come out every few years, I guess). I found where they hid it, and played it in secret for about a month till they caught me, and my dad opened the cart up with a screwdriver and then smashed the chips inside.

STILL traumatized by that


I'm gonna force my kids to graduate to modern games

First they gotta beat me in Tecmo Superbowl before they can play whatever is popular then


Gives all the fucks
Mortal Kombat was one of the first games I ever played. II is still my favorite in the series.
& I have nothing against that. It's when you're comparing 16-bit violence to the violence we see in today's games, which are much more realistic looking, & feeling as though "Well I was fine with less-realistic graphics, therefore my kid will be fine with MORE-realistic graphics!"

Like holy crap, some of the fatalities in MKX are just....bleeeehhhh. I'm not gonna show that to a kid. Yet the 13-year-old I mentioned earlier was like "Hey, so they have it on mobile & it seems to be the same as the console versions, plus it's free" & he even asked me if I had the game (to which if I even did, I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him play it).

Are you also gonna make your kids watch OG DBZ before they can watch modern anime?
Make them watch One Piece before watching modern anime.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wolf 3D was more realistic than the rest of the games from that time period, though MK and DOOM especially were also Satanic.

MK is and always has been borderline between cartoony and realistic. It was more violent than any other console game of that period, plus it was adversarial, but its also not as realistic as Wolf 3D, though more so than DOOM.

2 and 3 became increasingly cartoony and cruder, which hit a peak in the early 3D games.


Gives all the fucks
Alright, ACTUAL final statement.

I don't remember how old I was (maybe 14 or 15ish?) but I remember my dad saying that when it came to games (I don't think I touched M rated games yet, mainly because none of them interested me, i.e it was still mainly shooters.), "you're able to tell the difference between reality & fiction and keep them separate" and was kind of happy that I stuck with E & T-rated stuff (though he questioned Shadow Hearts Covenant once because "suggestive themes" & the cover art when I was taking it in to trade).

I think the first M-rated game I played/flat-out cared about was when I was about 16 & I borrowed No More Heroes from a friend & completed the game in secret. I really can't think of any before that. Again, I think it was because most M-rated games were shooters or just gory hack-n-slash, so I just had no interest.

..........well okay, first M-rated game I cared about was Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, but I didn't have the means to play it....and when I found out about it, I was fresh into the teen years...


My parents were pretty lax. I was playing DOOM at, like, 6.

Yeah, pretty much the same for me.

I didn't really play stuff like doom at 6, but I was playing MMOs by 7 I want to say. My parents didn't care. Thank God.

So when I eventually asked if I could buy M games, they didn't mind.

I think it's better that way to be honest, I never really liked the idea of "oh no that's something you can't play" when it's like Call of Duty, since you know they'll play it at their friends, you're just having them circumvent you for their fun?


Between SnS and My Hero Academia I have been living in manga paradise.

Every chapter is sooooo good.

I finally finished Daredevil on Netflix. Disappointing.
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