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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


Man God

Non-Canon Member
The block went from no ultra sexy Crispin Freeman voice, to having him appear briefly in Shippuden, to having none again, to now having him involved in three shows in the block.


don't tease anything

dude this episode is amazing
its blacklagoonviolent/10
theyve said fuck more times than i can count
Jesus had a cameo *with* hatsune miku as they killed nazis

I forgot i was going to watch ep 3 now, i should do that

On episode 57 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mother Talzin (the one with an outfit only slightly more ridiculous than Padme) invites her old buddy Count Dooku over for drinks. But this is no booty call; Dooku is in the market for a new henchperson after he was ordered to assassinate his last one. Talzin may have just the thing, and brings up Darth Maul. Obviously she doesn’t have Darth Maul himself because he’s dead and that would just be silly, but she knows where to get another like him.


This plan is relayed to Asajj Ventress, who is unimpressed that Dooku’s choice for a next apprentice would be a “barbarian.” A savage, if you will. But the Nightsisters still haven’t forgiven Dooku for the attempt on Ventress’s life, so they don’t plan to just hand him an apprentice. They plan to hand him a sleeper agent that they can manipulate when the time is right. So Ventress, decked out in some hoodie-dress-thing, heads off to Dathomir to find its most eligible bachelor.


Fun fact: Wookiepedia informs me that these horned, facial-tattoo-having dudes are actually the male equivalent of what the Nightsisters are. Like, genetically. When a mommy Dathomiri and a daddy Dathomiri love each other very much, they pop out either something that looks like Ventress or something that looks like Darth Maul. So, back to our boys. The meaner-looking one is called Savage Opress, but it’s pronounced Suh-VAHJ because the writers think the name becomes less silly when you say it differently. He’s voiced by Clancy Brown. The other one is named Feral, who I will henceforth refer to as Private Pyle for reasons you’ll see in a minute. He’s very clearly voiced by the guy who does all the clones. Savage warns Private Pyle not to do anything too fancy since he wants the gig, but Pyle assures Savage that he’s kind of a scrub by comparison anyway.


Ventress tells the man in charge that she’s here for the “selection,” so everybody lines up to strut their stuff. She doesn’t like what she sees and starts beating the shit out of a couple of them. She chokes out the pretty boy, slaps the short one, and gut punches one who isn’t muscley enough. Eventually she settles on a group that includes Savage and Private Pyle. She informs the lucky contestants that it’s time for boot camp, and only a single Darth Maul lookalike will emerge the victor.


First up, it’s six-on-one. The men get weapons, Ventress gets her fists, her feet, and the Force. She makes short work of pretty much everyone, even catching one guy’s spear and then throwing it back through his stomach. We soon learn that Savage isn’t all that savage; when Ventress knocks Pyle flat on his ass, Savage checks to see if he’s okay instead of attacking. Then Savage gets decked in the face.


With four men left standing, round two amounts to Ventress running around in the dark with some bladed weapon, cutting people open until she can be stopped. After another pair falls, Savage grabs Pyle and hits the deck just in time, which impresses Ventress. Pyle’s facial expression shows that he knows he’s screwed.


In the final round, big stone blocks rise out of the ground to form a maze through which Ventress will chase Savage and Pyle. Why? Good question. They sort of explained that the last one was supposed to test reaction time, but this one doesn’t really seem to accomplish anything that a straight fight wouldn’t. At least it looks nice, right? As you’d expect, Ventress corners Pyle and is about to kill him before Savage intervenes. He begs her to spare Pyle’s life and fight only him, to which she agrees. After a brief kung fu interlude, Savage says that his life belongs to her. “Damn straight,” Ventress says. Not verbatim, of course, but you get the point.


Our lucky boy Savage is the proud recipient of a lifetime of servitude! Ventress takes him to the Nightsisters, where Talzin knocks him out and everyone else begins to perform some freaky magic to make him better, faster, and stronger than he was before. His horns grow longer, his muscles grow bigger, and finally Savage emerges as the man we will later come to call Captain America Dooku's apprentice.


Savage isn’t much in the way of a happy camper. He grabs Ventress by the neck because….y’know, she killed his friends and stuff. She demands to be released from his grip, and Talzin tells her to ask nicely. When she does, Savage relaxes his grip. Ventress knows he’s just antsy to get his hands around a neck, so she takes pity on him and brings in a prisoner for just this purpose: Private Pyle. Under her orders, Savage snaps his neck. It’s a nice touch that the transformation seems to have affected Savage’s brain function, as he only speaks in short, grunted sentences now.


The Sisters present Savage with a fancy new blade and some snazzy armor and take him to meet his new master. Dooku is impressed and assigns Savage his first mission: capture a Jedi-held temple. Savage savagely cuts through droid and clone alike once he touches down on the battlefield. He soon confronts a Jedi, who he kills pretty much immediately as a Padawan watches in horror. Then Savage kills the youngling. Dooku tells Savage that he’s gonna go far, and that if he sticks with him they can overthrow Darth Sidious and rule the galaxy together (he’s very trusting.)

Overall, I like this episode. I think it covers a lot of ground, but unlike the previous episode it doesn't feel rushed. It's fun as hell to see Ventress just be as villainous as she can be to these poor guys, and the fight scenes aren't bad either with some surprisingly brutal moments. The only thing I'm not a fan of is Private Pyle, because he makes the direction the story is going to go really obvious and he feels more like a plot device than a character.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
ITT: 15-20+ hour VN's aren't really that long

Looking at my three hundred hour MH3U save file or the thousands of hours put into Pokémon, Smash, MMOs, what have you, yeah those games aren't that long.

They are biggish for VN style games, but then again they're not pure VN either.
Looking at my three hundred hour MH3U save file or the thousands of hours put into Pokémon, Smash, MMOs, what have you, yeah those games aren't that long.

They are biggish for VN style games, but then again they're not pure VN either.

In some ways I wish they were, because the puzzle parts basically just interrupt the flow of the story. Yes yes Zero Escape series spoiler
the awesome twist in 999 is lost if you remove the puzzles and dual screen
other then that though I almost would prefer the puzzles not be there.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hell no, I hate VNs without at least a bit of something else thrown in. Ace Attorney is the bare minimum of interaction I want in a game like that. 999/VLR have excellent puzzles.


Looking at my three hundred hour MH3U save file or the thousands of hours put into Pokémon, Smash, MMOs, what have you, yeah those games aren't that long.

They are biggish for VN style games, but then again they're not pure VN either.

I wish I had that much time to put into games these days.

Like, I got Mordor, but haven't even started it yet because I've had other things going on

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I wish I had that much time to put into games these days.

Like, I got Mordor, but haven't even started it yet because I've had other things going on

I have no time for games anymore, just an hour or two a day.

Enough money to buy the games, not enough time to play them. MH3U's play time represents most of the gaming I've done since the year began. The only other major gaming milestone I had was seriously decreasing my backlog earlier this year with the 1-2 hour a day backlog project.

Anytime I've had a legit no commitments day off though I've put in work. I get one of those...about once a month now.



"Hellsing Ultimate" a Winner for Adult Swim Summer Ratings

American cable TV's summer ratings are out and while TNT was basic cable's #1 network in primetime, Adult Swim finished the period with a strong September. For the month, Adult Swim topped basic cable networks for Total Day Delivery of adults 18-24, 18-34 & 18-49 and men 18-24 & 18-34. Hellsing Ultimate in particular notably ranked #1 in its 3:00am Saturday night time period among adults 18-34 and men 18-24/18-34.

In general, most of the Toonami programming's new episode premieres earned delivery gains among all targeted men vs. the same time period last year. Adult Swim programming accounted for 22 of the top 50 telecasts on basic cable for September among adults 18-34, and 14 of the top 50 with men 18-34, both more than any other network.

via TVByTheNumbers
"Hellsing Ultimate in particular notably ranked #1 in its 3:00am Saturday night time period among adults 18-34 and men 18-24/18-34."

this does not sound very notable


"Hellsing Ultimate in particular notably ranked #1 in its 3:00am Saturday night time period among adults 18-34 and men 18-24/18-34."

this does not sound very notable

We have seen the actual numbers though ans we know they have been impressive for that timeslot. Hellsing Ultimate at 2 AM should do even better.
We have seen the actual numbers though ans we know they have been impressive for that timeslot. Hellsing Ultimate at 2 AM should do even better.

oh i'm not denying that it's good for Toonami itself, but when you put "notable" next to "3am" it looks kind of funny


how can you ban something that is non canon?

you can't get rid of filler content it just...exist

You just drop it. Never to speak of it again, just like pretty much all of the filler characters in Bleach. Hell, even some of the canon ones get forgotten every now and again.


Mordor can be really fun went you've got a groove going and you're downing orcs left and right. I have a younger brother who I'm considering getting that and a PS4 for xmas. He's a lotr nut and would really love it I think.
Mordor can be really fun went you've got a groove going and you're downing orcs left and right. I have a younger brother who I'm considering getting that and a PS4 for xmas. He's a lotr nut and would really love it I think.

You mean seda?

I actually don't know which of you is the older twin.
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