*Man God slowly fades from existence, his having been revealed to be a contradiction in the fabric of space*

*Man God slowly fades from existence, his having been revealed to be a contradiction in the fabric of space*
*Man God slowly fades from existence, his having been revealed to be a contradiction in the fabric of space*
Man God
I think we need some .gifs of the next Naruto ending.
Don't worry Man God! I'll gather the Dragon Balls and wish you back to life!
....I feel like there is something I am supposed to be doing...
Adult Swim's current "Ruler of Anime" poll is essentially American Anime Fans: The Thing
I'm.....in the home stretch, guys....
I've gotten so far, I can't lose so close to the finish line....but I gotta head into work soon, meaning not much time to finish over the night. Hopefully everyone else will be sleepin, then I can finish when I return home, hopefully at a decent time around 4 to 5 a.m. Took slightly less than 4.5 hours for 7k to 8k, so slightly better than 6k to 7k.
Cross Ange? Cross Ange.
I actually took all of the energy you were sending Zonic's way. But don't worry, you'll all get it back in 2-10 weeks with nothing changed.
Past 8,300 now. Guessing it'll take me 3 more hours to reach the goal. Might as well do it now instead of going to bed & waking up at 2 or 3 p.m. to discover someone else (mainly the one guy who was trailing behind me on Twitter) beat me, & I don't see anyone saying they've done it (with actual proof), so might as well take the advantage of everyone still sleeping.
Might have to have you guys check to make sure DeMarco sees my tweet since I'll be sleeping not long after I finally reach 9,000.
I've hit 8,600. I think my phone needs more rest from how hot it was getting & having trouble keeping up with all the tapping.
8,700. If my phone can keep up & stop randomly restarting the app, probably closer to 9 A.M. when I'll finish.
It's going to be interesting to see what the prize will be. Maybe something relating to Intruder 2?
8,900. I'm almost done & the madness will end...
All your tapping got senpai to notice you.
All your tapping got senpai to notice you.
.....I FINALLY did it, guys........over the course of 6 days.....almost constant tapping aside from sleeping, college class, & my part time job.......I'VE DONE IT. & IT APPEARS I WAS THE FIRST TO DO IT!
All your tapping got senpai to notice you.
.....I FINALLY did it, guys........over the course of 6 days.....almost constant tapping aside from sleeping, college class, & my part time job.......I'VE DONE IT. & IT APPEARS I WAS THE FIRST TO DO IT!
I'M GOING TO SLEEP NOW. If DeMarco needs to contact me for the prize, someone who follows him, PLEASE tell him I fell asleep not long after reaching it & I'll get back to him later today.....or I don't know, link him to this thread to show I'm the same person on Twitter.
I'm sure he'll wait for a response within 24 hours, but just to be safe, ya know?
You forgot to rep ToonamiGAF, Zonic. For shame.