MI CASA ES TU CASAI'm very amused by Texan accents in anime.
And thanks to the no fun allowed types, we'll miss out of accents in the rest of the series.
Polnareff could have been hilarious.
Hisoka.So what is the title referring to again?
I can't remember.
Jojo quite frankly is crazy enough, it doesn't really need over the top accents to add to the cheese factor.Jojo does not need accents imo. I don't think they worked well from as a good intro to the series either.
But then again I also hate it when american companies do accents for production basically every single time ive heard it done. I understand the point, but ehhhh, just not my cup of tea
The Part 3 dub drops the accents altogether so I doubt it will be an issue.
The Part 3 dub drops the accents altogether so I doubt it will be an issue in the long run. Someone doing a French Polnareff for 50+ episodes would have been grating as hell.
Especially because he is involved in so many fights
Yeah I remember. The outfits were throwing me off somehow."Imagine that's two Hisoka's sitting at that table."
GOTG Vol. 2 has one of the best opening credits sequences I've ever seen.
I got my hopes up thinking they were going to fight Shuma Gorath in the opening, but nope.
way to not use your characters, marvel. guess that's capcom's job now.
I got my hopes up thinking they were going to fight Shuma Gorath in the opening, but nope.
way to not use your characters, marvel. guess that's capcom's job now.
Oh yeah. Way better use of that song than Doctor Who. ... Then again everything about that episode was a disaster.
I did think GotG Vol 2 did get a bit too cartoon-y at times, and I say that as someone that adores MCU's lighter tone.
Fixed.Man fucking Jojo is bizzare.
I got my hopes up thinking they were going to fight Shuma Gorath in the opening, but nope.
way to not use your characters, marvel. guess that's capcom's job now.
Oh and Man God can't complain about Jim Jam's bullshit until he's read Part 5.
He has no clue how weird Jojo gets. Part 3 ain't too bad, but the levels of WTF in the later parts are equal parts hilarious and mind bending.or Part 6
Part 5 isDio's son via OG Jim Jam's glorious body.
I have no idea what part six is about. Tokyo Drift with horses?
Nah part six is Orange is the new JojoPart 5 isDio's son via OG Jim Jam's glorious body.
I have no idea what part six is about. Tokyo Drift with horses?
Every subsequent part in JoJo is more batshit crazy than the last.
You wouldn't believe them even if I told you.
I mean yeah there is that, but that Stand can do some weird shit.Part 5 isDio's son via OG Jim Jam's glorious body.
I have no idea what part six is about. Tokyo Drift with horses?
That Stand is some bullshit
"I gave this tooth life and turned it into a fly."
I find it hilariously meme tier.It get worse or better depending on your pov
You almost can't even spoiler Jojo cause some of the crap that happens sounds like bullshit.Someone needs to make a "Jojo or Bullshit" quiz to make people go "WTF, THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS?!"
Someone needs to make a "Jojo or Bullshit" quiz to make people go "WTF, THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS?!"
I'd love to do a true or false quiz on Japanese light novel titles.
I should work with the Jojo OT guys to come up with something crazy, though I wouldn't be surprised if I just forget about it in a day or so.Put it on Sporcle
Man fucking Jojo is weird.
He was a Cinnamon roll too good for this EarthJonathan Joestar is still the only one worth a damn.