Remember that totally satisfying ending Gainax did for Panty & Stocking?
BONES ending>Gecko ending, so I can remind people that FMA had an atrocious ending.
Earn Your Happy Ending endings are my favourite and the manga/Brotherhood's is perfect for me.
They didn't earn shit! He flim flammed the system!
They earn the happy ending in 2003...and don't get it!
If you told me Akame ga Kill was in filler already, I'd believe you.
wait there's filler to come?
also, why does filler have to be lame? do they not ever hire good writers for these shows or something? I don't understand how anime works.
why were zombies a factor of Father's plan
FMA's ending is glorious. Bond of two brothers, Al being the philosopher's stone. Christianity being a small time cult that got turned into a previous stone. The fight at Bradley's house. Plus, the opening and ending songs.
The actual last few minutes of the show are touching as shit. Then Shambalambadingdong happens....yeah.
FMA kinda had an atrocious final third honestly
Yes because that ending is amazing. They had the fucking balls to go "See you in Season 2" when a Season 2 wasn't even planned to happen. You gotta respect that.
So I just did some research.
That art right there isn't official.
It's a photoshop by a fan.
Source of the shop? That's what I get for trusting OT I guess :/![]()
It's just a shop of [URL=""]this.
I could link you to the person who did, but that would mean linking to tumblr.
And I would have to ask Seda to ban me if I did that.
Someone hold him to this
then blackmail him in pms
The thread title is a lie!my blu-ray drive is busted, got a new one on the way so no new gifs for awhile.
So i picked up blazblue for the first time last night and the first character im maining is a girl with a red headed ponytail, has a weapon the size of her entire body, and won't stop talking about justice in all of her battle/win quotes.
I don't have a problem, right guys?
Ah, Tsubaki.
Nah, you don't have a problem.
The thread title is a lie!
In other news, the trailer for the new Yu-Gi-Oh! movie looks pretty dope.
She's Izayoi in the most recent game.
I'll never understand blazblue lore
Other than Mortal Kombat, I think Blazblue has the dumbest lore.
But nothing will ever beat Mortal Kombat in terms of pure stupidity.
I would be too happy if they got this dubbed with the old cast.
I'd say there's a 90% chance that it will happen. The world needs more Dan Green.
It's been a while since I watched Toonami. I think it's about time I get back on that.