Line is a mean person and a huge bully with shit taste in fighting game characters, anime, and sports teams.

Line is a mean person and a huge bully with shit taste in fighting game characters, anime, and sports teams.
is that good or bad
Space Dandy "before Japan" deal for SAO 3!
Everyone, join me in bullying Line.
He clearly needs some bullying for his own good.
You're gonna get Psycho Pass and Aldnoah Zero, and you're gonna like it.
Line is a mean person and a huge bully with shit taste in fighting game characters, anime, and sports teams.
Looks like you guys just......
....crossed the line.
What I find hilarious about this in hindsight is that earlier in that very episode we see her in just her underwear, but later her skirt magically stays down long enough for her to grab it so we don't get a panty shot.
Oh? That's interesting.
Let's see how Dimension W goes.
Dimension W and My Hero Academia simuldub on Toonami confirmed.
Seeing the recent track record for Gundam outside of GBF I will probably question this.TOM defeats the intruder because he had his own special Gundam hidden away, leading to a brand new Gundam series coming to Toonami.
Dimension W and My Hero Academia simuldub on Toonami confirmed.
is that good or bad
I am trying to figure out how insane the thinking should be. Is the line something like Madoka Magicka coming to Toonami or even more insane like a Toonami revival of Black Dynamite?
No one will guess = We can't afford anything people actually want.
Until proven otherwise, I'll remain pessimistic.
Yea, the thing is IBO on Toonami isn't unexpected, nor is DBS, Jojo, Dimension W or even My Hero Academia. Some are unlikely due to circumstance but I don't think that is what Demarco is going for here. It seems to be more total curveball that you just will not think about.
His earlier hype tweet was that 2016 was going to be bigger than this or last year, which were pretty big all things considered.
I wonder if that is to be taken literally?
subbed anime finally coming to toonami
Yea, the thing is IBO on Toonami isn't unexpected, nor is DBS, Jojo, Dimension W or even My Hero Academia. Some are unlikely due to circumstance but I don't think that is what Demarco is going for here. It seems to be more total curveball that you just will not think about.
LolGundam will never come back to Toonami, and I kind of don't want it to.
I'm kind of exhausted by it more and more.
The other times he hyped something big they ended up being DBZ Kai, One Piece, the Sentai shows, and Space Dandy. He's got a fairly good reputation when it comes to hyping stuff.
It's not like it was ever going to come anyway.well, so much for Toonami......
Hunter X Hunter starts streaming on Hulu on the 1st of December. It's not dubbed, but I'm sure this is the sign of an exclusive.
Space Dandy is the only big thing on that list.
Followed by the Sentai shows because they're at least premiers of their dubs.
Most of Toonami is stuff that's old and available elsewhere for a while (even if you limit yourself to the dub versions of Naturo, Kai, OP).
A before Japan (by more than hours) release or original series is the only thing that could really be considered "big", if the block had multiple (or a majority) of those, it might elevate it out of the niche of a block where people rewatch stuff they've seen in Japanese (if they're in the niche of people who are willing to watch anime and also willing to watch it dubbed).
Somebody give me the sparknotes on Dimension W.
is that good or bad
I'm not sure I like the sound of this. give me the sparknotes on Dimension W.
They're co-funding the new FMP season and are going to show the entire series in the build up to the simulcast.
Still trying to figure out how Full Metal Panic never got a rn on television back in the boom period.
Toonami extends the block by an hour and announces a SoL anime section launching with Cromartie High and Spice and Wolf.
Guize im on the bus after eork and someone is watching anime in a seat in front of me I dont know what to do halp