I'm on a fairly tight budget, so I'll probably have a 3DS at most in terms of recent consoles. Maybe even a 2DS if the budget proves too tight, pfft.
But that's separate from whether they could sell well, and Jojo's a big enough cultural property that a hypothetical ArcSys game certainly could.
I mean, sure, the Jojo games don't sell that well. It's not like most of them are that great.I can't find anything on Europe's sales, but JoJo's Bizare Adventure: Eyes of Heaven debuted at number 16 on the Japanese sales chart with about 38,000 with both PS3 and PS4 version sales combined.
Compare that to the first Xenoverse's 78,911 sales in Japan.
But that's separate from whether they could sell well, and Jojo's a big enough cultural property that a hypothetical ArcSys game certainly could.