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Toonami |MayJun17| WE ARE ROBOTS

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Sketchbook Picasso


RetroGITS (3/02/14) Lower Left:




I was at work all night and couldnt watch Toonami

Can't believe I missed the end of Gundam Unicorn, that's totally a thing I watched, and understood all the time, and im sad to see such an incredibly non boring show leave the channel


I am so glad that Unicorn is going the way of the dodo on toonami, finally something to keep my interest at 1 in the morning


I'm not sure what Scorpio is supposed to be. Just a super-powered Xbox One?

I feel like the best way for MS to try to punch back against PlayStation now is to somehow work on their game line up, not console performance. Like the reason PlayStation 3 stuck around and was able to bounce back later in its life were exclusives both 1st and 3rd party. People already into the PS ecosystem probably aren't going to buy an expensive console just for better performing multiplats.


I'm a primarily nintendo and PC gamer, so xbox doesn't do much for me, if i were to expand it would be to a playstation for the exclusives since they're more interesting to me.


I mostly play indie games on a PC nowadays, but yeah if I'm going to get a console or handheld, it'd be something from Nintendo or Sony first.


Microsoft owns about 4 studios that make AAA games that are all pretty much locked into the same cycle of Halo/Forza/Gears (which usually end up good games but won't win over a lot of people). Sony has 10+ first party studios and get a good chunk of Japanese developed games as console exclusives by proxy xbox being non existent there.

So I can see why xbox would try and go the console power route. Try and get the audience or at least a hardcore audience that cares mostly about western multiplat games and all that. Not sure how well it will work out for them though.


Sketchbook Picasso
Truthfully, Eren's voice doesn't bother me as much as stupid Batman's does. Batman sounded like a moron trying to hide his voice in an unrealistic way in Dark Knight Returns. I still think it's actually distractingly bad, and a horrible fit for the character. Kevin Conroy is so many levels above that it's ridiculous. Eren sounds like the crazy trywaytoohard uber-angsty protag we've come to know him to be. Some of it is hard to understand, but is that really unfitting for a guy bursting with unchecked, vengeful emotions?

Because the reactions were so strong last night, I took a listen to the JP version. The JP feels like straight anger, while the US version sounds like a transformed, beastly, almost inhuman anger.

I wouldn't like such direction on, say, Mystic Gohan, or an angry Lupin. But for Eren? Sure, why not. It fits my perception of Eren in the English dub version, so it surely didn't take me out of the scene, or make the moments any less effective than they aught to be.

To compare, I don't get anyway near the same type of enjoyment hearing Linda Young or Chrstopher Ayres voice Frieza, as I do out of Ryusei Nakao. But Young totally brings out the "spoiled loser" side of the character fantastically, and Ayres hamming up the vocabulary and clearly attempting to tribute to Nakao's refinement, all make separate, yet believable versions of the character to me.


And since no one else will likely say it, I enjoyed Gundam U's ending, personally. (Especially liked the music video-like ending montage, which the sketch dump was based on). Seeing the cast of original Gundam, grown up and reacting to the fact that the events that set the trajectory of their lives, was built on something of a half-truth, was nice and reflective for the series.

And I really don't find the theme of the younger generation fighting the war of old soldiers all that hard to follow, or boring. It's full of UC hijinks, like space ghost and dead characters that get to participate in current conversations, but I've learned to accept that as part of the franchise for years.

But I'm glad it's over, so I won't have to sample of the extreme taste-whiplash everyone has for the show every week.

At Animazement this year, I sat in a video room as if went from the first 3 or so episodes of Original Sailor Moon, to the first Episodes of Slayers. For a guy who likes the latter enough to have a wallscroll sitting right in front of him at this moment, seeing the room act completely lost on EVERYTHING regarding the show was kinda shocking.

Especially when you go from people who are quoting aspects of one 90's anime by heart, to being completely in the dark about one of Megumi Hayashibara's formative works. Like being in a room of G.I Joe fans who never even heard of Thundercats, or something.

Hopefully Lupin gels a lot better with the general audience.


HxH to Lupin to Shippuden is a fairly good chain, tone-wise. Dragonball to Stardust Crusaders will be too, once AoT ends.

Though I could also see them moving Tokyo Ghoul down at that point, assuming they kept TG and AoT together for their similar tones.


Someone mentioned that HxH is contractually obligated to air no later than 1:30? But whether that's actually true or whether someone at Toonami just likes HxH, it's probably going to stick around in the 1:30 slot 'til it's done. (Moving it up and then back down would be kind of messy, too.)


The main issue with Unicorn is that it was a love letter to a show that never got a dub, and never became that popular in the states. The only Gundam series that have any nostalgia in the west is Seed and G Gundam

G Gundam HD should've been shown instead.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
The main issue with Unicorn is that it was a love letter to a show that never got a dub, and never became that popular in the states. The only Gundam series that have any nostalgia in the west is Seed and G Gundam

G Gundam HD should've been shown instead.


Actually you missed the one Gundam show that is actually popular over here and might reair on TOONAMI.


Note, though, that Wing HD was a straight upscale with a bunch of redraws and had kind of a mixed reaction, and more importantly, changes and adds a bunch of new, undubbed, scenes.

While G Gundam HD was a total by-hand HD upgrade (and looks amazing), and has the same dialogue and scenes as before, so they could port the dub audio straight over.

So they'll probably prefer G Gundam on the balance of things.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wing is popular enough that they might redub it, which while probably for the best would lose it some charm.

I actually really enjoy the SEED and SEED Destiny dubs which is why I haven't watched the remasters despite also enjoying both shows when they aired in Japanese.


SEED and Wing are great group watches if you don't take them seriously, which is how most Gundam is best watched imo

but I'd prefer G Gundam yeah

Man God

Non-Canon Member
G Gundam I feel like is a lot more popular then Seed and Wing

It has also aged the best by far

Gundam Wing is the only Gundam show I'd dare tag with popular. They ran it twice a night and then reran it twice in two different blocks. G Gundam got a run just as TOONAMI was starting to flag and it was the show that followed up the poor showing of Mobile Suit Gundam.

G Gundam has aged the best because it is the best. The only thing that even sniffs at it quality wise is War in the Pocket, and that's basically a Gundam Ghibli movie instead of a wacky ass show.
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