*insert gif of Honey from Space Dandy here*Toonami tents to not go for the jiggle shows, so HOTD is not a likely candidate.
Assuming the dubs are good:What are some good Sentai shows that they could air?
- Parasyte
- Persona 4
- High School of the Dead ("so bad it's good")
- Uhh....BTOOM! I guess? It's Battle Royale but everyone has EXPLOSIONS!!!
- Something called "Log Horizon", I don't think you guys heard of it
- Ninja Scroll could work for Movie Month
- QUEEN'S BLADE & SEIKON NO QWASER (these will never, never air)
- S-cry-ed (wait, that aired already)
That's all that comes to mind that would fit on Toonami. They also have Grave of the Fireflies of all things.
Edit: & they have the rights to........Big O? Huh.