So who's watching tomorrow's marathon?
yepI plan on watching.
whoa, we have the same birthday?
I'm only watching DBZ
whoa, we have the same birthday?
I'm only watching DBZ
DBZ with headbands and sandals would be a lot better then NarutoI'll pass on the KlK marathon, thanks.
In other related to Toonami business, I actually sat down and watched Naruto: The Last today.I liked it. It had the goofy "ninja" (in quotes because let's be real, this was DBZ with headbands and sandals) action and heart. A story with heart will always get me, even if I may not be as enamored with everything else.Yes, the subs were horrid, but I got the jist of what the Big Bad's plot was; but, that's not the point of the film. I may have long ago fallen out of love with the franchise, but it still holds a special place in my geeky heart as the first chapter of the manga was the first time a comic got me to tear up. That hadn't happened ever prior to that. And, like the softie I am, I cried during the end credits of the film. It was the still shot of Iruka - Naruto's father figure - crying his eyes out at Naruto's wedding that did it. Made it a book end ending for the series for me.
Does every OT have a mod to watch over it?Hey guys.
The mod team as a whole, while not 'cracking down on it' is paying a little more mind to off topic chatter in community threads.
Some leniency towards game chatter is fine, but try to truncate extended conversations. Dubbed or shonen anime, English licensing, CN/AS, cartoons, and such are totally within the thread subject.
Talk about what one had for breakfast, how tough your finals are, etc, don't really belong. (Some comm. threads wish each other good morning / good night on a daily basis and we definitely aren't that far gone)
As I said before, this thread's post volume is mostly live reactions, but just a heads up.
Bet on XSEED?& they do it sooooooo many times. I've lost count how many times they've had a sale on PSN or the eShop. Feels like every other month, their games are discounted to the point you don't know why they don't just make them price drops & keep them there.
What a day. What a lovely day.
YOU LIVE! YOU DIE! YOU LIVE AGAIN!whoa, we have the same birthday?
I've been watching channel 48 almost every Saturday non-stop since Adult Swim came to be.Only the realest of fans watch every Toonami always.
I'll pass on the KlK marathon, thanks.
In other related to Toonami business, I actually sat down and watched Naruto: The Last today.I liked it. It had the goofy "ninja" (in quotes because let's be real, this was DBZ with headbands and sandals) action and heart. A story with heart will always get me, even if I may not be as enamored with everything else.Yes, the subs were horrid, but I got the jist of what the Big Bad's plot was; but, that's not the point of the film. I may have long ago fallen out of love with the franchise, but it still holds a special place in my geeky heart as the first chapter of the manga was the first time a comic got me to tear up. That hadn't happened ever prior to that. And, like the softie I am, I cried during the end credits of the film. It was the still shot of Iruka - Naruto's father figure - crying his eyes out at Naruto's wedding that did it. Made it a book end ending for the series for me.
I'm only watching DBZ
So who's watching tomorrow's marathon?
So who's watching tomorrow's marathon?
Trigger? That's a strange way to spell Madhouse.
We gotta push either HxH or Hajime no Ippo forToonami!SummerslamIt's too late for the both of them.
Fans waiting years for something without an update on when or if it's coming? Sounds like the most apt localization for HiatusxHiatus.We still have no idea whats going on with HxH
We gotta push either HxH or Hajime no Ippo forToonami!SummerslamIt's too late for the both of them.
Momocon Toonami panel next Saturday at 6:30.
Bass, Absolution, we meeting up?
Sweet. You guys gonna post real time details?
I'm going too yeeee
We're totally gonna hear about a new show next week. Would be amazing if they also had a commercial ready to air that night as well.
Guy on the right is so fucking done/high
Guy on the right is so fucking done/high
Momocon Toonami panel next Saturday at 6:30.
Bass, Absolution, we meeting up?
I'm down, I'll probably be with an irl friend or two so I'll try to wear something to stand out
I'm going too yeeee
I see ToonamiGAF Meetup 2015 is going well.