Jeez, after all of this teasing, it turns out that not only is Digimon Tri only a six-part OVA series, but it isn't even starting until November. Hopefully that means the animation won't suck.
NOVEMBER?! But that's almost at the end of the 15th anniversary?!Jeez, after all of this teasing, it turns out that not only is Digimon Tri only a six-part OVA series, but it isn't even starting until November. Hopefully that means the animation won't suck.
DragonBall Z Abridged and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged are strictly not-for-profit. We do not gain ad revenue from them, and though they may direct people to our peripheral content that does earn us money (TFS Gaming, DBcember, Song Parodies, etc.), we still have to pay our bills.
As stated earlier, DBZA and HUA do not make ad revenue. Our side projects, however, do earn us money. If you have ever seen an advertisement on one of our DBZ or Hellsing videos on YouTube, understand that, that money is going to the owners of the footage, and very likely the owners of whatever music was used. It is 100% within their right to do so, and we fully understand and support their decision.
Our T-shirts over on SharkRobot are for-profit, and we've worked with several people to make sure that all our designs fall under copyright parody laws.
As for Patreon: we are not asking you to pay for DBZA or HUA. This cannot be stressed enough. We're not here to try and force your hand for content that we've already promised you and delivered to you for years. Both of those series are labors of love, and we want to make sure that all of you continue to enjoy it as we expand. Besides, we aren't dicks... well we aren't THOSE kind of dicks.
Jeez, after all of this teasing, it turns out that not only is Digimon Tri only a six-part OVA series, but it isn't even starting until November. Hopefully that means the animation won't suck.
is digimon good
A real series is coming out in 2016 iirc, actual animation, 26 min episodes
I'm fine with this. OVAs and 13 episode seasons seem to have a higher quality in terms of both writing and animation based on my experience. Plus you can tell a more focused story and not fall into some weird "filler" episodes that almost every 26-episode show seems to hit regardless of production company and writers/directors.
Mostly still-shots and like 20 seconds of great animation (looks like Shida's work).
Yep, this is a Toei show.
A real series is coming out in 2016 iirc, actual animation, 26 min episodes
Sometimes those "filler" episodes are good for character development and world building - all "filler" isn't bad. Writing will depend more on who is actually doing the writing than the length. A shorter run time could lead to a more focused narrative but it might also mean there isn't enough time to really develop characters or plot points well. Also some that is short but shit is still shit![]()
Summer Wars was pretty digimon good
& then the cops came in because HOLY CRAP HE'S GOT A SWORD & IS GONNA CUT EVERYONE UP, right?Some dude just pulled a full size replica of Trunks' sword out of a box on the train I was on.
& then the cops came in because HOLY CRAP HE'S GOT A SWORD & IS GONNA CUT EVERYONE UP, right?
Sometimes those "filler" episodes are good for character development and world building - all "filler" isn't bad. Writing will depend more on who is actually doing the writing than the length. A shorter run time could lead to a more focused narrative but it might also mean there isn't enough time to really develop characters or plot points well. Also some that is short but shit is still shit![]()
Nah nothing happened. But it did remind me of that one scene from Persona 4.& then the cops came in because HOLY CRAP HE'S GOT A SWORD & IS GONNA CUT EVERYONE UP, right?
I most likely will. Just sucks I can't use my Celebration Cinema card to get it at a discount like I did the last two times, but oh well.Who else is seeing RiffTrax Live: The Room tonight?
Who else is seeing RiffTrax Live: The Room tonight?
Who else is seeing RiffTrax Live: The Room tonight?
DVD is coming out in July supposedly. Kill la Kill ends in July.
Toonami premieres Part 3 as KlK's replacement & Viz uses Toonami to promote Season 1 as the "origin story" of Dio.
DVD is coming out in July supposedly. Kill la Kill ends in July.
Toonami premieres Part 3 as KlK's replacement & Viz uses Toonami to promote Season 1 as the "origin story" of Dio.
Edit: I wonder, did they actually dub Season 1 as well? Could that have been the reason why it took so long after that "test dub"?
My understanding is that Warner Home Video handles Viz's DVD releases. So yes, I think Viz.Dubbed by viz? Who's dubbing it?! I NEED ANSWERS!!!
Watch it be sub only lmfao
Oh my god IT'S HAPPENINGMy understanding is that Warner Home Video handles Viz's DVD releases. So yes, I think Viz.
Watch it be sub only lmfao
He's a union voice actor so no chance.Viz has very rarely put out a sub-only release. Also wonder if anyone from the test dub will be changed.