What is the next canon shippuden arc?
We have a pretty good stretch of solid Naruto coming up.
Sasuke Shippuden up to the Pain arc is good stuff
What is the next canon shippuden arc?
Yeah, I feel guilty about it. I just couldn't resist. I'll stop here for now. It seems like a pretty good stopping point.It is a shame you skipped again. I live for fresh reactions to stuff like that.
I'd be curious to know this also. I know Seda has not.Is there anyone in the thread that hasn't gotten past the current point of One Piece?
I'm pretty sure half of us are caught up with the manga.
I need to get around to playing this, finally bought it when it was on sale on PSN.astebreed is odd :V
Oh yeah, especially if you watch it dubbed when your first watch was subbed, like with Parasyte. Sometimes, hearing something can have a different effect on you compared to reading it.I find rewatching something can give me a fresh perspective on it.
Dimension W is unfortunately one of those things...
I need to get around to playing this, finally bought it when it was on sale on PSN.
I have such a huge digital backlog on my PS3 & PS4. Hell, I need to figure out when to give Yakuza 4 a shot because I want a nice, long first impression of it instead of just 30 minutes or an hour.....& this PSN Golden Week sale didn't help since I bought Digital Devil Saga when I haven't even started the two SMT Devil Summoner titles....
astebreed is odd :V
I just wanna say how much I enjoy watching Mike Tyson Mysteries. I still say it should replace Dimension W immediately.
You can still have fresh reactions. Like half the shows on the block are things i've seen already. Excluding any Shippuden and One Piece filler arcs of course. I still try to react as if it were the first time I'm seeing things.
I still need to decide what I'm going to get from the Golden Week sale on the PSN store. Quite a few games I'm interested in.
I still need to decide what I'm going to get from the Golden Week sale on the PSN store. Quite a few games I'm interested in.
I still need to decide what I'm going to get from the Golden Week sale on the PSN store. Quite a few games I'm interested in.
No western comedies on Toonami.
Come on now, fucking Dimension W is almost over, don't make hasty suggestions.
But we already had Beware the Batman. *badum tish*
But we already had Beware the Batman. *badum tish*
This would have been a lot better without the forced sound effect
Isn't that the shmup with a lot of yuri?
Don't tell me how to do my comedy.
Can someone link me to the IT'S ME AUSTIN moment from Naruto last night?
I still need to decide what I'm going to get from the Golden Week sale on the PSN store. Quite a few games I'm interested in.
One exam down.
For the first time in my life, I walked out a class angry. I usually have nothing but praise for most teachers believe it or not. I think most of them really do try their best, and care for their students.
This is one of those rare times where I feel safe saying this teacher hated teaching, and disliked her students.
Ive had a multitude of teachers despise everything about me. I had really bad undiagnosed ADHD up until about 9th grade so I could see why, im also the king of shitposting even irl.
Just tested out of my psych final ^o^ my straight a's for this semester should be basically locked up
Just tested out of my psych final ^o^ my straight a's for this semester should be basically locked up
Ridolin works wonders until your friends start stealing it to snort, so you can't get it refilled....
I always hated birthdays in early May.
I always hated birthdays in early May.