Year of dreams continues to deliver with a new berserk anime being announced covering the next story arc
Year of dreams continues to deliver with a new berserk anime being announced covering the next story arc
Idolm@ster > Berserk
For Miura, that is.
The downside being Miura is going on hiatus until Summer. Just as they got off the boat...
Also, to anyone that wants to avoid One Piece spoilers, avoid the English trailer for Burning Blood.
The JP Gurren Lagann Twitter account posted a link to a "Coming Soon" website.
C-Could it be were getting another Gurren Laggan?!
EDIT: Why in the god damned hell do I see Konami's name their?!
This is a god damned Pachinko machine isn't it?!
God Damnit...
Didn't he spend years on a boat and then the characters got off and said 'Well that didn't take very long.'
I can't even get remotely excited for the new Berserk thing if it's another CG movie or more Golden Age and it seems to be a tradeoff since Miura went on hiatus again until next summer, fuck that.
C-Could it be were getting another Gurren Laggan?!
EDIT: Why in the god damned hell do I see Konami's name their?!
This is a god damned Pachinko machine isn't it?!
God Damnit...
Why would you want another TTGL? That's not even possible since Gainax owns it but most of the people who worked on it are at Trigger.
I wouldn't want another TTGL because the story ended at a great point and there's no need to revisit it.
I wouldn't want another TTGL because the story ended at a great point and there's no need to revisit it.
I don't think Trigger/Gainax could get a budget that big enough to remake TTGL. The show sold, but it wasn't smash success over in Japan.
I highly doubt Gurren Lagann did well enough for Adult Swim to throw money at a sequel so soon.Unless something like Toonami decided they wanted in and threw in some cash.
Uh yeah you should.I suppose I should do that nomination thing huh
For simplicity's sake let's assume they would always begin by airing Parts 1/2.Edit: Actually, let's get this confirmed: If we nominate Jojo for "show most wanted on Toonami", are we counting ALL the seasons, just Part 3, or including the upcoming Part 4 anime airing in April?
people who don't read/watch every single jojo part in order are monsters
My thoughts exactly, considering Part 2 is another of my favorites.It's surprisingly hard to drag people into the series with part 1 though, while part 2 grabs people instantly.
It's surprisingly hard to drag people into the series with part 1 though, while part 2 grabs people instantly.
Part 1 episode 1 has Dio which should grab anyone
Part 1 has almost 0 "action" for about 3 episodes.
JoJo doesn't get truly Bizarre until Part 6, which is just a constant stream of nonsense
Part 1 has better characters in comparison to Part 2, but the story of Part 2 is more enjoyable than Part 1.
It's gonna be black swordsman stuff, which is everything around the golden age.
Did someone say Black Swordsman?
That's pretty much the reason why parts 2 & 4 are my favorites, it expands upon the ideas introduced in the previous parts and makes them even cooler/enjoyable/more interesting. That's not to say Parts 1 & 3 are bad, it's just that they were more of laying the foundation down.Part 1 gets a bad wrap because part 2 is so amazing. Much like Diamond is Unbreakable compared to Stardust Crusaders, Araki likes to try new ideas and then the next series he goes hog wild with it.
Is that the black guy who was sexually harassing the maid?Did someone say Black Swordsman?
Did someone say Black Swordsman?
Did someone say Black Swordsman?