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Toonami |MayJun17| WE ARE ROBOTS

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Super is creatively bankrupt. I expect Cell to return when they run out of other threats to fight. Maybe Nappa will get brought back and give an uber power up.

For good or bad, Cell is not coming back. I believe the animators mention that he has to complicated of a design so he's a pain in the butt to animated.
I dunno about Asta, but I don't mind most shounen protags. Like, Naruto's fine when he's doing stuff unrelated to Sasuke.

...that said, yeah, I hope in the future, shounen protagonists end up more like Deku or something.

edit: Whoa, you're shitting on Luffy? Boo.

For me personally I kinda want another Yusuke Urameshi type protagonist or Johnny Joestar, characters who insult or snark at other people even the main antagonist


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Then he should have designed a simpler character. Makes me wonder who Togashi hates drawing...shit, he can't even drawn Gon right at times.

Togashi just hates drawing in general at this point
I can't blame him with his back issues.
Then he should have designed a simpler character. Makes me wonder who Togashi hates drawing...shit, he can't even drawn Gon right at times.

That's what he ultimately did with Buu. Even (Final Form) Freeza had a pretty minimalist design. Cell was an odd duck, probably the result of Toriyama writing by the seat of his pants during the Android saga.


I don't really mind Super being "creatively bankrupt". It's the execution that matters way more to me, and Super has been pretty good at that! But ymmv.

It's not weird. It's true, it's damn true.
Amen, though.

That's what he ultimately did with Buu. Even (Final Form) Freeza had a pretty minimalist design. Cell was an odd duck, probably the result of Toriyama writing by the seat of his pants during the Android saga.
Wasn't Cell a result of editor interference, anyway?

For me personally I kinda want another Yusuke Urameshi type protagonist or Johnny Joestar, characters who insult or snark at other people even the main antagonist
Oh, yeah, that'd be great! Or crazy-ass protagonists, like Ryoma. Then again, My Hero Academia spoilers,
Deku ends up heading in that direction, which is why I like him so much.

Toriyama for an author of one of the biggest franchises in anime and possibly in fiction is a lazy motherfucker
Man, have you seen the schedules manga authors have to deal with?

After a few decades of that, I totally understand Toriyama getting lazy.
That's what he ultimately did with Buu. Even (Final Form) Freeza had a pretty minimalist design. Cell was an odd duck, probably the result of Toriyama writing by the seat of his pants during the Android saga.
Freeza having a minimalist design for the final form makes sense since it got more complex with each transformation, it's probably even a trope.


Wasn't Cell a result of editor interference, anyway?
Which if it was true he didn't like drawing Cell could be how he ended up with his design, first Gero would be the bad guys but editor doesn't like how it was an old guy and a fatso, then Lapis Lazuli but the editor didn't like gems as bad guys care for a bunch teenage thugs and i thing cell had to go through transformations until Perfect before it was perfect
Freeza having a minimalist design for the final form makes sense since it got more complex with each transformation, it's probably even a trope.
Bishonen Line


I'm glad modern shounen are tending towards being pre-written rather than pantsed. Toriyama and everyone else took the easy route and found out it was secretly really fucking hard.


I'm glad modern shounen are tending towards being pre-written rather than pantsed. Toriyama and everyone else took the easy route and found out it was secretly really fucking hard.
reminds of a quote from the OP thread
Oda says that when he was a kid reading Shonen Jump, most of the stories tended to be inconsistent. He liked Kinnikuman around that time.
During that period of Jump, they'd introduce a new character(s) in a big fashion one week and the next week, those characters would quietly be phased out.

Mangaka prioritized writing a fun and interesting story above all else and thus consistency took a backseat.
Kids also didn't really care about just issues and would read it regardless so when Oda decided to become a mangaka, he decided he would make everything consistent.
The past and future and all characters would be connected and wouldn't be phased out like in the past. One Piece represents this objective.

However, currently he says that people have become rather nagging about manga. They will look through the various inconsistencies or contradictions with a more fine tooth comb.
He said that in the past Shonen Jump was read almost exclusively by kids but now adult also read jump so that may be one of the reasons for this "new" nagging.
Now, Mangaka, in order to satisfy these older readers, have to make sure everything is correct and doesn't become inconsistent.

Oda himself feels slightly responsible for this. However, when creating a story, making sure everything is connected or all the events have been properly foreshadowed of hinted; "rules" like these do not exist.
He says that, as a challenge, he created a story where everything is consistent but normally you can freely create stories without having to do all of these.
Stories like "the nutcracker and the mouse king", which were created to entertain people are born through this "free" writing.

However, currently he says that people have become rather nagging about manga. They will look through the various inconsistencies or contradictions with a more fine tooth comb.
He said that in the past Shonen Jump was read almost exclusively by kids but now adult also read jump so that may be one of the reasons for this "new" nagging.
Now, Mangaka, in order to satisfy these older readers, have to make sure everything is correct and doesn't become inconsistent.

Fucking adults and their obsession with continuity. :p


Ooh, nice quotes from Oda.

Yeah, people do kind of put too much on consistency nowadays. I like consistency, but execution's a lot more important.

Fucking adults and their obsession with continuity. :p
"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them"? :v
Amen, though.

Wasn't Cell a result of editor interference, anyway?
Here's the interview with one of them.

Fuyuto Takeda: So you hadn't planned on Cell appearing at all?

Akira Toriyama: That's right. I liked No. 19 and No. 20 just fine. And I liked the initial Cell fine as well.

Fuyuto Takeda: The bug-like one?

Akira Toriyama: But Kondō-san said ”He looks ugly. Of course, he can transform.", so I had no choice but to transform him into his second-form.

Yū Kondō: Was that how it was?

Akira Toriyama: And then you were really awful, Kondō-san. ”This time he looks like a moron, doesn't he? Hurry up and make him into his perfect-form." you said.

Yū Kondō: But he really did look like a moron. (laughs)

Akira Toriyama: With second-form Cell as well, I liked him well enough. Actually, I had wanted him to play a more active role. But since I was told he looked stupid, I had no choice but to change him. (laughs) So I made him into his cool-looking perfect form, which was to Kondō-san‘s liking.


Grant Morrison said:
People say kids can't understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that's bullshit," he says. "Kids understand that real crabs don't sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like 'How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile's tires?' It's a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires!"
At the end of the day, Toriyama was an immensely talented artist, with a bit of a self-deprecating streak. Even if he talks about how shit the hours were and how much he wished he could quit and how he hated the hard work, that doesn't mean he didn't still keep on going.

This is actually what popped into my head reading the Oda quote.


Toriyama can do what he likes as far as i'm concerned because 5 years ago i didn't think i'd ever get more Dragon Ball, but now there's been 2 pretty good movies and a pretty good television series all about a bunch of characters that have been with me since i was like 5 years old and that's amazing.


These are the villains Toriyama's editor thought looked lame, by the way:


Grant Morrison said:
Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it's not real.
^ That's still a great panel.

Honestly, the Android and Cell sagas are so steeped into my brain that I literally cannot fathom an arc where Toriyama stuck to his guns and made 19 & 20 arc-long villains.


Gives all the fucks
Oh man, if we're talkin' Jojo & consistency....

One will be brought up when Part 3 airs (in the very first episode) & a big one in Part


Araki and consistency are in a complicated relationship considering things that were recton dropped due to time and other reasons and things conveniently forgotten


I'm obligated as a giant robot dork to prefer the Pacific Rim one!

that said yeah that one's really good
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