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Toonami |NovDec15| It's Man God's world, we're just posting in it


Your favorite Toonami waifu is shit.





Other than the fight against Maul, the prequel fights are shit.


In fact, the prequels made me realize the Jedi were basically completely incompetent, both in combat and out.

I actually really liked the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight.

Obi-Wan and Jango should have finished that fight in the arena, instead of Windu coming in and ending Fett disappointingly.
I think you guys pointing out all the dumb moments in the various prequel fights kinda proves my point. All those fights are full of memorable moments that we continue to talk about years later good or bad... Heck even the Luke Vader duels have lots of memorable moments and fun things they do with the areas they fight in, the lighting, etc. tfa spoilers ahead
finn vs ren and rey vs ren take place in the exact same generic snowy forest and is a battle where one combatant is completely over his head and gets wrecked only saved from death because Ren sucks, a girl who only just awakened to the force and is figuring it out as she goes, and a guy who split his stats evenly between two classes and isn't proficient at either. Neither is trained to fight like the jedi of old and neither is competent enough with the force to really battle each other much with that either which leads to fight that while you're emotionally invested in isn't very exciting to watch

Tl;dr, if you showed someone tfa's duel with no context of the characters/story then showed any prequel duel with no context of the characters/story everyone would prefer any prequel fight because they are flashier.


I enjoyed the movie, but I really don't like the crazed fans. They really don't like getting told of the problems with some parts, I feel...


I'm a crazy person who thinks that Episode 1 is the best of the prequels.
I can understand people who think that Ep 3 is the best one, but I can't believe people who think that Episode 1 is worse than Episode 2, which is one of the worst movies I have ever paid money to see.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm a crazy person who thinks that Episode 1 is the best of the prequels.
I can understand people who think that Ep 3 is the best one, but I can't believe people who think that Episode 1 is worse than Episode 2, which is one of the worst movies I have ever paid money to see.

I'm pretty close to that opinion myself. The parts of episode 1 that work really work. It's just that the parts that don't, yeesh.
I'm a crazy person who thinks that Episode 1 is the best of the prequels.
I can understand people who think that Ep 3 is the best one, but I can't believe people who think that Episode 1 is worse than Episode 2, which is one of the worst movies I have ever paid money to see.

Episode 2 is bogged down horribly by the Anakin/Padme love story sub plot. Remove those scenes or heavily edit it down and the film becomes a lot more bareable. I do agree as released Episode 1 > Episode 2 though I feel a good fan edit might make Episode 2 more enjoyable then it could episode 1.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The best part of the prequels is the intrigue scenes and the plotting, which is bananas when you consider that the series is famous for, well, not being about that. The stuff the original trilogy is good at the prequels are absolutely terrible at.


why the fuck hasn't there been a star wars anime

they made those bad marvel ones

too busy making good-ass American cartoons. Both versions of Clone Wars were great, and Rebels is pretty good too.

No other Star Wars cartoons ever existed.
I kinda liked Darth Maul but he suffered the Star Wars villian syndrome by going out anti climatically. At least the Clone Wars redeemed him somewhat unlike General Grievous.

After watching the original trilogy, I did find it funny how much the prequels built up the emperor as being all powerful and knowing everything, yet in the OG trilogy all it took was some guy with one hand to sneak up behind him to throw him down a reactor shaft to kill him.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A fan actually gave him that date. No, seriously, it went like this.

Fan: Hey, Oda. Can Chopper's birthday be on Christmas Eve because he's a reindeer and he has a blue nose that's similar to Rudolph's red nose?


Yes I know. I'm calling that likely ten year old out. Reindeers ain't all about Christmas! That's speciest!
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