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Toonami |May15| Wasting Saturday nights for three years running

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Nothing will ever be better than the FF7 troll by SE. That was too perfect, I can't think of anything that would make GAF explode like that did.

"We're releasing Final Fantasy VI for PS4!"
"It has the shitty iOS graphics! Wahahahaha!"


Just back from Fury Road also. It was very good. Not as spectacular as the hype led me to believe but I was quite entertained. The production values alone are worth a ticket.


The 2008 or 2009 Nintendo press conference with nothing but casual games was the biggest E3 troll. That fucking Wii Music stage demo...
The 2008 or 2009 Nintendo press conference with nothing but casual games was the biggest E3 troll. That fucking Wii Music stage demo...

I don't know what was worse, 2006 Sony (RIIIDGE RACER, $599 US DOLLARS, GIANT ENEMY CRABS) or 2008 Nintendo (Cammy Dunaway, Wii Music cringe, casual focus).


nintendoland fireworks was p.bad

everyone was so sure we were going to see panic mode nintendo, but i think we got oblivious nintendo


Gives all the fucks
& then Nintendo was all "okay so we have a vitality sensor for the Wii that we'll never release BUT NOW HAVE TEAM NINJA'S METROID, FORGOT ABOUT THAT SENSOR THING DIDN'T YA?!?!"

Hate the fact not only do I have class when Nintendo will do their digital E3 event, but it's a quiz day as well.


Wii Music was definitely a low point for Nintendo and is more devastating because they had been in the industry for such a long time. I'd say a few good 2nd places would be Sony's $599 or pretty much every Microsoft E3 with any kind of non-gamer or Kinect focus.


Nothing will top Konami 2010. Nothing. Legendary status in my book. I think each of the big 3 have pretty bad conferences under their belt but only Sony and Microsoft have botched reveals of consoles which in turn crushed the anticipation for their consoles. The closest Nintendo got was the WiiU reveal but even then it isn't nearly as bad as 599 or TVTVTVSPORTSTVTV


Gives all the fucks


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Nothing will top Konami 2010. Nothing. Legendary status in my book. I think each of the big 3 have pretty bad conferences under their belt but only Sony and Microsoft have botched reveals of consoles which in turn crushed the anticipation for their consoles. The closest Nintendo got was the WiiU reveal but even then it isn't nearly as bad as 599 or TVTVTVSPORTSTVTV

For the record, TVTVSPORTSTVSPORTS wasn't E3. It was a separate reveal conference that happened a couple weeks before.

But yeah, Konami 2010 should have been the biggest clue that something was severely wrong over there.


For the record, TVTVSPORTSTVSPORTS wasn't E3. It was a separate reveal conference that happened a couple weeks before.

But yeah, Konami 2010 should have been the biggest clue that something was severely wrong over there.
My fault. Yeah, the E3 conference wasn't as bad but the whole thing was a mess behind the scenes with the DRM killing the momentum XBone had going into the fall. I think the conference itself in retrospect wasn't that bad. Way better than the kinect reveal conference.



Unconfirmed Member
Can't beat Final Fantasy XIII going to 360 and Final Fantasy XIV being an MMO. Both of those were at E3 too.

I still don't understand why people were trolled by the XIV announcement. It looked exactly like a follow up to FF XI right from the very start of the trailer and we knew full well that SE was deep in development on a new MMO that looked an awful lot like it was going to be XI's successor.
I still don't understand why people were trolled by the XIV announcement. It looked exactly like a follow up to FF XI right from the very start of the trailer and we knew full well that SE was deep in development on a new MMO that looked an awful lot like it was going to be XI's successor.


And Konami 2010 is the greatest thing in the history of press conferences


I still don't understand why people were trolled by the XIV announcement. It looked exactly like a follow up to FF XI right from the very start of the trailer and we knew full well that SE was deep in development on a new MMO that looked an awful lot like it was going to be XI's successor.

I think those were the same people that hate the fact there are numbered Final Fantasy games that are also MMOs. I'm not even sure how those people exist. I was completely fine with a new FF MMO at the time. My feelings at launch were, however, very different. At least ARR fixed that.

And I do agree. Konami 2010 is probably the best thing ever to come out of an E3 just because of how batshit insane it was.


Unconfirmed Member
I think those were the same people that hate the fact there are numbered Final Fantasy games that are also MMOs. I'm not even sure how those people exist. I was completely fine with a new FF MMO at the time. My feelings at launch were, however, very different. At least ARR fixed that.

And I do agree. Konami 2010 is probably the best thing ever to come out of an E3 just because of how batshit insane it was.

Yeah, I was super pumped for XIV after the announcement. Then I tried playing the beta. :/

ARR is rad, though.


Other really bad E3 stuff:
- The Kinect reveal event, where all attendees had to wear those Silver robes and Cirque de Soule preformed

-Last years EA event, where they didn't actually have games to show, so they just had people strap GoPros to themselves and talk vaugly about new game ideas, had a Cello performance where the presenter said afterwards "All of the feels!", and ended with this giant smoke/pyrotechnic display that they were launching a beta

-That one Sony press conference that had Chewbacca come out on stage to hand Kaz a PSP


Hey guys.

The mod team as a whole, while not 'cracking down on it' is paying a little more mind to off topic chatter in community threads.

Some leniency towards game chatter is fine, but try to truncate extended conversations. Dubbed or shonen anime, English licensing, CN/AS, cartoons, and such are totally within the thread subject.

Talk about what one had for breakfast, how tough your finals are, etc, don't really belong. (Some comm. threads wish each other good morning / good night on a daily basis and we definitely aren't that far gone)

As I said before, this thread's post volume is mostly live reactions, but just a heads up.


If I may be frank, NeoGAF has been awful about defining community. It is meant to be a hangout to discuss things like sports, TV, etc. but then there are particular subjects that SHOULD be moved to community but aren't. Stuff like TV shows, movies, events stay in off topic when they more or less fit the community mold. Heck when something is moved over to community many see it as a death sentence for many and I can see why since it is hard to attract new posters over to community due to shitty promotion of the tabs. I honestly think OT's should be changed to move to community much quicker for all games AND off topic subjects so community can get more traffic instead of gaming and off topic.

As far as discussions go I think of this place as a nice safe haven from GAF general since I know many of the posters here. I think that is why it veers 'off topic' on the weekdays since there is no point to create another topic on gaming to discuss it with a close knit group. We tend to be pretty good about discussing anime but with E3 craziness so close you can expect this shit to happen all over the website.

That being said I will drop the subject unless some major news comes around and I need a breather from gaming side (*cough*TLG getting cancelled*cough*). With Momocon coming up and Inuyasha ending I suppose we can start hyping up replacement anime again even if one slot is more or less set in stone.
Talk about what one had for breakfast, how tough your finals are, etc, don't really belong. (Some comm. threads wish each other good morning / good night on a daily basis and we definitely aren't that far gone)
Is this KorraGAF? It kind of sounds like KorraGAF. KPop I hear was pretty bad too.


JoJo has got to be the replacement for Kill la Kill. The physical release comes out at about the same time, plus I can't imagine Toonami NOT airing it now that it has a dub.


JoJo has got to be the replacement for Kill la Kill. The physical release comes out at about the same time, plus I can't imagine Toonami NOT airing it now that it has a dub.

I think Sailor Moon will replace Kill la Kill's slot. It is to high profile to get any other. JoJo could replace Inuyasha but it has poor timing with no clips of the dub (for Parts 1 or 2) out and Inuyasha ending in a few weeks.


I think Sailor Moon will replace Kill la Kill's slot. It is to high profile to get any other. JoJo could replace Inuyasha but it has poor timing with no clips of the dub (for Parts 1 or 2) out and Inuyasha ending in a few weeks.
Sailor Moon will replace Inuyasha and take over at 12:30, pushing everything else back half an hour. It isn't hard.


I dunno, I think you guys are overestimating the western appeal of Sailor Moon in this day and age. It doesn't really offer much to modern Toonami outside of nostalgia factor.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I don't think Sailor Moon will be on for a while. Toonami already has three long-runners going and I imagine they want to go "half long runners half short series".


I feel like Kill la Kill was okay for a while, but it's starting to lose me.

We hit the peak a couple episodes ago and we are surely heading for a valley. The series has enough going on to keep you engaged but I just wanted to warn everyone that the next few weeks are going to make us lose our way pretty badly with one particular moment in the series that frustrates the hell out of me.


I dunno, I think you guys are overestimating the western appeal of Sailor Moon in this day and age. It doesn't really offer much to modern Toonami outside of nostalgia factor.
Sailor Moon, I think, still has a ton of western appeal. And as we've seen with Kai, nostalgia can go a looong way.


So how about that local sports team?
Sorry Seda:p

I feel like Kill la Kill was okay for a while, but it's starting to lose me.

We are in the low point that TTGL had in the middle. It'll pick back up and have a strong finish. I pretty much had the same reaction the first time watching it as well, so you aren't really alone in that feeling.


Sailor Moon, I think, still has a ton of western appeal. And as we've seen with Kai, nostalgia can go a looong way.

Do we really wanna be stuck with Crystal taking up a slot though? The nostalgia will wear off pretty quick as soon as episode 1 airs, where I feel like the majority of people here will say "oh yeah, this is pretty bad huh?"


I concur with Htown: Kill la Kill's first half is far better than it's second, which doesn't quite reach the highs of the first half and has this peak-and-valley thing going on.


I concur with Htown: Kill la Kill's first half is far better than it's second, which doesn't quite reach the highs of the first half and has this peak-and-valley thing going on.

The final stretch of the show is better imo. That's when it goes full on crazy and I can dig that.

This middle portion is definitely the weakest, but still enjoyable.


Do we really wanna be stuck with Crystal taking up a slot though? The nostalgia will wear off pretty quick as soon as episode 1 airs, where I feel like the majority of people here will say "oh yeah, this is pretty bad huh?"
Regardless of what we want, I think we're going to get it. I just can't imagine Toonami passing up the chance to air a redone Sailor Moon series.
I'm having fun with KLK. I can see why people expecting it to be the next Gurren are disappointed, but it doesn't even seem like remotely the same show except for some resemblences in artstyle and how crazy it can get.

The dub for both shows are so on point as well.


Kill la Kill is like, the last show I would have expected to have an excellent English dub.

Eh, it was super popular when it came out and generates a ton of buzz. Plus dubbing as a whole has improved over the years. I am actually surprised Bleach turned out as bad as it did due to poor direction of talented VA's and a bland script.


Eh, it was super popular when it came out and generates a ton of buzz. Plus dubbing as a whole has improved over the years. I am actually surprised Bleach turned out as bad as it did due to poor direction of talented VA's and a bland script.
It's pretty clear that Viz produces the worst dubs. Even Sentai has some personality.
Eh, it was super popular when it came out and generates a ton of buzz. Plus dubbing as a whole has improved over the years. I am actually surprised Bleach turned out as bad as it did due to poor direction of talented VA's and a bland script.

Having a bad script is a big reason why dubs, even with good talent and good direction, can be bad. The best voice acting in the world wouldn't sound great in a show with bad writing.


Having a bad script is a big reason why dubs, even with good talent and good direction, can be bad. The best voice acting in the world wouldn't sound great in a show with bad writing.

in terms of production of shows, this is the important parts of a good dub

1. Director - Most important by far
2. Dialogue could be shit
3. VA's

A good director can get a good performance out of a mediocre VA, and having good VA's work on shows with shit directors will produce shit VA performances

generally the localization can change some really bad dialogue, but there's honestly so much of a turd that you can polish
I dunno, I think you guys are overestimating the western appeal of Sailor Moon in this day and age. It doesn't really offer much to modern Toonami outside of nostalgia factor.

I think you're greatly underestimating it, there is a reason viz has been redubbing the entire series and pushing half seasons out pretty quickly. The manga as man god said sold very well when it was officially released over here a few years ago and viz/hulu push sailor moon mondays for the new official sub episodes.

I don't think Sailor Moon will be on for a while. Toonami already has three long-runners going and I imagine they want to go "half long runners half short series".

Sailor Moon Crystal will be on toonami, we may see Sailor Moon uncut but most likely it'll be crystal which is currently 26 episodes (will probably get a second season) so at worst its a year on the block.
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