It's not like her previous design wasn't cute.

y is maka uguu
It's not like her previous design wasn't cute.
I like how Soul Eater Not ruined the likable stylized Soul Eater designs.
It ends around chapter 81, which would be volume....9, I think? So you've got QUITE a ways before the manga catches up with the anime in the states.Are there Prison School fans here?
Does anyone know how many volumes the anime covers? I bought the first volume and really like it, but the next one comes out in a few weeks and then the 3rd one comes out in March. I'd like to wait because the manga seems great, but I also just want more of the story.
It ends around chapter 81, which would be volume....9, I think? So you've got QUITE a ways before the manga catches up with the anime in the states.
Seda, run a comparison on past marathon ratings.
MOTIVATION RETURNED!! I'm at level 315 now.DeMarco on twitter said first to level 9000 on the app gets a prize and that AgK marathon ratings were a success beat "the competition" and did better then a movie would have
Leave it to DeMarco to trumpet merely beating some of the worst ratings of the post-revival era as some kind of "in your face, haters!" triumph.
Those in-demo numbers for the AKG marathon are Adult Swim Action level numbers.
I don't think comparing a rerun marathon on a holiday night to asa premier numbers is a fair comparison either way
I've reached level 701 with 31,500 taps on the Toonami app.
.....that prize is gonna be worth it, right? Or at the very least, the honor of ToonamiGAF depends on someone here earning the title of reaching it first?
You score "double" during a Toonami airing, so could probably try to tap like hell during commercials & during Shippuden.
Maybe Demarco will tease what the prize is the closer people get. I don't want "I tapped an icon a crapton of times & all I got was this Toonami shirt."
Poor summer children don't know what winter is like.True it's not completely fair, though you might be forgetting how ASA nights used to work. You guys are a little spoiled by all premieres, all the time, maybe. 2 or 3 premieres in a 6 hour programming block used to be a pretty busy night under the old ASA system.
Can someone explain to me how this Toonami app even works?
I reached level 1,000. 46,500 taps. & now it takes a whopping 200 taps (though one tap = 3 taps/points for some reason, so, closer to 65 per level) to level up.
I think I underestimated how long it was going to take to beat Demarco's challenge.
You're not even at his final trump card yet.
Or his 2nd and REAL Trump Card!
Bwong? His final trump card is the Undertaker? Final boss of many wrestling games from 2000-2010?!?
Just generic booming dramatic sounds like Inception, is all.
What is Yugi doing?
I mentioned that during TOONAMI the friend I was watching it with could only take so much AGK and we took an hour break before the sexy Exdeath episode to watch the pilot of Fate/Zero.
We enjoyed the show but when various people were trumpeting which historical figure/spirit animal/whatever the fuck they were summoning I blurted out, I summon POT OF GREED, giving me two historical figures and we couldn't stop laughing for a good five minutes.